APRIL  2013   




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Dear Friars and Friends,


Let's stayed filled with Easter hope.... It looks like a time of renewal for us, as Catholics, with a Pope who has picked a pretty fine name!!!, and who has already taken public steps to highlight the need of Christians to uphold the dignity of the poor and the integrity of creation.... His Easter message to the world was for peace--while naming many key countries where violent conflicts exist.   


This month the U.S. is facing changes in immigration policies, struggles to implement gun control, discussions about the moral use of drones, and the proliferation of our military personnel and weapons adjacent to North Korea.  


There are many Justice issues for you to preach and teach about....  


Larry Dunphy OFM, the St. Barbara Province JPIC Animator from 1980-1983, died February 26th. Larry loved working with the poor and those in jails. Larry went to the OFM Africa Project; he would say his time in Africa was challenging yet the most profound in his friar life. Until a week before Larry died, his avocation was to write to legislators. And he always included a teaching about "social justice" in every homily he preached. 



I spent Holy Week at the friary in San Antonio, Texas, with the formation community of Our Lady of Guadalupe Province. I led a day of recollection.

Here is a photo of Jack Clark Robinson OFM and Chris Kerstiens OFM watching "The Passion Play" downtown on Good Friday.



Holy Saturday morning was the 17th annual "Cesar Chavez March for Justice" also in downtown San Antonio. Pictured are [right to left] Jorge Hernandez OFM, Jose Luis Peralta OFM, and yours truly.  




I wrote a short article about the present crisis in North Korea. Find it here


..........peace........Bro. Mark.........  



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The DREAM Act 
On Feb. 21, at St. Francis Center, Los Angeles, staff member David Cobian OFM organized a workshop for young immigrants to apply for documents of residency. Lawyers volunteered their time, and many students and workers were granted "temporary legal status."  The DREAM Act acronym stands for the Development Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act.  

Immigration Reform
Franklin Fong OFM taught a seminar for the Franciscan School of Theology that focused on a different take on immigration--he took the class each day to various places of Asian importance in San Francisco. Most notably, to Angel Island--the passageway for Chinese and other Asians into the United States for many years.
In the class was Nghia Phan OFM. Instructors included Finian McGinn OFM,   John Luat Nguyen OFM, and John Kiesler OFM; on their final day, I was able to give the class some action steps towards immigration reform. 



One mode of bringing Justice into our world is by taking part in non-violent direct action. And what friar tops the list for doing this?  Louie Vitale OFM !

Here was Louie's schedule for Holy Week this year:

Louie had a court date in Santa Barbara, over his most recent arrest at Vandenburg Air Force Base. He was forced to plead "not guilty," as the judge would not accept his plea of "nolo contendere."  The matter was then postponed to a later date. Louie and others are pointing to the fact that the U.S. is launching ICBM missile tests--with dummy warheads--into the Marshall Islands. (This is one of the concerns of North Korea, as the Marshall Islands are in proximity to them, and our ICBMs have nuclear weapon capability.) 

Louie took part in the annual "Sacred Peace Walk" in Nevada. He has a future court date for a non-violent action at Creech Air Force Base, Indian Springs NV. This is where military drones are tested and where drone-piloting technology is advanced.

And on Good Friday, Louie took part in the action at the annual ecumenical service at Lockheed-Martin in Livermore CA (the Lawrence Livermore Lab). 37 people were arrested, and Louie was released and the charges were dropped.


Climate Change 


Franciscan Action Network is engaged in a long-term effort of grassroots organizing to create political awareness on climate change. A monthly webinar has been established to build the campaign; the webinar is on the first Thursday of every month. Visit Franciscan Action Network for more information.


Nuclear Waste 

Larry Bernard OFM suggests we stay informed about radioactive waste storage.
For nearly twenty years, the nuclear industry's primary aim has not been the establishment of a scientifically-sound, publicly-defensible permanent solution for radioactive waste, but rather institution of "centralized interim storage" sites. In other words, one or more "temporary" places to stash thousands of casks of lethal high-level waste, regardless of whether the site is suitable for long-term storage.

There continues to be a loud voice of public opposition to unsafe storage. Want more information? Visit 
Nuclear Information and Resource Service






St. Anthony's Dining Room, San Francisco    


Demolition of the 60-year old St. Anthony's Dining Room began in January.The new dining room and kitchen will be larger, serving over 3000 meals a day. The second floor will hold ministries of   St. Anthony's Foundation, and on the floors above, Mercy Housing will build ninety units of affordable housing for seniors.

Photos by Peter Boegel OFM. 



For more information visit St. Anthony's Foundation 



The Migrant Walk: We Walk for Life
The ninth annual 75-mile journey from S�sabe, Sonora to Tucson, Arizona will take place from May 27 to June 2. This walk symbolizes our solidarity with our migrant sisters and brothers. We bear witness to the lives that are lost, the families who mourn, and the communities that suffer. 

Pictured is David Buer OFM, an annual participant.
For more information visit Derechos Humanos 

Catholic Roundtable

2013 Social Action Summer Institute 

"Many Borders, One Body in Christ" 

June 16 - 20, 2013 

University of Arizona in Tucson


To register visit Catholic Roundtable 
Looking Ahead

Stations of the Light with Mark Schroeder OFM 
Saturday April 20, 2013

Essential Skills for Non-Profit Leadership 
June 10-14, 2013

Family Vacation Retreat with Mark Schroeder OFM et. al. July 8-12,2013

The Soul's Journey of the Great Turning with
Anne & Terry Symens-Bucher
May 10-11, 2013

The Oscar Romero Series Vessel of Clay: The Story of Sr. Carl with Jacqueline Hansen Maggiore 
June 7-8, 2013

Secular Franciscan Retreat with Bill Short OFM 
May 24-26 
Contemplative Living In A Hectic World with Sr. Barbara Hazzard, OSB

Saturday August 3, 2013

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Franciscan Spirituality with  

Bill Short OFM 

October 4-6, 2013



Franciscans for Justice Website 



contactusContact Us


Franciscans For Justice 

1112  26th St.
Sacramento CA  95816


Mark Schroeder, OFM

619.962.0919 - Cell
