Giving is Thanking - Food Drive and Mission Offering
This Sunday we will dedicate all the food and gifts which have been generously given in the Giving is Thanking drive.  You can still bring food this week.

There are two ways you can make a difference...
  1. This month our mission offering will be used to purchase turkeys for those in need living in the Baruch Housing Project and the Lower East Side Domestic Violence Shelter. Click here to give online or look for envelopes at the back of the Sanctuary.
  2. Bring food that is needed and distributed to those same families. Click here for the "shopping list" of what is being collected through November 22. 
This Sunday
  • 9:45  -- Talking About Prayer
  • 11:00 -- Worship (Childcare every Sunday)
  • 11:00 -- Sunday School meets during the service after the children's sermon. 
  • 12:15 -- Fellowship
  • 12:30 -- Historic Plymouth Tour
  • 12:30 -- 4:00 -- Underground Thrift Store
  • 12:30 -- Youth Group
  • 5:00 -- Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at Our Lady of Lebanon
This Week
Happy Birthdays - Nov. 19 - Nov. 24    
Happy Birthday to:  Billy, Vicki, Cordelia, Liam, Connor, Teddy and Corbett 
Happy belated birthday to Isabel Kulko (Nov. 15)
Is your birthday this week?  Please click here to let us know.  We'll wish you a belated birthday!! 
Lois Rosebrooks Thank You Celebration - Nov. 20   
A celebration to honor Lois Rosebrooks as she prepares to retire to Delaware after more than 50 years at Plymouth Church, serving as soloist, historian, Sunday School coordinator, tour leader, and much, much more. 
Movie Night - UP!! / Nov. 20 @ 5:30
Sunday School children are invited to join us for free play in the gym, pizza and a movie. 

Thanksgiving Interfaith Service / Nov. 22 @ 5pm 
Plymouth is participating in this special interfaith service to be held at Our Lady of LebanonAll are welcome.
Upcoming Events
Greening of the Church - Dec. 4 @ 6pm   Sign up Here 
There is much to do during for the Greening. Let's make this year the most beautiful! We need prep help prior to the Greening. Families, Confirmation Students, and Teens are encouraged to volunteer.
Save the Dates
Reach for the Stars Toy Drive - Nov. 23 - Dec. 13 
How many of us would give the children in our lives another child's used toys for Christmas because we couldn't afford new ones?  Too often that is the only option for parents and caregivers of the children of Colony Houses. Colony has offered humanitarian services to the disadvantaged people of Brooklyn since 1904.  After Thanksgiving lets all Reach for the Stars that will be on Christmas trees at church.  The stars will have a suggested new toy for a boy or girl.  There will be other surprise opportunities.  Be on the lookout for our pop-up shop.  As we prepare to follow THE star, lets all be generous as we Reach for the Stars!  
Advent Begins - Nov. 29 
We begin the First Sunday of Advent by creating Advent Wreaths during Fellowship Hour.
Women's Book Club - Jan. 12 @ 7pm 
We are taking a December holiday.  Click here for January book info.
About Us

Plymouth Church
75 Hicks St.
Brooklyn, New York 11201

Our Staff

 A complete list of Council, Committee and Ministry members.