Lake Washington High School PTSA Newsletter  
         March 30, 2016 | Issue 15
In This Issue
Kang Crier Links

sidebarCo-editors Karen Peters & Debbie Ohman:
Quick Links

~ Upcoming Events ~

TODAY! PTSA Mini-Seminar: How to Make the Most 
of Your College Visits - Local and Out-of-State
Wednesday, March 30, 12:40pm, College & Career Center

TODAY! Talent Show Auditions 
Wednesday, March 30, After School 
TONIGHT! PTSA General Meeting with Parent Ed: Best Summer Plans for High School Students 
Wednesday, March 30, 7-8:30pm, Library

Spring Break - No School
Monday, April 4 - Friday, April 8 
Sheeley Scholarship Applications Due
Monday, April 11, College & Career Center

LWSD PTSA Scholarship Applications Due
Monday, April 11, 6pm

Graduation Speech Signups
Monday, April 11 - Friday, April 15, 2:30pm, Main Office 
Counseling Center's Parent Night Presentation: Selecting a College
Monday, April 11, 6:30pm, Theater

Coffee with Christina
Wednesday, April 13, 9-10am, College & Career Center

PTSA Mini-Seminar: Majors for the Future
Wednesday, April 13, 12:40pm, Library

Talent Show
Wednesday, April 13, 7pm, Theater

Sign Waving for the LWSD Bond
Wednesday, April 13, Before & After School, Intersection of  85th and 120th

Door-Bell with Teachers for the LWSD Bond
Saturday, April 16, 9:30am-12:30pm 

PTSA Mini-Seminar: How to Prep for a College Fair
Wednesday, April 20, 12:40pm, College & Career Center

Future of the Senior Party Town Hall Discussion
Wednesday, April 20, 7-8pm, Library

Brown Bag Lunch: Career & College Readiness: Make Sure Your Child is Future-Ready
Thursday, April 21, 12-1pm, LWSD Resource Center 

From the Co-Presidents
Spring is here, and the PTSA is thinking about seniors and graduation! We provide several programs aimed at seniors:
Senior Party 2016! Now is the time to purchase tickets for your senior, seats are limited. What is Senior Party? It's an all-night, safe and fun-filled post-graduation party. Senior Party was born from concerned parents who wanted a chaperoned, fun, safe, alcohol-free, tobacco-free and drug-free way for their graduating seniors to celebrate their accomplishments. Your senior won't want to miss this special evening...the last event spent with all their classmates.
What happens at the Senior Party? The new graduates will leave from LW around 10:30pm on graduation night for the 
first surprise venue. Check out for places and activities that have been enjoyed in the past. Plenty of food and non-alcoholic beverages are served. Around 2am they head to the second surprise venue with even more activities and a continental breakfast. Buses will deliver them back to LW around 6am
Bus signups and ticket sales are going on all this week during lunch. See below for more information.

Senior Salute: Families will be able to celebrate with their graduates and friends at the PTSA's annual Senior Salute on Tuesday, June 7, 7-8:30pm. The evening includes student performances, refreshments and plenty of photo ops featuring our graduating seniors in cap-and-gown splendor! More information to follow as the date gets closer.
Sheeley Scholarship: Don't forget to encourage your kids to apply for a Sheeley Scholarship. This year the LWHS PTSA has budgeted to provide four $1,000 scholarships to students graduating and enrolling in a two- or four-year college. Scholarships will be awarded to seniors who exemplify the characteristics of academic excellence, service to the school and community, perseverance, and dedication toward their future goals. These scholarship applications are read by a committee of non-senior parents, and all student names are removed from the applications to make them anonymous. For more information and to download an application, see the article below. Applications are due Monday, April 11.
Our Nominating Committee has put together an excellent slate of candidates for next year's LWHS PTSA Board of Directors. Elections will be held tonight at the Membership Meeting at 7pm
LWHS PTSA Co-Presidents

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Tonight! PTSA Meeting with Parent Ed: Best Summer Plans for High School StudentsGMM
Left to their own devices, many students will spend the summer glued to their phone, gaming system or any other screen in sight. A bit of time for unwinding is fine, but summer is a great opportunity for students to stay active and try out things they're interested in. There is much they can do to start building a resume to impress future employers or admissions staff at their selected colleges. Come find out what options your student has to make the most of summer as Julie Madsen, LWHS Career Specialist, shares her ideas and resources on Wednesday, March 30 in the library. Parents and students welcome!

