Proud affiliate of the
Blues Foundation, awarded Organization of the Year in 2000.
for the Blues Hall of Fame!
The Blues Foundation is getting closer every day to making the Blues Hall of Fame a reality. But they still need your help. If you are a blues lover, help honor those who made it possible! |
If your membership is expired, this could be the last newsletter you recieve. You can renew online or see the bottom of this newsletter to download a form.
Welcome New Members:
Wanda Gould, Renee Shunatona, and Patricia Phillipe
Thanks for Renewing:
Roger Neugent, Mickey Sheaks and Mary Nelson, Ken Beiker and Michelle Moore
Congrats to this WBS volunteer who won concert tickets:
Janie Gleason: John Nemeth
Interested in volunteering? email us at

Bad Bean Productions Presents
Samantha Fish
Friday, May 24th
Soggy Bottom Too
767 N. West St.
$15 Cash Cover
CD Reviews:
Grady Champion - Tough Times Don't Last
Robert Randolph presents The Slide Brothers
Trent Romens - Aware
Ian Siegal & the Mississippi Mudbloods - Candy Store Kid
Various artists - Jammin for the Cure
At the Cotillion
Click on the image to order tickets today! |
Alligator Records Announces James Cotton's New CD:
Buy it online at
Rachelle Coba and Jenny Wood featured in Women's Focus
Celebrating International Guitar month, Women's Focus interviewed Rachelle Coba and Jenny Wood.
A self-professed lover of guitar players, she delights in the endless amount of technique and stylistic flourishes every great player adds. However, her lifelong love affair has been with the blues.
"I initially just wanted to sing," said Jenny, "but all the female artists I was trying to channel are such evolved, self-reliant musicians."
Read the full article here: |
WBS Open Jam
Fourth Wednesday of each month 8p.m. at
The Shamrock Lounge
1724 W. Douglas
Youth Jam
First Saturday of each month, at
The Underground, 1628 S. George Washington Boulevard , 4-7pm
Click on the image to order tickets today!
Interested in being a WBS Sponsor?
Get the ...
Board of Directors:
Jim Lanzrath - President
Debbie Johnston - Secretary, Volunteer Coord.
Don Bean - Events Chair
Mary Certain - Youth programs
Chris Kingsolver - Membership and Events
Patti Parker - Newsletter, Youth programs
Michael Peltzer - Events, Jam
Alice Simmons - Treasurer
Todd Womacks - Events |
My name is Jim Lanzrath and for those of you that do not know I am the new president of the Wichita Blues Society.
For those of you who made it the crawl it was a great show and we were blessed with an amazing day for it too. We had about 800 people attend the crawl and again we were fortunate to have another great after party. Keep checking our website for events and we look forward to seeing you join us at them.
Also, as many of you know we sponsor a youth jam on the first Saturday of the month. I would like anyone who has a young player who would like to come out please pass this on!!! Also we have had some local musicians who have helped us out and I want to thank them so much, as well as Amy and Harry Reece for letting us use there facility; it has worked out great!! If anyone is interested in helping or sponsoring the youth jam I would love a chance to visit with you.
I should point out we are doing some blues programs at local schools, Boys and Girls Club and the Carpenter Place. Our mission is quite simple Keeping the Blues Alive!!! So if you want to help with this please get in touch!! You can contact me through our website and I will get with you!!
Thank you to our Spring Crawl volunteers
Shelley McNerney, Lauren Damyn, Karla and Alan Stout, Jessica Llamas, Ryan Volman, Melissa and Bob Peltzer, Greg Wilkinson, Liz Allen, Wanda Gould, Buck Goddard, Jeanne and Keith Showell, Gayle Masquat, Brad Gurley, Greg Gibbs, Craig Senn, Trudy and Blake, Trish Fair, Barbara Farrar-Litton, Starla Dugan, Jon Segovia, Emily Bonavia, Steve Hartmann, Laura Pedro, Bill Kitchen, Melissa Reynolds, Stacey Weber, Amy VanAmburg, Renee Shunatona, Janie Gleason, Mike Clough, Candice and Robert Hughes, Sue Shunatona, Mary Beth and Tom Hess, Deb Leep, Penny Harrison, Debbie Johnston, Alice Rogers-Simmons, Don Bean, Michael Peltzer, Chris Kingsolver, Todd Womacks, Patti Parker, Dave Rasmussen, Mary Certain, and Jim Lanzrath
See the end of the newsletter for a few photos of from the crawl. |
| Keepin the Blues Alive! |
Checkout our new video recorded at the election party by Brittney from ArtEyeView Productions. |
WBS Member Appreciation Party!
