Weekly Update February 27, 2013
Thanks to all who sponsored, participated in, and attended our 124th Annual Meeting last Thursday. The meeting was a great kick-off to our 125th year of operation and featured the presentation of these Annual Awards:
Ambassador of the Year: Mark Basanda
Basanda(l), owner of Utility Audit Solutions, was recognized by Chamber CEO Ben Haskew(r).
ATHENA Leadership AwardŽ:
Xanthene Norris
Jo Hackl
Nancy Whitworth
Presented by
Angela Webb(r)/CertusBank
Arts Leadership Award: CertusBank
Walter Davis(l) and Angela Webb(r) accepted the award presented by Megan Riegel(c)/The Peace Center for the Performing Arts.
Buck Mickel Leadership Award: Jim DeMint
The former US Senator(r) was presented
the award by Jim Evers(l)/AT&T.
Chairman's Award: Rep. Bruce Bannister
The South Carolina House Majority Leader(c) was presented with this Award by 2012 Chairman Mike Riordan(l) and 2007 Chair Howard Daniel(r)/Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, PC.
Leadership Greenville Distinguished
Presented by David Seaton(r)/Fluor Corp.
Max Heller Neighborhood Improvement Award: The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center
Presented to Major Kent Davis(c) and Matt Good(r) by Stephen Smith(l)/CBRE | The Furman Co.
Minority Business of the Year:
Flat Fee Recruiting, LLC
Founder/Owner Ava Smith(l) was presented this Award by Brian Jones(r)/Bank of America.
Small Business of the Year:
Rush Wilson Ltd.
This award was presented to Rush Wilson III(l) for the 36th year to celebrate the spirit of
Presented by Dennis Vick(r)/Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP.
Special Chairman's Award:
Presented by Jim Shew(r)/Blue Cross/Blue Shield of South Carolina.
Young Professional of the Year:
Nick Graham
Presented by Natalie Ruggiero(r)/BB&T
Member-2-Member Discount of the Week: Tryon Clear View Group, LLC
Tryon Clear View Group is offering Chamber members a 10% Discount on Cost Recovery and Prospective Invoice Anaylsis!Are you interested in reducing your costs? Tryon Clear View Group wants to help you do this. Performance-based, cost-reduction service focusing specifically on invoice analysis of telecom (including on site line audit) utilities, waste, workers compensation, copiers, and UPS/Fed Ex packaging. Their goal is to lower operating expenses based on billings, not by changing systems or managing them. They find savings 98% of the time, averaging 22.4% for telecom, 33% for waste, 10% utilities and 29% for copiers. Ref: Member2Member discount Expires: 4-30-2013
Call them today at 800-259-6638 ext. 224 or visit www.oneclearview.com.
The Upstate Chamber Coalition is hosting an
Upstate Healthcare Summit
Monday, March 4 9:30-11:30 am
Summit on Medicaid expansion and the Affordable Care Act in South Carolina.
Discussion will feature Dr. Tony Keck, Director of SC Department of Health and Human Services, and Thornton Kirby, President and CEO of the SC Hospital Association.
Community Center at Village @ Pelham 250 Westmoreland Road Greer, SC 29651
Have you been impressed by a small business lately?
Applications are available for Leadership Greenville's 40th Class! |
BEST Tip of the Week: Did you know that one out of five toilets leaks? These leaks can account for up to 20% of a toilet's water use. To tell if a toilet is leaking, put a few drops of coloring or instant coffee in the tank. Wait 15 minutes, and then check the toilet bowl. If it has any color in it, the toilet is leaking and costing you money Learn more simple ways to save and have a positive impact our community at FurmanBEST.biz.
Save the Dates for these Upcoming NEW Events:
View our calendars for more upcoming events:
Are you taking advantage of your Greenville Chamber group buying power programs?
Our SmartBuys partners Accident Fund (NEW!), BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, Office Depot, and Windstream Communications are dedicated to helping your buisness save money. Start saving today!
Individual Health Care Plans Are Available!
If you need a health care plan that lets YOU control costs, the Chamber's individual insurance program may be a perfect fit. This Individual plan has 10 plan designs to choose from with four different deduction levels. Contact Jennifer Powell for more information at 864-239-3731.
NationJob: Chamber members with 0-25 employees can post local job
listings for FREE at NationJob! Take advantage of this valuable benefit by E-mailing the job description to njlistings@nationjob.com and note that you are a Greenville Chamber member. Sponsorships for the Chamber's Employment page are also available.Call 888-256-0919 for further details.
Have you uploaded your Greenville Chamber App?
Go to web.greenvillechamber.org from your smart phone, follow the instructions to upload the Application to your Home Screen, and get to our Business Directory to find fellow members quickly and easily while you're on the go! If you have questions, please contact Marion Mann at 239-3729.