DACC Parent Newsletter
Feedback Survey
Upcoming Events
Ohio Graduation Test
Student of the Month
Blood Drive
Power Line Technician Program Donation
Nursery Landscape State FFA Contest
Student Opportunities
Important Extension Numbers
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DACC Newsletter

January 31, 2013

Greetings from Delaware Area Career Center!  We hope all students are enjoying their DACC experience.  We have a few items to update you with; hopefully you will find DACC's newsletter informative and useful.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the South Campus Director at 740-201-3210 or North Campus Director at 740-203-2201.

R. Dale Hayes, South Campus Director

Mary Titus, North Campus Director



Upcoming Events


February 7, 2013-Parent Teacher Conference (4:30-8pm)

  • To schedule a conference please contact Deb Pemberton at North Campus (740) 203-2201 or Anita English at South Campus (740) 201-3210

February 18, 2013-Presidents Day (Buildings Closed)


March 22, 2013-End of Grading Period 3


March 25, 2013-Parent Teacher Conference Trade Day (No Classes)


March 26-29, 2013-Spring Break (No Classes)


March 11-15, 2013-Ohio Graduation Tests (sophomores and juniors)

  • Contact Jennifer Dennewitz with questions at (740)203-2213

March 18-22, 2013-Ohio Graduation Test Make-up Week

Stay up to date on all of our upcoming events on the DACC web site.

Ohio Graduation Test


In March all Ohio high schools administer the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT).  DACC will be participating in this administration.  Testing will take place the week of March 11th through 15th.  Who takes the test? All 10th grade students along with any 11th and 12th grade students who have not passed or met the requirements for graduation in any of the subject areas. How can I help my student prepare? Go to http://ogt.success-ode-state-oh-us.info/studentsOGT.htm. This is a great website that provides practice questions in all the subject areas. Please contact Jennifer Dennewitz at (740)203-2213 with questions.


Testing days and subjects are as follows:

March 11th Reading OGT

March 12th Math OGT

March 13 Writing OGT

March 14th Science OGT

March 15th Social Studies OGT


Student of the Month


The staff of DACC wishes to recognize all the students nominated for January's North Campus Student of the Month:


Sophomore/Junior Nominees:

Brandon Kramer - WSM

Maria Swartz - CA

Jeremy Miller - AT

Duc Anh Vu - ITA

Emma Jecks - Cos

Hayden Kelley - ECE

Mary Wynn - Cos

Aarron Stirewalt - FST

Myca Bell - ECE

Shelly Bennett - MO

Cameron Hood - PSDT


Senior Nominees:

Austin Palileo - WSM

Sharon Brown - CA

Alexis Spiers - Cos

Patrick Sech - PSDT

Deanna Hatfield - ECE

Heidi Oswalt - Cos

Hannah Clegg - ITA

Monica Schenck - EQS



The Sophomore/Junior January Student of the Month is Duc Anh Vu.  The Senior January Student of the Month is Hannah Clegg.  Congratulations!


North campus students of the month are nominated by and voted on by north campus staff members. Every month a senior and a junior or sophomore, are voted Student of the Month based on their excellent attitude and commitment to learning.

Blood Drive


Fire Service l &ll students and their instructor Mr. Huffman will be hosting an American Red Cross blood drive on Wednesday February 13th starting at 7:45am and ending at 1:45pm.  The blood drive will be held at the DACC North Campus in the Auditorium.  Their goal is to collect 40 units of blood.  Students who wish to donate must be at least 16 years of age and have a signed parental consent form.  Parents and other family members who would like to donate are invited to attend.  All guest visitors are asked to sign in at the main office before coming to the auditorium.  


Power Line Technician Program Donation


American Electric Power has donated a Digger Derrick Line Truck to the Power Line Program.  This truck will allow the instructors to upgrade the training for the students and help them become familiar with how to dig pole holes, set new poles, place transformers on poles and many other jobs associated with overhead line jobs.  The students will become familiar with all the safety aspects relating to the daily operation of the line truck.  Safety is very important while operating this vehicle.  The students will also learn how to drive the truck; however only in the school parking lot.  Thank you American Electric Power.

