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May 2013
Mother & Daughter
Sharing & Caring for Seniors
Important issues facing seniors, their families & the professionals working with them.

Caregiver talking to client We have been very busy in the past few months at Care-Ed (our learning centre), helping caregivers register for our caregiver training program.

The New Brunswick government recently announced that home support workers will have to take the new standardized training to prepare them for service delivery.

This new training will bring caregiver skills up to the level required to ensure that seniors and people with disabilities receive appropriate care. Older people desire to stay in their own homes with support.

The focus of home support has shifted. Originally, caregivers took care of the home, doing housekeeping and providing meal preparation. It has become increasingly important to provide more complex care for people with complex needs. At Senior Watch, our commitment to education began when the organization was established in 1987. The focus continues to be in the preparation of persons seeking a caregiving career.

If you have any questions about our caregiver training programs or our homecare services, give us a call.

Sharing & Caring,

Jean & Sharon
Jean Porter Mowatt & Sharon O'Brien
Senior Watch
Phone: 506.634.8906
Toll Free: 1.800.561.2463

PS: If you received this email from a friend or colleague, you can sign up to receive our monthly emails, and keep up-to-date on senior issues that affect you and your family.

AD Strikes Next Door!
Dad & his son
Alzheimer Disease (AD) affects an estimated 200,000 Canadians.  Perhaps a neighbour is one of its victims.

All too often families struggle to cope on their own.  They juggle work schedules, place their own mental and physical health at risk, or become isolated.

Nurses: Is it time for a Foot Care Refresher?
Footcare RefresherDid you know that if you trained over 5 years ago in Basic & Advanced Foot Care Management, you should consider a refresher course?

The refresher includes a review of infection control and an update of best practices. Our training takes a collaborative approach where you can participate in assessing clients in a clinical environment.

Did you know?

Seniors accounted for a record high of 14.8% of the population in 2011, up from 13.7% five years earlier.  


This proportion has steadily increased since the end of the 1960s for two reasons: below replacement fertility levels and longer life expectancy.

Peace of Mind ~ Theirs & Yours.
Mother & Daughter There is no place like home. And that is exactly where your
loved ones want to continue living.

Now you and Care Link Advantage can keep them there.
It's easy. And it's proven. Mom loves her home, and her independence.  She does not want to move.  Retirement and assisted living facilities can be expensive.  You and your siblings worry about her safety, and you know you cannot be there for her 24 hours a day. 

Now you can both have what you want.  Mom gets to stay in her home, and you get the peace of mind you need through Care Link Advantage.

We have real concerns when a loved one is living alone.
  • Are they eating properly?
  • Are they sleeping properly?
  • Are they wandering outside of their home when they should not be?
  • Are they taking their medications when they should?
  • And perhaps the biggest concern of all... Are they "Up & About" and O.K. as they should be, or have they had a problem and/or a fall and are unable to push their PERS (Personal Emergency Response System) pendant to call for help?
Considering a Career as a Caregiver?
Care-Ed Logo
The focus of Care-Ed, the Senior Watch Learning Centre, continues to be the preparation of persons seeking a caregiving career as well as support for family caregivers.

We offer great options for training and gaining experience as a caregiver. Earn your certificate through hands-on practicums, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, classroom lectures and mentoring.
Get Started with your Caregiving Career!  


We also offer courses and certification in First Aid and CPR, Back in Motion, Foot Care Management and Foot Care Management Refresher, and Train the Trainer Programs.

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(506) 634-8906 
Call toll free 1-800-561-2463
33 Hanover St, Saint John, NB  Canada  E2L 3G1

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