Wish you were here...
Our Summer Postcard Campaign just went digital! Now you can see everyone's summer travels online as well as on the Hillis bulletin board... Click here for an online album of your postcards...we will post new ones as they arrive...so keep them coming!
Make your Mission Offering  /
Rockland Sister Cities Project
 This is a small Rockland County organization collecting clothes, educational and fun supplies and sending them to those in need in two cities in Nicaragua. Please support Rockland Sister Cities using a Mission Offering Envelope, or give online (select "Mission Offering" as the fund). 
Kick it Off at Plymouth / Sept. 13 
Join us in Beecher Garden for a light morning snack, sing a few favorites and say hi to friends you haven't seen in a while.  We will process together into church.

Light snack in Beecher Garden, 10:45 a.m.
Worship, 11 a.m.  (Childcare is always available)
Sunday School, 11 a.m.
Kick-Off BBQ, 12:15 p.m.
Underground Thrift Store Fall Opening, 12:30 pm 
Sunday at Plymouth
12th Sunday after Pentecost
  • 10:00 - Worship                                                  (Childcare every summer Sunday)
  • 10:00 -- Sunday School meets during the service after the children's sermon. 
  • 11:00 -- Fellowship
  • 11:15 -- Historic Plymouth Tour
VBC 2015 in Photos
Thank you Sweet Pea Photographer Tracy Lantz for awesome photos.  Click Here
Thank you Penelope Kulko for more amazing photos.  Click Here
Thank you Plymouth Youth Group for great photos from your travels.  Click Here
Book Club / NEW DATE Oct 13
Our next Book Club date has been moved to Tues Oct 13. At 7pm we will discuss The Most Famous  Man in America.  Everyone is welcome!   Click here for more info.

"Everybody can be great.....because anybody can serve."  Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Shelter @ Plymouth / October 4-29

Start looking at your schedules.  

Every year, we welcome homeless members of our community, and share with them home-cooked meals, a safe place to sleep, and fellowship. Look for opportunities to sign up soon to cook and be hosts.   
Our Buildings are getting some TLC 
Plymouth is blessed with amazing facilities, and with those come responsibilities. In the next few weeks you will see scaffolding erected as preparations are made to refurbish and repair our windows and roofs.  This is the continuation of efforts started a few years ago in response to a thorough professional report on our buildings which resulted in our building "bucket list."  The Council and Finance Committee are reviewing options on how best to fund this necessary project. In a few months, we'll be blessed to have completed these items on the list.  
Feeling a little blue?

We could tell by the picture in the Church online directory! When people don't know what you look like when they see your information in the directory, it makes it hard for them to know you when they see you. When they don't know your face they are less likely to talk to you. That makes you feel blue. Its time for you to change your picture in the online directory and stop feeling blue! Watch this video to see how. 

 John J. Scibilia, CCA  ~ Editor
Amy Harnell ~ Graphics
� 2015, Plymouth Church.
August 20, 2015

The Staff

Rev. Tom Lenhart
Interim Senior Minister

Rev. Jane Huber
Interim Assistant Minister

Bruce Oelschlager
Minister of Music

Julia Rassmann
Director of  Ministry to Children & Families

John J. Scibilia
Executive Administrator

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