Join us on Sunday June 30 to celebrate the Wichita Blues Society!
This party is NOT formembers only! Bring your family and friends to The Brickyard to enjoy music by Timbuktoo and the good company of your fellow blues lovers.
Drawing for:CDs, WBS swag, tickets to Taj Mahal at The Orpheum and other great stuff!
To say, "Thanks for being a member," WBS members get in FREE!! Non-members pay only $5 and if they join at the party, they get$ 5 off their membership fee.
Member Appreciation Party
Sunday, June 30 4-7p.m.
The Brickyard with Timbuktoo
Blues lovers under 21 years are welcome to attend.
WBS Stage at River Festival
Again this year the Wichita Blues Society will host a stage at Riverfest! We are excited to bring you our 2012 challenge winners - Kentucky Gentlemen and Kool Kat Daddy Band - on June 5 from 6-9p.m at the Block Party. Details will be posted on our website:
Also, the Pina Brothers will be playing the River Festival, be sure and catch their shows:
Sat. June 1st - 1:15-3:15 @ Food Court Stage
Sat. June 8th - 5:00 - 7:00 pm @ Star Floating Stage |
Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials headline the 13th Annual CQ Blues Festival, May 25-26 in Sedan, Kansas
2 days of great music with: John Fullbright, Hadden Sayers, Dustin Pittsley Band, Kentucky Gentlemen, Kool Kat Daddy Band
Click on the image for details
The joy of playing the blues - Youth Jam Update
Our youth jam evolved from our guitar workshops we started in 2011. Other young musicians began showing up for the workshop and we realized we needed a jam instead of a workshop, which meant moving to a larger venue.
At the same time, Amy and Harry Reese were interested in having young musicians perform at The Underground, a family-friendly venue they setup in the basement of the Harry Reese Dance studio.
It all came together, and we held the first youth jam in August 2012.
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our local musicans who have donated their time to help at the jam. In March we had members of Kool Kat Daddy Band: Bob Dorman, Larry Sanders and David Shaw. In April, Craig Steward helped us out and we were thrilled to have 5 kids show up because it was the same night as one of the WSU championship games. Michael Peltzer has also donated a great deal of his time at the jams and we really appreciate his help.
The goal of the youth jam is to share the Blues with young people, and show them how the fundamentals of blues music will help them play many other kinds of music. The jam is also a great opportunity for them to experience playing and singing alongside other musicians outside their regular circle, i.e., band class, individual lessons, or strumming alone in their basement. It is about the joy of playing music with others!
The WBS plans to provide opportunities for the young "jammers" to perform at our events when possible. For example, three brothers who regularly attend the jam performed as the Pina Brothers band at our Election Party in February.
The jam is free and open to young musicians under 21 years of age. Music is not limited to the blues and we encourage vocalists and brass musicians to attend.
Youth Jam; 4-7p.m. First Saturday of the month
The Underground, 1628 George Washington Blvd.
Making history: Blues Women International - Hopson Sessions Live
Recently, 15 blues women from all over the world gathered at the Hopson Commissary in Clarksdale to record a live CD of all original material.
The selection of songs encompasses a variety of genres from Roots to Rock n Roll, and Country to Blues, and are tales that only women can tell.
Artists include Clarksdale native Jacqueline Nassar, first Robert Johnson achievement award recipient; Australian Blues singer/songwriter Dee Dee Lavell; Canadian Blues artist Sunday Wilde; and Minnesota Native Americans Joni and Alex Buffalohead.
This is the first project of the new Blues Women International, a grassroots organization that assists women blues artists around the world.
More info and to buy the CD, visit: BWI's website.
Presented by Topeka Blues Society
July 4, 2013
Live Blues music begins at noon, and ends at sunset (around 9:30pm), followed by a spectacular Capitol Federal nightworks show!
Admission is FREE!
Click here for details. |
 Spring Crawl Thanks to: Brickyard, Morts, Loft 150, Club Indigo, Heroes and Jon's Ale House for making it happen! We'll see you in September!
