Special Families Guide
May 1, 2013
From The Alternative Choices Blog, May 1, 2013


Fathers Roundtable:"Guy Talk" for 


Fathers of Children with Autism and Special Needs


Mark your calendars: this Sunday, May 5 at 9:00 PM Eastern Time, streaming live at www.autismbrainstorm.org .  


This is the first of  a series of discussions on specific topics envisioned as an online resource to support fathers and strengthen families.  Each month there will be several participants on the live video feed from their webcams with psychologist Robert Naseef as the facilitator.  


The group will be fathers and male service providers with special guest contributors on specific topics.  The roundtable brainstorming session will be streamed live, so anyone watching could send in questions or comments.  After the meeting, the video will be archived as a YouTube and available for anyone.


Sessions will talk about the struggles and triumphs of fathers, offer advice and perspective to others about how to survive and thrive, and support fathers and families from the newly diagnosed to adulthood.  All participants are urged to keep in mind that they should not disclose anything that they would not want their families, especially their children, or friends to stumble upon on the internet. Fathers have the option to not use last names and may choose to use a pseudonym. Examples of topics include:

  • What do men need as fathers of children with special needs?
  • Dealing with feelings from a male perspective
  • Perspectives on discipline
  • Being a good partner
  • Being fair to typically developing children
  • Coping with stress
  • Sexuality and adolescence, etc.


These sessions are not intended to be used as a substitute for a private consultation with a mental health professional.  If you have concerns related to a specific topic, make an appointment with a licensed mental health professional in your area who is experienced in helping with such concerns.






Fathers and Autism
Fathers and Autism



Click on the archives icon to read recent issues of this newsletter, including:
  • Just Appreciate Me
  • Denial vs. Get Out of My Way
  • Revisiting Masculinity: The Father's Journey                      
We hope you find this newsletter useful; you are welcome to forward or share it.  Feel free to suggest topics you would like to read about. To reprint articles, please contact me by email. 

Best regards,   

Robert Naseef, Ph.D.