November 2013

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

For His mercy endures forever.

Psalm 136:1


Happy Thanksgiving from the P.R.A.Y. Staff!
PRAY UPDATE for members of BSA

Celebrate Scout Sunday/Sabbath

Find Out What One Congregation Will be Doing in February



February may seem like a long ways away, but plans for Scout Sunday are well underway for Arlington United Methodist Church. Located just outside of Memphis, Tennessee, Arlington UMC has plans to present CERTIFICATES to religious award recipients, have a YOUTH-LED WORSHIP SERVICE, and enjoy a home-cooked SPAGHETTI LUNCHEON AND DESSERT hosted by the Scouts and their leaders. Wow. 

Click here to read more about how the Scouting Ministries of Arlington UMC celebrate Scout Sunday.
Youth Religious Emblem Recipient

Not many people stop by the P.R.A.Y. office, so when Benjamin came with his mom and even brought his pizza box along, we had to take a picture! Here he is showing off the pizza he made for the God and Family award.


From Benjamin: "I remember decorating the box the best. I liked the cheese lesson the best. My favorite thing was when we made pizzas."


From Mother Lori: "It has given him a better understanding of why we have rules in our family and how truly blessed he has been."
Adult Religious Emblem Recipient

Frederick V. Roberts, Committee Member of Pack 338 and Troop 1906, was presented the St. George Award of the Episcopal Church by Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Engle on Sunday, September 1, 2013 at the St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church in Prairie View, Texas. Members of Pack 338, Troop 1906 and of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. were present to congratulate him. 

Note: Adult award recipients are individuals who have rendered outstanding service to young people through Scouting AND their congregation.

Do you know Scout leaders who are active in their faith community? Find out how to nominate them for a religious recognition and encourage them in their service to youth.

Meet Gene Butler
Staff Advisor to National Religious Relationships Task Force

Gene Butler has been working with the National Religious Relationships Task Force since early fall 2013.  He began his scouting career in 1996 as a district executive In Kansas City, Missouri.  In 1999, Gene was promoted to senior district executive in Wichita, Kansas.  In 2003, he was promoted to field director in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 2008, he became a field director in St. Louis, Missouri, where he has had the opportunity to work with council board members and community stakeholders working diligently to enhance and develop young people in hard to serve areas. In addition, throughout his career, Gene has gained experience serving urban, suburban and rural areas.  He presently serves at the National Office as Business Development Specialist with the Community Alliances team. A graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, Oklahoma, Gene is Wood Badge trained and a brotherhood member in the Order of the Arrow.  Gene is married to Carmen and they have one son Grant.  

Usage Figures
Price Increase Notices
  • P.R.A.Y. - The standard shipping/handling fee for award orders will be $4.50 effective December 1, 2013.  The Duplication Fee (for copied booklets) will be $3.00.
  • National Jewish Committee on Scouting - Prices of the Maccabee, Aleph, Ner Tamid, and Etz Chaim award packages will be $16.00 (plus standard registration and shipping/handling fees). Please note that the application forms have been revised (the required signatures have changed). Click here for more information.  
  • Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting - New prices will go into effect December 1, 2013: St. George $12.00, Chi Rho $18.00, and Alpha Omega $20.00 (plus standard registration and shipping/handling fees). Click here for more information.
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