For Immediate Release

Bethany Morrill

Larson Davis - Marketing

   Phone:  716-684-0001 


Larson Davis Launches New Software Development Kit (SDK) with Support for Microsoft and Linux


PCB division expands support to acoustic engineers and consultants using sound level meters for OEM integration and project customization

February 25, 2015, Farmington Hills, MILarson Davis, a division of PCB Piezotronics, is pleased to announce an upgrade to the Larson Davis SLM Software Development Kit (SDK). 


With this new SDK, Larson Davis improves its open interface and expands support of acoustic engineers and consultants who need to develop custom applications or interface with other systems. The new SDK is available to support application development on Windows� and Linux� platforms and includes example code for Visual C#, Visual C++HTML 5, and Javascript. The SDK provides a single, high level API for full setup, control and download of data from supported sound level meters. This capability enables and simplifies software development needed for custom or proprietary applications. The data may be streamed using the supported languages and may be displayed in web pages to allow flexibility for display, communication, or accessibility.


Ken Cox, Product Development Manager said, "At Larson Davis we believe in providing our customers the open interface they need to control our sound level meters and access their data.  That is why it was important to us to add compatibility with the Linux operating system and the web enabled interface to our SDK package.  With the web based tools now available, our customers can open up a portal via the internet and get access anytime and anywhere to their data."


For more information about the Software Development Kit visit:


For product information, contact Product Manager Ken Cox at (716) 684-0001 or


About Larson Davis 

Larson Davis, a division of PCB Piezotronics, offers a full line of Noise and Vibration measurement instrumentation; including Type 1 sound level meters, personal noise dosimeters, octave band, audiometric calibration systems, microphones and preamplifiers, hearing conservation software, and Human Vibration Exposure Monitors.  Products are used for measurement of building acoustics, community & environmental noise monitoring, as well as supporting various automotive, aerospace and industrial applications.  Larson Davis proudly stands behind their products with the services you value most, including 24-hour technical support, a global distribution network, and the industry's only commitment to Total Customer Satisfaction. Visit us at


About PCB Piezotronics

PCB Piezotronics is a designer, manufacturer, and global supplier of accelerometers, microphones, and force, torque, load, strain, and pressure sensors, as well as the pioneer of ICP� technology. This instrumentation is used for test, measurement, monitoring, and control requirements in applications for automotive, aerospace, industrial, energy, R&D, military, educational, commercial, and OEMs. Our Platinum Products are covered by a lifetime warranty and are ready for immediate shipment.  With a customer support team of more than 30 Customer Service Representatives and Application Engineers, PCB proudly stands behind their products with services that include a 24-hour technical support, a global distribution network, a best in class warranty and the industry's only commitment to Total Customer Satisfaction. Visit us at


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PCB and ICP are registered trademarks of PCB Group, Inc.

Visual C#, Visual C++, Windows and Microsoft are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or in other countries.

Javascript is a registered trademark of Oracle America, Inc.
Linux is the registered trademark of Linux Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.