DACC Newsletter
July 25, 2013
We hope all of our Delaware Area Career Center students and families are having a great summer. Below are a few updates of what has been going on over the summer and items to be aware of before the start of the school year.
Bring Your Own Technology
 We are very excited to share the news with you that we are moving to a 'Bring Your Own Technology' or BYOT model at DACC. We believe this model has many benefits, including:
- Creating successful citizens in the global community
- Empowering students to take control of their own learning
- Preparing our students for future jobs
- Fostering innovation and creativity
- Maximizing their opportunity for success in school and beyond
We understand that you may have questions for our Technology Department, so in order to provide you with more information, expectations of student usage, recommended device specifications, and the role this will take in the students' classroom, we are offering a few orientation sessions this summer at both of our campuses. Both parents and students may attend.
There are only two sessions left - July 30th from 6-8pm and August 1st from 9-11am. Both sessions will be held at south campus.
If you would like to attend one of the above sessions, please RSVP to Jennifer Ezell at ezellj@delawareareacc.org or 740.201.2234.