October 20th, 2014
Table of Contents
Certification and Educator Prep Divisions
Ethics Cases
Georgia Professional Standards Commission Meeting
October 2014

The following topics were discussed during the Georgia Professional Standards Commission's ("GaPSC") monthly meeting on October 9, 2014: 

Certification and Educator Prep. Divisions 


Of particular note for aspiring educational leaders, rule 505-3-.77 Educational Leadership Program will likely be revised.  The rule contains content standards and requirements for programs that prepare school-based or central office-based educational leaders.  Changes will be made to, among other things, allow for self-selection into leadership prep programs, better prepare school leaders to be instructional leaders, and align to new leadership standards.   You may read the current rule HERE.

Ethics Division


The GaPSC usually denies initial certifications to applicants with felony convictions within the last 10 years.

A 90-days suspension is usually recommended for the first instance of falsifying an IEP.

When determining the sanction for an educator under investigation for an alleged crime, the GaPSC will focus on the conduct of the educator, not necessarily convictions, pleas, or the lack thereof.

The Commission recommended the two-years suspension of a male educator who allegedly exchanged around 70 text or email messages with a female student, some late at night.  There were no overtly sexual messages but some were found to be questionable (e.g. "You looked nice in that dress" and "I'm lonely").

When the GaPSC issues a sanction to a certificate-holder, if that educator chooses to have a hearing, the GaPSC bears the burden of proof and must prove the case by a preponderance of the evidence. This evidentiary standard means that it is more likely than not that the allegation is true.

Generally, if the GaPSC loses a case before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), it is final, and the GaPSC will not typically appeal a loss.

An educator may request a stay from the court for his or her certificate while appealing an ALJ's decision.  If the stay is granted, the educator's certificate will be in good standing during the appeal process.

Leonard Williams - Staff Attorney


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