Mission Update
Rev. Peter Kelm, Missions Executive
Passionate believers... confessing Christ for the next generation
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, the Maker of heaven and earth, ... who remains faithful forever. (Psalm 146:5-6)
- Sept. 10 - Wausau
- Sept. 11 - Appleton
- Sept. 12 - SWD office, Milwaukee
MISSION U events
- Oct. 3 at St. Paul, West Allis (101)
- Oct. 17 at Divine Savior, Hartford (202)
Stay Connected
One of the interesting aspects of my journey into the world of cancer has been the response of so many friends and family members who want to help: what can we do? Our response as a family has been pretty consistent: pray!
Occasionally we'll get the facial expression that says, "Sure, okay, we'll pray, but what can we do?"
We are so wired for action, for activity, for, you know, getting something done.
But when the enemy is cancer, I assure you that the best thing you can do for me, or for anyone else with the hideous disease, is to pray.
Why? One simple word: dependence. We are dependent creatures. Dependent on the God who created, redeemed, and sanctifies us. It's not so much about us getting things done. It's about trusting in God who gets things done in us and through us. Which is why I've prayed the Kyrie a million times since my diagnosis: Lord, have Mercy. Christ, have Mercy. Lord, have Mercy.
Which brings me in a strange sort of way to the mission calling of the church.
I would suggest that one begins to approach mission, outreach and evangelism in the same way one approaches a cancer diagnosis: on your knees. We are dependent. We are called to trust in the One who gets things done in us and through us. The One who created, redeemed, and sanctifies us. Which is why prayer is a great place for an individual, or a congregation, to start when it comes to mission.
Mission and prayer need to go together. They are inseparable. Let's look at a few reasons why ...
Campus Ministry
Once again, allow me to share a link to the contact information for our college students away from home and from their home congregation. Let's keep our kids connected to God's Word! Campus Ministry
And if you need help in locating a church that's not listed, or in another state, check this link to our LCMS Campus Ministry.
"No More Peek-a-boo Jesus: The Old Testament is Christ"
Prof. Jeffrey Pulse, of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, will give this fall's LCMS-U presentation at Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) on October 6 at 6:30 p.m.in the Todd Wehr Auditorium (connected to the Campus Center building). There will be free parking in the Milwaukee B Lot and Broadway Lot between 5:30 and 9:30 p.m. (MSOE Campus map--click on map to enlarge.)
Understanding the Old Testament and its Christological foundation means first understanding the Hebrew people and their covenantal relationship with God. As a result, the task is not to "find Jesus in the OT" but rather to believe that Jesus IS the Old Testament.
Pulse's 22 years in the parish were served in St. John's Lutheran Church, Burt, Iowa and Peace Lutheran, Bremerton, Washington. He completed his Master of Sacred Theology from Concordia Theological Seminary while in the parish in 1990. Professor Pulse is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Durham, England, in the area of Old Testament, specifically, Concepts of the Afterlife in the Old Testament and Second Temple Judaism.
Looking to update your website?
Your next-generation Lutheran website available today!
Having a great website is no longer a luxury for churches. It's a necessity! Brian Jaeger, an LCMS layman, has expertise in building websites for churches that are high quality and low cost. Check out his work at www.luthernet.org.
Center for U.S. Missions 1-day convocations
Mobilizing the Mission of God--A Mission Convocation
This is a joint effort of SWD and NWD to mobilize pastors and people for mission! The convocations will be held in three locations...
- Thursday, Sept. 10, at St. Mark, 600 Stevens Dr., Wausau
- Friday, Sept. 11, at Shepherd of the Hills, N1615 Meadowview Dr., Greenville Appleton area
- Saturday, Sept. 12, at the South Wisconsin District office, 8100 W. Capitol Dr., Milwaukee
Easy to register--just call the District office and ask for Peg, 414-464-8101. Sessions are from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and the cost is only $30, including your lunch!
Here's the link to all the details.
Mission U: Coming to ... West Allis (Oct. 3) and Hartford (Oct. 17)
On October 3, St. Paul Lutheran Church, 7821 W. Lincoln Ave., West Allis, 53219, will be hosting Mission U-101, Equipping to Share: Everyday Evangelism. This course challenges students to recognize and embrace their roles as Christ's witnesses. Students will identify witnessing obstacles and receive biblical tools to overcome them. They will learn to recognize and to initiate faith-sharing conversations. Students will practice sharing their faith in unique contexts and within relationship models they may likely encounter. This course provides ample hands-on application to increase confidence. Contact the church to register, 414-541-6250, or email mary@splcwa.org.
On October 17, Divine Savior Lutheran Church, 3200 Highway K South, Hartford, 53027, will be hosting Mission U-202-Rural, The Outreach Congregation. Approximately half of our LCMS congregations are located in rural areas or small towns. But today's rural and small-town landscape is changing dramatically from only a decade or two ago as families and individuals move into these communities from more populated, more expensive areas. Are we aware of the challenges and burdens these people face? Discover new ways and media you can use to reach outside of your church and share the message of Christ effectively with your rural and small-town neighbors. Contact the church to register, 262-673-5140.
Dr. John Warwick Montgomery
Noted Apologist and author, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery (a frequent guest on KFUO's Issues, Etc.), will be at Concordia University Wisconsin in Mequon this October. While he is in the area, he would be available and willing to speak on Apologetics at your congregation. If you are interested in asking him to make a presentation sometime next month, please contact Joy Keith, 775-721-7645, to make arrangements.
Stand With Your Community, LCMS Mission Grants
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is offering a special grant opportunity, "Stand With Your Community" Grant Program, in recognition of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. $1 million is available for this grant opportunity. A primary focus of the projects funded by these grants is to inspire and empower laity to actively engage in local witness and mercy outreach events and opportunities as a reflection of Martin Luther's unrelenting passion for all to know the true Gospel. These are one-time grants of $1,000 to $25,000 for anything from a single outreach event to a two-year outreach program. The request may be for a new project, the revision of a previous effort or to strengthen an on-going effort of an outreach program or activity. Applications will be received Aug. 1 through Nov. 16. Here is a link to the website with all of the information and access of the form.
LCMS Missionary of the Month
| Richard and Sarah Sovitzky and their children. |
Richard and Sarah Sovitzky serve the Lord as missionaries through The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) in the Eurasia region, based out of the Czech Republic. As the Eurasia region's business manager, Richard works closely with Rev. Tony Booker, the Eurasia regional director, to manage the financial and business affairs of the LCMS in this part of the world. More specifically, Richard's duties include supporting all LCMS missionaries serving in this region and working with local church partners on long-term mission projects. Richard was born in West Allis, Wis., and Luther Memorial Chapel, Shorewood, Wis., is his home congregation. Sarah was born in Kenosha, Wis., and her home congregation is also Luther Memorial Chapel, Shorewood. Read more information about the Sovitzkys