A Post From the Pako Field 
The Friends of ENCA Farm Newsletter

Summer Solstice Edition 2016 
News From the Field: 
Organic Seeds Planted are Growing 

The Seed Savers Group has been busy propagating the initial round of organic seeds we distributed in February. Pictured to the right is farmer, Pastor Andrew Bandiwan, proudly displaying the beans he grew from the seeds we distributed. A portion of these empress beans will be saved for seed and start the farmer-led, owned, and operated seed library in the Philippines. Pastor Andrew operates a 500 square meter farm in Ambassador, Tublay, Benguet. 

Stats About The Seed Savers 
- 10 farmers representing over 100 acres of farmland.
- Producing organic food for over 20,000 people.
- Local seed production saves each farmer $100/annually (equivalent to roughly one month's income).
-Farmers have completed over 100 hours of education programs to date.

June Global Giving Campaign

You can help ensure more Filipino Farmers have access to Organic Seeds and Farmer Education Programs! 

Donate Now to our Annual June Campaign on Global Giving. We are only $2,507 short of our $8,000 goal! 

Thank you for helping Filipino Farmers Access the Seeds to Their Future!
Successful Virtual Training Held with the Philippines 

On Thursday, June 9th we held the first virtual training with our farmers in the Philippines and our collaborators at the Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance and Denver Urban Gardens. Thanks to the power of technology we "broke the ice" as a group and got to know one another in preparation for the 12 day in-person training in November in the Philippines. 

During the call the farmers got to ask specific questions about their current growing challenges and exchange ideas and expertise with the facilitators. 

Thanks again to the Posner Center for International Development for supporting this dynamic domestic and international collaboration through the International Collaboration Fund. We are very excited to be working with these dynamic partners to improve our farmers operations in the Philippines.

Seed School in a Day
at DeLaney Community Farm 
in Aurora, Colorado
Saturday, August 20th 9am-5:30pm

"Seed School in a Day" is a one-day workshop that offers a comprehensive overview of seed saving. Practical, hands-on activities are balanced with engaging lectures to 
provide a fun and interactive learning experience.

Following the workshop, participants will understand why bioregional seed saving is so important and they will gain enough skills to begin their seed saving adventure! 

Participants of all skill levels and backgrounds, including farmers and gardeners, are welcome to participate in this informative and accessible workshop. This workshop is hosted in collaboration with Denver Urban Gardens and will be facilitated by instructors from our partner organization the Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance.

Cost: $60, includes lunch. Scholarships are available. 

Register Here and feel free to e-mail us with further questions!  

Upcoming Events 

Dine and Drink for a Cause
@ Bar Fausto on Sunday, June 26th 

Join us for Sunday afternoon drinks and food at Bar Fausto and support organic farmers in the Philippines. 10% of all proceeds will be donated to Friends of ENCA Farm. No need to tell them you are there for us, just drop by with some friends for a fun Sunday afternoon at one of Denver's hot new bars! 

Environmental Charity of the Month 
@Berkeley Untapped in the Highlands 

Entire Month of July and 15% Happy Hour on Thursday, July 20th @5pm

Friends of ENCA Farm is the Environmental Charity at 
Berkeley Untapped for the entire month of July! Drop by for some delicious drinks and be sure to put your token in our bucket, we will get $0.25 of each drink. 

Also we will be hosting a special happy hour on Thursday, July 20th starting at 5pm. Drop by for some drinks and we will get 15% of your bill! Pizza on us! 

What's Inside

All donations made to Friends of ENCA Farm are Tax-Deductible

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