Join us at 7pm for a brief PTSA business meeting before our parent ed presentation. Principal Christina Thomas will speak about the upcoming bond and how it affects LWHS. The slate of nominees for next year's PTSA board of directors will be presented and elections for those offices will be held. (See the slate on The parent ed presentation will begin at 7:30pm. Contact LWHS PTSA Co-Presidents Anne Ryan and Liz Hedreen for more information.

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SrParty2Senior Party: A Safe and Fabulous Post-Graduation Celebration 
All 2016 LWHS seniors are invited to the annual all-night Senior Party. Scheduled for the night of graduation, Senior Party is a way for graduates to celebrate with their classmates in a fun, safe way: alcohol-free, tobacco-free, drug-free, and well-chaperoned. This is an LWHS tradition, and it's a once-in-a-lifetime evening for our students.

What happens at the Senior Party? Students will be transported on buses to two different, very fun venues. For a sneak peak, check out the Grad Nights website to see possible venues. There will be plenty of food and non-alcoholic beverages served at both locations. There will be lots of great activities and entertainment. Have your students ask their older friends and siblings - they will tell them it was an amazing night! Buses will deliver the students back to school around 6am.

Tickets are on sale during lunch this week - cash and checks made payable to LWHS PTSA accepted. Tickets can also be purchased anytime online at lwhsptsa.orgTickets include transportation, food, activities and entertainment all night long. Ticket prices are $155 for one more day, increasing to $165 on Friday, April 1 and to $180 on Friday, May 20. Read about bus signups below to see what other forms we need from your senior, and rest easy knowing where they will be on one of the most dangerous nights of the year for teenagers. The online registration form has more information about scholarship assistance.

Bus Signups - Seat Assignments Going on Now
Your Student Can Sign up with Their Friends

Sign up with your friends for the Senior Party buses this week during lunch! Seniors who have already paid for their Senior Party ticket must turn in the release form  to sign up for the bus. Per the venue requirements, a parent or guardian and the student must sign the release form regardless of whether the senior is 18 or under, now or at the time of graduation. This is also the time to turn in the food allergy form, if applicable.
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Donations Needed for Senior Party
There are games and other opportunities for the grads to win prizes during the Senior Party. Donations such as gift cards or movie tickets, to give away as prizes, are welcome. The less we have to spend on these items, the more money is available to spend on activities so the kids will have more fun!  Donated items may be dropped off at the Main Office. Please label items "Senior Party."

We have almost reached our fundraising goal to pay for buses, a security officer and a nurse, but we're not quite there yet. The PTSA raises funds for these costs to keep the ticket prices as low as possible for the students. Please consider making a donation either online using our website or checks can be made payable to LWHS PTSA and dropped off at or mailed to the Main Office. Thank you for any help.

