Newsletter May 2014
  1. View the all NEW SedonaFSU iPad edition.
  2. Connect with Perennial Software staff.
  3. Learn about our ESX specials.
Go to and use the code PER to save 10%.
ESX is the only major, national trade show focused exclusively on the needs of electronic security integration and monitoring companies. ESX helps electronic security company owners, executive managers and their staff discover best practices, uncover key business and mentoring relationships and learn about the industry's challenges and opportunities.  The Expo portion of ESX is June 25-26 and the Education runs from June 24-26.
Customer Highlight
Founded: 1993
Location: Grand Rapids, MI

Area served: Primarily Western Michigan

Employees: 40


Since 1993, SecurAlarm Systems, Inc. has been a leading provider of "best-in-class" integrated security systems in the West Michigan area and beyond.



Winning the 2012 Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce EPIC Small Business of the Year!  The EPIC awards recognize leading organizations in the West Michigan area that define Entrepreneurial, Progressive, Innovative and Collaborative business in the West Michigan area.  The nominees are organizations or individuals that support the local community, demonstrate growth and stability, stand out and are innovative, and have worked with other businesses as mentors or collaborators.

Management Angle

The Future of the Alarm Industry - Bright? Maybe Not So Bright

By Ron Davis, Davis Mergers & Acquisitions


When I was asked to write an article about where the industry will be in five years, I thought it would be a rather simple chore. Usually it is. However, not so much this time because, as this is being written, the industry is literally changing before our very eyes. There are cable companies, telephone companies, satellite dish companies, direct marketers, direct selling companies, all of whom will have a profound impact on where the industry is going to be in five years. So, not being a coward by nature, and always willing to put my thoughts on paper, here are my predictions for what's going to happen DURING THE NEXT FIVE YEARS.


Read the full article here.
May Tip

Copy and Paste Parts List in Purchase Orders


There is a feature in accounts payable when entering part numbers on purchase orders. Many people use third party software supplied by the vendor to enter purchase information on-line directly to the vendor. We've enabled the system copy and paste function from within the Purchase Order parts grid to copy and paste to/from an outside system.



This feature is useful for both finding a vendor part number and copying it out of SedonaOffice, or copying the part from vendor software and pasting it directly into the Purchase Order parts grid. 

Table of Contents
Meet Anthony Kaylor
Conversion Specialist
Since August 2011
What do you like best about your job?

The people I work with and the challenges of data conversions and mapping. It is like a complex puzzle that gives great satisfaction when completed correctly.


About Anthony:

I am an avid fisherman that enjoys time on the water. I also have 3 children, 2 grandchildren and a beautiful wife of 24 years. I used to drag race cars, rehab houses and bowled three 300 games in my life (Once had 19 strikes in a row).....

Did you know?

Did you know that Lucy and Linus (brother and sister from Charlie Brown) had another little brother named Rerun? He sometimes played left field on Charlie Brown's baseball team.

Save the Dates!
2015 SedonaOffice
Users Conference

January 12-14, 2015
Loews Coronado Bay Hotel
San Diego CA 
SedonaOffice | 440-247-5602 | |
549 East Washington St.  Chagrin Falls, OH 44022

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