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January 2013
Happy in the Garden
Sharing & Caring for Seniors
Important issues facing seniors, their families & the professionals working with them.

Senior Watch Here it is, our first eNewsletter! You're receiving this email because you are our client, a caregiver, a friend, our student or you have shown interest in Senior Watch & Care-Ed Learning.

We've been providing compassionate care to seniors and quality, unique training for caregivers for 25 years. And now we're offering advice and great information in this monthly eNewsletter

We look forward to keeping you up-to-date on important issues facing seniors, their families & the professionals working with them.

Please share this eNewsletter with people you know who may appreciate tips and information on caring for the seniors in their lives.

If you received this email from a friend or colleague, you can sign up to receive our monthly emails, and keep up-to-date on senior issues that affect you and your family.

Sharing & Caring,

Jean & Sharon
Jean Porter Mowatt & Sharon O'Brien
Senior Watch
Phone: 506.634.8906
Toll Free: 1.800.561.2463
The Time has Come
Daughter & Mother
Choosing Home Care Services
It seems with each day new agencies are springing up in our communities. This is an era of entrepreneurship and many are looking at the mushrooming senior market.

How does one choose an agency to provide the assistance needed? To start, it would be good to remember that in most cases, you are inviting total strangers into your home. You will want to know that the staff are insured and have been trained with the skills needed to meet your specific need. Not everyone knows how to boil an egg!!

Spotlight on our Services: Home Care
Enjoying Life
Home Care Services provide seniors and their families with customized home management and support services based on their assessed needs. Each client receives compassionate care by screened, trained, and insured staff.  

Our caregivers receive training and continuous skill upgrades at our Learning Centre, Care-Ed. Our facilitators are qualified health professionals with knowledge of the principles of adult learning.

Did you know?

In just four years, Canada will face what demographers have dubbed "the cross-over": the day when there are more seniors than children.  


The median age in Canada is now 40.6, the oldest ever, up from 39.5 five years ago, and from 33.5 two decades ago. Read the whole article... 

Helping You Care for the Seniors in you Life
Website home page

We just launched a new website where you'll find information on home care for seniors, careers in senior care, helpful resources and more.

Considering a Career as a Caregiver?
Care-Ed Logo

The focus of Care-Ed, the Senior Watch Learning Centre, continues to be the preparation of persons seeking a caregiving career as well as support for family caregivers. We offer great options for training and gaining experience as a caregiver. Earn your certificate through hands-on practicums, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, classroom lectures and mentoring. Get Started with your Caregiving Career! 


We also offer courses and certification in First Aid and CPR, Back in Motion, Foot Care Management and Foot Care Management Refresher, and Train the Trainer Programs.

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Contact us at our office:
(506) 634-8906 
Call toll free 1-800-561-2463
33 Hanover St, Saint John, NB  Canada  E2L 3G1

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