If you have any questions, please contact

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Students Thank PTSA, Which is You!
Josue Malpica, Trina Dao, Muaaz Carrim
Students in Mr. Greenwood's Engineering Design class have worked hard with our athletics and activities department to craft vinyl lettering to customize sandwich boards for a wide variety of events and activities. The students wanted to thank the PTSA for providing the sandwich boards, but the PTSA couldn't do it without your financial support so the thanks belongs to you, PTSA members! To the students we say, "You're very welcome."
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Last Call: 2016 Sheeley Scholarship Applications
Deadline Just Over One Week Away
SheeleyGraduating Seniors - do you have plans to attend either a technical school, a two-year, or four-year academic institution this fall? You are eligible to apply for one of four $1000 Sheeley Scholarships award by the PTSA. Click here to access the instructions and the application. Information is also available in the Career Center. All applications are due in the College & Career Center by Monday, April 11 - just over one week away. Don't delay, apply today!
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PTSA College Prep Mini-Seminars
The first six College Prep Mini-Seminars have seen a good turnout with students getting many of their questions answered. The weekly talks start promptly at 12:40pm and last about a half hour. Students are free to leave whenever they need. Location varies and is noted under each topic. The talks take place during lunchtime - the pizza and snacks are on us!
TODAY! How to Make the Most of Your College Visits: Local and Out-of-State
Are you taking your student on college visits over spring break or the summer? What does your child need to know to arrange, prepare for and get the most out of a campus visit? Encourage your child to attend the College Prep Mini-Seminar in the College & Career Center on Wednesday, March 30 at 12:40pm for pizza and college visit information!
Majors for the Future - April 13
What careers will current 16 and 17 year-olds have in 10 or 20 years? What majors will best prepare them for these new jobs? Will today's "hottest jobs" be obsolete by the time these students graduate from college? From alternative energy to information technology, virtual reality to urban farming, the College Prep Mini-Seminar on Wednesday, April 13 will look at the future of jobs and the educational preparation students will need to be marketable and successful. This is a perfect workshop for all students, no matter their current interest. Have your student join us in the library to think outside the current job box of 2016 and imagine the jobs of 2026 and beyond!
How to Prep for a College Fair - April 20
Seattle University is hosting a Spring College Fair on Saturday, April 23 where admission representatives from schools across the country will all gather in one place. Their goal: To encourage students to learn more about their institutions and help them sort through the qualities they're looking for in a college. Your student can take advantage of the admission reps expertise and make the most of their time using tips we'll share in this College Prep Mini-Seminar on Wednesday, April 20 at 12:40 in the College & Career Center.
View the full list of mini-seminar topics. For more information contact Judy Shedd. All students are welcome, but talks are geared towards sophomores and juniors. Sponsored by the LWHS PTSA.

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LWSD PTSA Student and Staff Scholarships
Deadline to Apply is Monday, April 11, 6pm
Each year the Lake Washington PTSA Council awards several $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors and at least two $500 scholarships to LWSD certificated staff for continuing education.

Student applications are available in the College & Career Center and Counseling Office. Staff applications are available at the LWEA office, contact Sheila Hagerman for assistance. Both student and staff applications can also be downloaded from the Council's web site. The application deadline is Monday, April 11, at 6pm.

For more information, contact Wendy DeLong, Scholarships Chair, 425.824.5673.

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Coffee with Christina
Wednesday, April 13, 9-10am, College & Career Center
Coffee with Christina is your chance to chat with the principal and ask her anything you may be wondering about. What better source to confirm or dispel the latest rumor?

Join us in the College & Career Center on Wednesday, April 13 from 9-10am where we'll also enjoy tempting refreshments provided by the PTSA hospitality committee. Drop in for the whole hour or just a few minutes - everyone is welcome for any amount of time.
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Vote YES! For Our Schools on April 26
The Bond Addresses Overcrowding Without Raising Taxes
  • This school year, we added enough students to the school district to require 34 more classrooms.
  • By next school year, there will be 168 portables in the district; that's the equivalent of seven elementary schools worth of classroom space being housed in portables.
  • The bond provides a fiscally responsible way to add more classroom space and relieve overcrowding by prioritizing the schools' most urgent needs - including handling state mandated all-day kindergarten and smaller classroom sizes.
  • The bond is part of a 15 year plan to make sure our schools support the projected number of students and aging buildings.
  • New schools and rebuilding and enlarging of old schools are planned in every learning community across the district. Check out the details and take the virtual tours on the district's website!

How You Can Help Support the Bond! 
  • Sign wave! Join the LWHS community for Vote YES! sign waving before and after school on April 13 at the corner of 85th and 120th Ave. NE (all sides of the street). Signs will be provided, you can just show up.
  • Door-bell with teachers! Saturday, April 16 and Saturday, April 23 teachers will be out ringing doorbells in a neighborhood near you (9:30am-12:30pm). Volunteers are welcome - register to volunteer here. 
  • Phone banking! Volunteers are needed between 3:15 and 6:30pm on several dates at the Lake Washington Education Association office. Read more about phone banking here, remember to register on the volunteer page as well.
Learn more about the bond on the district website. Want more information and ideas on how you can help? Check out
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Sophomore and Junior Parents Who Like to Party
party_pooper_bday2.jpg maybe that headline is just supposed to get your attention...but it's for a very important discussion. How do we want our students to celebrate their high school graduation?
The Senior Party is an annual tradition planned and sponsored by the LWHS PTSA. For many years, nearly 200 of our graduating seniors have boarded buses after the ceremony and taken off for a fun-filled all-nighter with friends, surprises, food and entertainment. As parents who send our students off, we know they are in a safe, chaperoned, drug- and alcohol-free environment to celebrate their graduation.
The LWHS PTSA is hosting a "town hall" meeting to discuss future options for the Senior Party, and we'd especially like the parents of the Classes of 2017 and 2018 to attend. It will be held in the library on Wednesday, April 20, from 7-8pm. Please join us to hear more about this event and talk about what it could be for our students in the years to come.
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Kang Achievements

