DACC Parent Newsletter
Table of Contents
Upcoming Events
Bring Your Own Technology
DACC Students Take Top Honors
DACC Makes the Grade
Online Resources
Featured Article
Purchase a Student-Built Home
Give Us Your Feedback
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DACC Newsletter

July 25, 2013

We hope all of our Delaware Area Career Center students and families are having a great summer. Below are a few updates of what has been going on over the summer and items to be aware of before the start of the school year.

Upcoming Events


July 30th 6-8pm, South Campus 

Bring Your Own Technology Orientation Session

Learn more about this event.


August 1st 9-11am, South Campus

Bring Your Own Technology Orientation Session

Learn more about this event.


August 6th 5-8pm, North and South Campuses

Welcome Night

Learn more about this event.


August 14th

First day of high school classes


August 15th 6:30pm, South Campus

Board of Education Meeting

Learn more about this event.


August 30th

Staff Professional Development Day - No High School Classes

Learn more about this event.


Stay up to date on all of our upcoming events 

on the DACC web site.

Bring Your Own Technology

BYOT We are very excited to share the news with you that we are moving to a 'Bring Your Own Technology' or BYOT model at DACC. We believe this model has many benefits, including:
  • Creating successful citizens in the global community
  • Empowering students to take control of their own learning
  • Preparing our students for future jobs
  • Fostering innovation and creativity
  • Maximizing their opportunity for success in school and beyond
We understand that you may have questions for our Technology Department, so in order to provide you with more information, expectations of student usage, recommended device specifications, and the role this will take in the students' classroom, we are offering a few orientation sessions this summer at both of our campuses. Both parents and students may attend.

There are only two sessions left - July 30th from 6-8pm and August 1st from 9-11am. Both sessions will be held at south campus. 

If you would like to attend one of the above sessions, please RSVP to Jennifer Ezell at ezellj@delawareareacc.org or 740.201.2234.

DACC Students Take Top Honors at SkillsUSA National Competition


SkillsUSA Three Delaware Area Career Center students travelled to Kansas City to compete in the annual National Leadership and Skills Conference sponsored by SkillsUSA.


Robert Pasco took second place in the Principles of Engineering Technology category. The team of Tatiana Brookins and Andrew Blake brought home seventh place out of 42 teams in the Promotional Bulletin Board category. To qualify for this national event, these students competed at the local, regional, and state levels. All 3 students took first place at the statewide competition in May of 2013.


Read more on our web site.

DACC Makes the Grade


On July 16th, 2013, the State Board of Education released the first simulated Ohio Career-Technical Education (CTE) Report Card. Ohio's new CTE accountability system is believed to be the first of its kind in the nation.


The Delaware Area Career Center received a 95%, an A letter grade, in both the 4 and the 5-year graduation rates and received a 94% in post-program outcome. However, a B letter grade was granted in the post-program outcomes component due to the inability to provide data for at least 85% of the graduated students. Data was provided for 81%. Since 2011 when the data was collected, the Delaware Area Career Center and associate districts have improved processes for following up with students after graduation in order to improve accurate reporting.


More details about the report card and future report cards can be found on our web site.

Online Resources


As the 2013/2014 school year approaches, there are resources on the DACC web site that may be helpful to you. If you have questions that these resources do not answer, please don't hesitate to contact us at 740-548-0708.


Staff Directory

Lab locations 

Counseling Department

Attendance FAQ

Bell schedule

District calendar


Lunch menu

Sign up for Honeywell instant alerts

Access your grades in PowerSchool

DACC student policies

Hybrid Learning Program
DACC offers a Hybrid Learning Program to all of our full day students. This program is an innovative model for developing students who are excited to learn in new and different ways. 

Students begin the school year attending classes daily. Those who receive a C or better in all of their classes at the first interim, and have no unexcused absences will begin the Hybrid Program. Students who qualify for the Hybrid option can complete their Friday academic assignments from home. They will have until the following Monday morning to complete their Hybrid assignments.

Purchase a Student-Built Home

Construction House DACC Construction Technology students have spent the last two years building a home that you can buy. We will be holding an auction on August 30th at 12:15 pm. Bids can be submitted to the Treasurer's Department any time before noon on August 30th.

Give Us Your Feedback!
This newsletter was created with you in mind, so tell us what you think. We'll do our best to keep you informed with the news you want to hear about DACC. E-mail MowryA@DelawareAreaCC.org to submit your thoughts.