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April 29, 2015

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April 28, 2015

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IAHU Viewpoint 
Volume 7 Issue 3                                                                 __  _November  2014 


IAHU President's Message           
Ryan Heider
IAHU President

I had the opportunity this past month to visit each of the local chapters of our state association. During those visits, I was impressed with several things that stood out to me. In Eastern Idaho they have great leadership, with several past presidents staying involved by serving on their board and supporting their local chapter. In Northern Idaho they had great participation from their members, and they have strong support from their board. In Treasure Valley they put on a half day event with some very pressing topics, and they provided four hours of continuing education for their members. They too, have great leadership from their board. In Southern Idaho they had a town hall meeting, and continue to reach out to the public and invite them to attend. Their board is engaged, and trying to make a difference.


Although each of these local chapters vary in size and make up, they all had something in common. They are each maintained and strengthened by individuals who are willing to get involved. People, who take time out of their busy schedules to serve and help others. That is what I love about our IAHU association, and that is why I want to be associated with people like you.



Ryan Heider  

IAHU President 



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Tom Shores

How Will the Exchange Enrollment Work?


I wish I could tell you for sure but I will tell you what I know on these topics below, and maybe that will help:

  1. What should I be telling my clients about the process of applying or the APTC?
  2. Why are some of my clients qualifying for Medicaid in October of 2014 when the income info we turned in is for 2015?
  3. How will I get my clients into the system?
  4. How can I make sure that I keep my current clients?
  5. How will I be able to get new clients into the system?
  6. Why is the APTC different in 2015 when the income, family size and zip code have not changed?
  7. What happens to the renewals that I have?
  8. What if we want to make a change in the plan?
  9. How long will the enrollment process take?
  10. How do I decide what income is taxable and what needs to be put into the income calculations?
  11. What do I do if I have situations that need some special attention?
  12. What do I do if the income, family size or zip changes for my clients?
  13. What if I get really frustrated with the system, who do I yell at?


Please CLICK HERE for more details on each question.


Income Quick Reference Guide 


Key Facts You Need to Know about Income Definitions 



And more to come!



Tom Shores
IAHU Hupac Chair / State Pac President
Your Health Idaho Board Member





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Treasure Valley Association of Health Underwriters
November 2014

TVAHU Kicks Off New Year


The Treasure Valley Association of Health Underwriters completed their annual Half Day Seminar on Thursday, September 25th. The meeting was full of helpful information and provided four CE credits to all those who attended. The speakers included: Bill Pierron, a Benefits Advisor from the U.S. Dept. of Labor; Dr. Doug Dammrose, Executive Director of the Mountain Health Co-Op; Bret Busacker and Bret Clark, Attorneys from the law firm Holland and Hart; and Jody Olson and Randy Gardner, from Your Health Idaho. Mr. Pierron provided the attendees with a perspective of the ACA and how it has affected employers from the viewpoint of the Dept. of Labor. Dr. Dammrose introduced the Mountain Health Co-Op, and how they see themselves in the Idaho market. Mr. Busacker and Mr. Clark presented options, considerations, and concerns for employers and brokers regarding the ACA. Ms. Olson and Mr. Gardner provided updates on Your Health Idaho along with the invitation for broker participation at YHI outreach events. Agents can sign up for the events by sending an email to: outreach@yourhealthidaho.org. There will be events in Boise at St. Alphonsus on Nov. 15th; in Nampa at CWI on Nov 15th; and in Mountain Home at the American Legion on Dec. 1st. For more information go to www.yourhealthidaho.org.


TVAHU looks forward to a successful year with fun events planned throughout. Don't miss the November Thanksgiving Food Drive, the December Christmas Basket Auction that raises money for a local charity or our Bowling Tournament in February. Be proud of our Association and what you all do in the industry-see you at the next meeting!



Tara Tandrow, CIC & CHRS

TVAHU President

North Idaho Association of Health Underwriters
November 2014

North Idaho Health Underwriters are excited to follow up from our October meeting with Your Health Idaho, with an Exchange Roundtable discussion at our November member meeting.  Come and join in as we share our experiences with the new system, as well as ask questions of one another to have the most success during this new open enrollment period.  The discussion will be hosted and kept on point.  Meeting location will be Beverly's on the 7th floor of the Cd'A Resort on November 20th from 11:30-1pm.  Make sure you don't miss out on this important discussion.



Mark Woodworth, RHU

NIAHU President


eBroker Software

Blue Cross of ID


IHC Group

Ameritas Group
Assurant Health
Business Psychology Assoc.
Delta Dental of ID
Freedom Care
United Heritage
Willamette Dental