South Wisconsin District - LCMS 
Mercy Forever
"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Mark 10:45 (ESV)
September 8, 2014
 In This Issue
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If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else. 

- Booker T. Washington


parenteventParent Event with Dr. Tim Elmore
Monday, September 22, 2014

Milwaukee Lutheran High School
9700 W. Grantosa Dr.

This is a FREE event!

"Performing a Balancing Act for our Kids"  -  Dr. Tim Elmore

More Info


Register your group by Monday, Sept 15.

DuedatesReport/Form/Registration Due Dates
Please note the following deadlines:

September 12 
  • Directory Form
  • Marcus Movie Passes
September 15
  • School - Lutheran Annual Form  -  copy to District office - original to Rosters and Statistics
  • Parent Event registration
  • Administrators' Conference registration
September 26
  • Kohl teacher fellowship nomination
October 1
  • NLSA Fees to Synod and District
October 3
  • NLSA Captains and Consultants registration

November 26
  • Kohl student excellence nominations
KohnteacherKohl Teacher Fellowship Program

The purpose of the Herb Kohl Teacher Fellowship program is to recognize and support teaching excellence and innovation in the State of Wisconsin, USA. Our goal is to support teachers in the pursuit of their unrealized goals for their classrooms or professional development. Annually, the Foundation awards one hundred Wisconsin teachers with $1,000 Kohl Fellowship grants, and each Kohl Fellowship recipient's school receives a matching $1,000 grant. Recipients' professional accomplishments are celebrated at a recognition luncheon in the spring. Wisconsin's religious and independent schools receive a proportionate number of the total fellowships awarded each year.

To be eligible to compete for a fellowship, a teacher must be nominated by a: 
* parent 
* teacher 
* student 
* community member, or 
* school administrator

Classroom teachers in Pre-K through grade 12 who plan to continue teaching in their current capacity for at least the following year are eligible for nomination.

Nomination Form   -   Nominations are due September 26.


kohlstudentKohl Student Excellence Program

The purpose of the Herb Kohl Excellence Scholarship program is to recognize student leadership, citizenship, school and community involvement, and academic achievement. Our goal is to encourage Wisconsin youth to pursue postsecondary education in a public or nonpublic university, college or vocational/technical college. The Foundation awards $1,000 Excellence Scholarships to 100 Wisconsin high school graduates each year. Students in Wisconsin's religious and independent high schools receive a proportionate number of the total scholarships awarded each year.

A Kohl Excellence Scholarship can only be used to directly reimburse tuition, room and board, books, technology, and fees for postsecondary education. The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation will make the scholarship grants directly to the postsecondary institutions that scholarship recipients attend. Recipients will be honored, and will receive certificates representing their awards, at a special luncheon held in the spring.

Nomination Form   -   .pdf


Nomination Form   -   word document 


Nominations are due November 26.


exemplaryExemplary School Webinars
We congratulate the eight NLSA schools awarded Exemplary status last year.  Sharing Best Practices that can be replicated in other schools is at the heart of this special recognition.  As in previous years, all 2014 Exemplary schools will collaborate with Concordia University Wisconsin to produce monthly webinars sharing various Best Practices.  


For the month of September, Orange Lutheran High School in Orange, California will be sharing three webinars. 


Sept 9:  Expanding Learning Opportunities Through Technology


Sept 16:  Into the World

Sept 23:  Learning to Build Assessments That Inform Teaching


All webinars will be held at 4:00pm CDT.  


A link will be provided to access each webinar several days before each webinar is presented.  Also, a link will be made available on the LCMS Portal.  


We give thanks and praise to God for the tremendous blessing of Lutheran schools.  We pray that the Holy Spirit would be with those schools preparing webinars this year, so that ultimately, Jesus may be glorified!
adminconfAdministrators' Conference
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Concordia University Wisconsin - Terrace Room

"Marching Off the Map: Pioneering New Territory to Meet the Needs of Students Today"
Dr. Tim Elmore


We are marching off the map into a new decade of student development. Baby Boomers challenged educators and leaders with the fascination of the T.V, the one-eyed babysitter. Now Generation Y provides challenges with their need to have a portable device on them at all times. How do we lead this new generation of "firsts"?

In this new speaking event for your school or campus, faculty and staff will learn: 

  • How students' brains are different today, since they've grown up with pixels and screens
  • What educators can do to increase attention spans in students and their grasps of major concepts
  • When creativity is most essential and what adults  can do to engage students' creativity
  • What the critical elements are that we must furnish for student success. And more...

Cost:  $100, includes lunch and the book "artificial maturity"

Register online before Monday, September 15. 

NLSATrainingNLSA Captains and Consultants Training

Monday, October 13, 2014

10:00 - 2:45 (lunch included)

District Office



Register online by Friday, October 3.



10:00-12:00 - Session One

This training session applies to the school accreditation leader training.  Participants to learn how to lead the implementation of the process at their school, assembling evidence and accurately rating the indicators that quantify school compliance in the seven standard areas.  Participants will have the opportunity to directly interact with Section 5: Teaching and Learning.


12:15-12:45 - Lunch


12:45-2:45 - Session Two

This training session will provide specific training for consultants and captains. This will provide clarification of the consultant's role. It will also prove instructive for team captains as they lead their team members to analyze school ratings, prepare a helpful and instructive report and share the new exit PowerPoint presentation used for all visits.


All participants will need to have access to the Captain and Consultant Manuals, available on the Lutheran School Portal, under the NLSA tab, as well as Section 5 (per attachment).


AroundtheDistrictAround the District

LHSAGMLutheran High School Association of Greater Milwaukee

The LHSAGM is will be launching a BOLD and POWERFUL branding campaign starting September 8 to let everyone know that there is a difference when you attend one of our 3 high schools.  


Like Our New Facebook Page


Keep your eyes peeled throughout Greater Milwaukee starting in September for the following: 

TV Spots
Radio Spots
Full Page Newspaper Ads
Movie Theater Previews
New Web Site
And More ...

Visit their New Web Site


Watch inspiring videos from students and teachers from Milwaukee Lutheran, Martin Luther and Lake Country Lutheran High School.


 eventsUpcoming Events
September 12 - Pre-Retirement Workshop - Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Sun Prairie

September 13 - Pre-Retirement Workshop - District office

September 22 - Parent Event with Dr. Tim Elmore, Milwaukee Lutheran High School

September 23 - Administrators' Conference, Concordia University Wisconsin

October 13 - NLSA Captains and Consultants Training, District office
November 7 - Firm Foundations, Martin Luther High School, Greendale

November 14 - PCW Conference, Olympia Resort, Oconomowoc



January 14-16 - POLS, Christ Lutheran Church, Phoenix, AZ

February 12-14 - LEA National Administrators' Conference, Orlando, Florida

February 13 - Firm Foundations, Martin Luther High School, Greendale 


June 7-9 - District Convention, Concordia University Wisconsin


November 12-13 - NWD/SWD Teachers' Conference, Kalahari Resort, WI Dells


Click on the link to
register for any of these events.  If the event is not open yet, we will communicate when it will be.

Passionate Believers...Confessing Christ!

Mark L'Heureux
Education Executive

Robin Mueller
Administrative Assistant

SWD School Ministry | 414-464-8102
8100 West Capitol Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53222
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The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
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