LWHS Teacher Named "Rookie of the Year"
Jared Greenwood Honored
Jared Greenwood, a Career and Technical Education (CTE) teacher at LW , has been named the Washington Industrial Technology Education Association (WITEA) Rookie Teacher of the Year. Greenwood is in his second year at LWHS and teaches Material Science, Engineering 1, and Robotics.

"CTE classes are a great opportunity for students to explore alternative pathways after high school and learn more about their ever-growing technological world," said Greenwood. "CTE classes offer specific labs and academic concepts to be taught that cannot be offered in regular core classes. CTE programs are important because they allow students to get hands-on experience that cannot be learned at home. Teaching CTE is fun because it allows the students to explore a lot of their hobbies and interests with a STEM emphasis," said Greenwood.

The WITEA Rookie Teacher of the Year award recognizes Greenwood's exemplary work and performance, as well as his commitment and dedication to furthering his students' future. He was
recognized at the WITEA conference on March 12 in Wenatchee, Washington.

Congratulations Jared!


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Kang Sports

Dance Team State Champions in Pom
District Champions in Pom and Military
The Kang dancers competed at the Sea-King District competition on Saturday, March 12 at Redmond High School and are now district champions in both the Pom and Military divisions. They went on to state competition where they finished 1st in Pom - 3A state champions! Congratulations Kangs!
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Kangs Honored by League Coaches
The boys basketball team had two players honored for the 2015-2016 season: Kyle Departee and Sam Linsky received honorable mention for the 2A/3A All-KingCo teams. The selection of the players is determined by a vote of the coaches in the league. Kudos, Kangs!
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LWHS News & Activities

LWHS Evening Security Specialist Needs a Bike
Do you have a mountain bike sitting unused and taking up space in your garage? Our LWHS Security Specialist, Christopher Vaughn, can put it to good use, especially as better weather and longer days bring more after-school visitors to the campus. A mountain bike can go anywhere he needs and allow him to respond anywhere on campus in a short amount of time. Put an unwanted bike back to work helping keep the LWHS campus secure after hours. Please contact Chris at if you have a bike you can donate - and thank you.
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Spring Break 2017 Europe Trip
  It's not too late for your student (or you!) to join Mr. Palmer on his science-focused trip to the United Kingdom during spring break 2017. See Stonehenge, the London Science Museum, a Dark Sky Site with a telescope/observatory, and many more places on this great learning experience. All breakfasts and dinners are included in the trip cost. Sign up today to guarantee your spot. More information is available on the trip website, including online registration. E-mail any questions to (please don't use Mr. Palmer's school e-mail address).
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Student Missing School for Spring Break?
Fill Out the Pre-Arranged Absence Form
spring-word-flowers.jpg Please remember that if you are planning a trip during spring break and know that your student will be out for three or more days, a pre-arranged absence form needs to be filled out in advance in order for the absences to be excused. These forms are also available in the Attendance Office.

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Dance Team Mandatory Info Meetings
Don't forget mandatory dancer/parent informational meetings on Tuesday, April 19 and Thursday, April 21 (choose one) at 7pm in the Commons for anyone interested in trying out for the dance team. See the flyer for details.
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Counseling Center

