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Announcement from VCHS
July 31, 2012  


Cancer Support Group
Valley County Health System's Hospice is sponsoring a Cancer Support Group for anyone diagnosed with cancer and their families. They meet the third Thursday of the month, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Ord Methodist Church's conference room. Facilitators of this group will include cancer survivors.  



Adult Grief Support Group
The Adult Grief Support Group are held in the conference room at the Valley County Home Health building located at 400 S. 23rd Street, lower level, in Ord. The group meets second Thursday of the month from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.   


If you are interested in learning more about these groups, please contact Marilyn at 308-728-4315.     

Becky Ries, Valley County Health System Foundation Executive Director, is pleased to announce that the 2012 Golf Tournament netted a profit of a little over $23,000. Of this amount, $5,000 will be placed in the Foundation endowment fund and the rest will be designated for use in the area(s) of the greatest need within Valley County Health System.Becky would also like to thank everyone who made this year's tournament such a success.


Donations to Valley County Health System Foundation have recently been used to meet several needs within the following departments at Valley County Health System: surgery, physical therapy, nursing home and home/health and hospice. Becky said, "What a difference our donors are making through their gifts by helping ensure that needed equipment and services are in place both now and in the future. In addition, I want our donors to know how many lives benefit from their gifts. Each gift we receive is greatly appreciated."


Be sure to mark your calendars for the 15th Annual Valley County Health System Foundation Golf Tournament & Auction, scheduled to be held on Friday, July 5, 2013.  


The Valley County Health System Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization. The Foundation's mission is to seek, receive and administer donations and gifts for the sole benefit of Valley County Health System. The Foundation's number one priority is enhancing and sustaining high-quality healthcare in Central Nebraska.


Golf Winners_2012 Championship Flight: The Olson Group- Jeff Wallace, Shelly Liddick, Josh Larrison, and Davis Garner    

Health Fair_2012

The fourth annual Valley County Health System Health Fair on June 28 was full of activity. The theme for the fair was "Nebraska...the Good Life." One hundred and thirty people participated in the health screen and/or PSA blood tests. Those who attended were able to browse the 15 educational booths and eat breakfast. The Health Screen offered a comprehensive blood panel for a greatly reduced fee of only $35 and a prostate cancer blood test for only $15.


Valley County Health System plans to hold another health fair next June. Thank you to the lab staff for being positive and cooperative, to the hospital employees for their help and to those who had display booths at the fair. Special thanks to all those who attended the fair and helped make event a continued success.






Valley County Health System
Progressive Care with Compassion

Mission: Valley County Health System will provide progressive healthcare services in a healing, patient-centered environment.

Vision: To be the healthcare provider of choice and a symbol of strength, vitality and caring in the region we serve.

Values: Integrity, Compassion, Ownership, Respect, Trust
Upcoming Events
Celebrate Being a Woman
Coming this October  









For more information
Public Relations & Marketing Coordinator