Nursery Landscape State FFA Contest


Eight students from the Landscape lab competed in the Nursery Landscape State FFA contest. Erin Lockwood, Jake Norman, Brad Krueger, Kyle Burke, Coty Piper, Brani Rohr, Joe Scheiderich, and Megan Niemela took 13th place after the online exam portion and moved into 4th place in the state after the competition on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at the Convention Center.  The team will compete against the other teams that finished in the top 10 in March at the Nursery Landscape finals being held at Tolles Career and Technical Center in Plain City, Ohio.


Student Opportunities


National Technical Honor Society:


The National Technical Honor Society is an acknowledged organization that provides the highest quality recognition for outstanding students in career and technical education.  The National Technical Honor Society's purpose is to create, promote, reward and encourage skill, honesty, service, leadership, citizenship, scholarship, and responsibility.  Students interested in applying for membership in the National Technical Honor Society must complete an application and meet the initial eligibility criteria.  Applications are available in the guidance office. Following receipt of initial applications, counselors will verify grade eligibility and compile attendance records (only unexcused absences will be counted).  The application components for each student provided will be given a point value by the NTHS Faculty Selection Committee.  These totals will be combined for a total student score.  A minimum score of 150 must be earned for a student to be selected for this honor.  Completed applications must be submitted to the DACC Counseling Office no later than 3 PM on Friday, February 8, 2013.



Student Ambassadors:


The Delaware Area Career Center Student Ambassadors are a select group of student leaders who are dedicated to the positive promotion of our Career Center.  These students serve as ambassadors from the student body to prospective students and are an essential component of the school's total public relations effort.


As ambassadors, students represent DACC at recruitment and public relations activities in local schools and in the community.  Students conduct career awareness presentations at various high schools and middle schools.  Student ambassadors also have a chance to take part in leadership and community service activities within the school. 


Students are nominated by DACC teachers and go through an application and interview process before being accepted as a DACC Ambassador.  Selection criteria are based on grades, attendance, and leadership potential.  Once selected, students participate in a leadership training focused around public speaking, communication, goal setting, and personal character.  Current juniors at DACC will be eligible for the Ambassador program this spring.  Serving as an ambassador is an excellent opportunity to develop skills in leadership, public speaking, and responsibility while promoting DACC! 



2013 Delaware County Career Passport Contest:


The Delaware County Career Passport Contest is offered to seniors based on the submission of a completed senior Career Passport. This contest is open to 2013 graduates of Big Walnut, Buckeye Valley, Delaware Hayes, Liberty, Orange, and Olentangy High Schools, and Delaware Area Career Center (full day students only). Up to 10 entries will be accepted from each school. One entry from each school will be awarded $250. Entries will be judged on the overall appearance of their portfolio, r�sum�, career narrative, and 21st century skills essays.

Entries submitted through Delaware Area Career Center must be received by Mrs. Ezell by 2:30 P.M. on Friday, March 22, 2013. Students submitting entries though their home high school should contact their guidance counselor for entry deadline information. A recognition event will take place for all winners on May 3, 2012 at the Delaware County Bank and Trust Corporate Center in Lewis Center. For more information, please contact Mrs. Ezell at (740) 203-2234 or ezellj@delawareareacc.org.

Important Extension Numbers 


North Campus 

     Director: Mary Titus, 740-203-2201  
     Administrative Assistant: Debbie Pemberton, 740-203-2201
     North Attendance: Diane Reynolds, 740-203-2268

     Vocational Special Education Coordinators:

                Sheree Ellis, 740-203-2264

                Linda Teach, 740-203-2270


South Campus

     Director: R. Dale Hayes, 740-201-3210 
     Administrative Assistant: Anita English, 740-201-3210
     South Attendance: P.J. Taylor, 740-201-3211    

     Vocational Special Education Coordinator:

                Jackie Johnson, 740-201-3245       


Guidance: Emily McKinney and Kathy Tornes,

                 740-203-2218 or 740-203-2215


Give Us Your Feedback!
This newsletter was created with YOU in mind - that's right, you right there - you know who you are. So tell us what you think. We'll do our best to keep you informed with the news you want to hear about DACC. E-mail MowryA@DelawareAreaCC.org to submit your thoughts.