A Summer List for Juniors
The upcoming senior year is packed with long lists of things to do. Not only do students need to stay current on their six courses, but they also want to continue their extracurricular, athletic, employment, or volunteer commitments. Now add to that the no small task of preparing for life after high school, and it is easy to see why a senior's stress level can hit overload by the end of September.
The key to managing the senior year is plan-organize-implement. Your student's counselor is here to help every step of the way. Here is a short list of things that your junior can do this summer to get ahead of the busy senior year.
  1. Think about your priorities and values. What is important to you and why?
  2. Think about what kind of schools might be a good fit based on those values. It's all about fit. Consider size, location, academic programs, and social and cultural environment.
  3. Have a conversation with your parents about the financial piece. Will you need to apply for scholarships or other financial aid opportunities? (We have a list of some great websites to check out!)
  4. Make several campus visits and interview with admission representatives if appropriate. If you're not sure where you want to go, think local. Visit UW to get a sense of what a large campus feels like; visit Seattle Pacific to get a sense of what a residential campus feels like. Walk around Seattle University's campus to see if you like the urban feel. You get the picture.
  5. Check out a local community college (Cascadia, Seattle Community Colleges, and others) and Lake Washington Technical College. They offer great tours and you will be surprised at the number of excellent programs they have to offer.
  6. As you research schools on the web or make your visit, double check to make sure that your senior courses meet their recommended/required courses.
  7. Read, read, read. The more you read, the more you understand what good writing sounds and feels like. (Yes, good writing has a cadence and rhythm all its own.)
  8. Get a job to gain experience and help pay for your post high school institution.
  9. Volunteer.
  10. Start narrowing your list of schools: think in terms of safety, match and reach schools.
  11. Work to improve your SAT or ACT scores.
On March 29 during Tutorial, counselors met with all juniors in the Theater. We gave a presentation on two- and four-year options. The presentation will be on the Counseling section of the LWHS website Wednesday, March 30, by the end of the day.
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Registration for the SAT and ACT
LWHS code: 480545 
Below are the official test dates for the SAT and ACT tests for the rest of this school year. Students who plan to take a test need to register online at for the SAT or for the ACT, using the LWHS code, 480545.

SAT Test 
 Test Date Registration Deadline
 May 7 April 8
 June 4
 May 5

ACT Test

 Test Date Registration Deadline
 June 11
 May 6

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Info for Seniors & Senior Parents

Just 12 Days Left to Apply for a Sheeley Scholarship!
See the details in the Sheeley scholarship article above in the PTSA News section.

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Senior Party Tickets on Sale During Lunch
Read the Senior Party article above in the PTSA News section.
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Lake Washington School District

WANIC Summer Skills Academy Registration Open
Registration for the Washington Network for Innovative Careers (WANIC) is now open. Classes run from Monday, June 27 through Friday, July 15 (no school July 4) - hours will vary by class. WANIC Summer Skills Academy is open to students entering grades 9-12 in Lake Washington and other school districts. This is a chance for students to earn .5 occupational education high school credit for free. There is only a $50 materials/class fee (assistance available).
Here are some of the courses students can take:
  • Computer Science & Engineering
  • Culinary Creations
  • DigiPen Art & Animation
  • DigiPen Cyber Security
  • DigiPen Robotics
  • DigiPen Sound Design & Engineering
  • DigiPen Video Game Development
  • DigiPen Video Game Programming 
  • Dynamic DNA
  • Health
  • Health Careers Exploration
  • Introduction to Medical Careers
  • Radio/TV Broadcasting
See the flyer for full details. Visit for more information or call (425)-739-8400.
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Lake Washington Schools Foundation

Local Sports Stars to Speak at Spring Fundraising Events futbol

The Lake Washington School District is a place of big dreams! This is also a place where hard work paves the way for those dreams to come true. Join us to support the dreams of our students. This year the Foundation is hosting two events, a luncheon on Wednesday, April 20 and a breakfast on Wednesday, April 27, to make it easier for supporters to find a time to join us.

This is the Lake Washington Schools Foundation's biggest fundraiser of the year. It helps the Foundation fund programs that make a difference for students, teachers and schools. Together, we can help every student succeed, from pre-kindergarten to high school, from Juanita to Sammamish!

The Foundation is still in need of Table Captains for this event. If you are passionate about our schools and want to help bridge the gap for our students, please consider being a Table Captain and inviting friends and colleagues to join you at one or both events! Please email for more information. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at our spring events!
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Community News

Lake Washington School District-approved flyers to keep you informed about upcoming activities, programs and events are listed on PeachJar.
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 Lake Washington High School * Kirkland, WA * PTSA Local Unit 2.8.95

The Lake Washington School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, gender, marital status, creed, religion, honorably discharged veteran, military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability, in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.