



   This week we observe All Saints Sunday and remember together our friends and loved ones who have lived among us and have now ascended to the Church Sam's Picture Triumphant. They are dear to our hearts and minds, and as these names are called this week we will remember their "...work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope."

   On this Sunday we remember all of those who have come before us and who will come after us. This "connection" in the church, the realization that faith transcends generations, we call "the communion of saints." In the Apostles' Creed each week, we proclaim our belief in that communion.

   As the names are read this week, you will be given a moment to stand in memory of a particular friend or loved one. Remember all of these, their closeness to us, and the great legacy of faith and service which they have left with us.


Linda Quick

Mark Miller

Jeanette Sanders

Alice Pratt

Louise Livingston

Bill Gramlich

Bobbie Hillier

Missy Randall

Suzanne Pickens

Al Rowe

Ralph Clark

Leon King

Francis Louise Moon

Betty Brown

Jay Whorton

Davis Owen

Jan Cofield

June Garrett

M.O. Skelton

Julian Ballard

Sandra Stephens

Sara Jean Dawkins

Gloria Briscoe

Betty Nason

Jean Hayes

Anne Carpenter

Rene Moseley

George Mulling

Hazelle Braude

Dr. Charles Rey

Hazel Koch

Susan Ciulla

Valdah Burns

Edith Casto

Ross Reeves

Boykin Dunaway

Michael Brown

Bee Colquitt


I'll see you this Sunday.






Our annual Charge Conference will be held Monday, November 10 at 7 p.m. in the Family Life Hall with dinner ($10) at 6:30 p.m. Make your dinner reservation with Becky Sawyer, ext. 7824.


Created by God Is November 6-8
. Open to children in the 5th and 6th grades, Created by God is a study of human sexuality with a Christian foundation. It will offer both you and your child an opportunity to learn, grow, and celebrate the fact that we have each been wonderfully created by God, and are called to responsible living as sexual beings. Here is the schedule: Parents meet on Thursday, November 6 from  6-7 p.m.; students meet on Friday, November 7 from 5-8:30 p.m. and Saturday, November 8 from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.  Students and parents meet together on Saturday, November 8 from 12:15 - 2:30 pm.  Lunch will be provided on Saturday for both the parents and the participants.  Childcare will be provided for siblings if needed. The fee is $100, which covers the cost of the speaker, the cost of the materials, meals, snacks, and supplies. E-mail Georgia Rambo for more information. (Georgia Rambo, ext. 7812) 


Katheryn Preston, Executive Director of the Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness, will be the guest speaker at the Thursday, November 6 meeting of the United Methodist Women.  Everyone is welcome to come and hear her message about homelessness in our area.  UMW Is collecting blankets and coats for the Alliance to distribute to those who need them.  The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Reception Hall, and childcare is available on request.  Please e-mail Karen Edris by Monday November 3  to make reservations for dinner ($10 per person). 


Looking for a creative way to get involved with the church?  The MFUMC Dramatic Arts Team is hosting an open house on Sunday November 16th at 5:30 p.m. in the Choir Room (Room 261).  Join us to get involved with our upcoming Christmas program and learn about this impactful ministry.  We invite anyone who sings, dances, acts or simply loves the arts.  


 Membership Sunday is November 9. If you would like to make First United Methodist Church of Marietta your church home, consider joining with others on this special day. For more information, e-mail Rev. Brian Smith at briansmith@mariettafumc.org. (Rev. Brian Smith, ext. 7840)


Be a Christmas Angel! Help bring joy to an underprivileged family at Christmas.  Info is on the bridge, in the nursery and outside the Family Life Hall. For more info: contact Phyllis Clark 678-777-5066 or phyllisclark5@gmail.com.





Restore to Glory! 

Want more information about Restore To Glory! and its progress? Visit its Web site, which includes the latest news about projects with photos to show our progress. There, you will also find information about how to donate or make your pledge.
This Week


Join us for the 2014 Beth Berman Memorial Fund Dinner and Silent Auction on Thursday, October 30 in the Family Life Hall. The Silent Auction begins at 6 p.m. in Room 104 and dinner will be served at 7 p.m. Our guest speaker, Dr. Eric Mathis of Samford University will present "Let it Go: The Blessing and Bane of Missions in the North American Church." Tickets are available through the church office. (E-mail Ed Payne or Forrest Cate, ext. 7806)


All men of the church are invited to Guy's Night Out on Monday, November 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the Family Life Hall. Supper is provided and the program will feature the Marietta Mentoring for Leadership. (James Tate, jtate@printpack.com)


Fall Back an hour this Sunday with the time change.
Be sure to set your clock one hour backward and enjoy the extra time!


All Saints Sunday is this Sunday, November 2. During both worship services, we will call the names and ring a bell in honor of church members who have been promoted to the Church Triumphant in the past year.


Boy Scout Troop 277's annual chili cook off is Sunday, November 2 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Family Life Hall.  Enjoy homemade chili made by the troop patrols and favorite family recipes, as well as corn bread, hot dogs, desserts, and drinks.  In lieu of admission cost, donations to Troop 277 are appreciated!  Bring the whole family for a delicious fall lunch, and cast your vote to help decide the coveted patrol and individual chili winner! E-mail Kelly Duncan or call her at ext. 7812.


Connect Through Table Fellowship 

Church Family Supper is served in the Family Life Hall at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesdays. $6 (adults) and $4 (children from 3 to 11). $20 family cap.


October 29:

Beef Stroganoff with egg noodles or baked lemon pepper fish with yellow rice, corn, garlic green beans, black eyed peas, salad bar, rolls and dessert. Kids: Corn dog, tater rounds, salad bar, and dessert.

Save the Date


Beth Berman Dinner

Thursday, October 30


Daylight Savings Time Ends

Sunday, November 2


All Saints Sunday

Sunday, November 2


Boy Scout Chili Cookoff

Sunday, November 2 


Guy's Night Out

Monday, November 3


Senior Adult Ministry
Catered Luncheon

Wednesday, November 5


UMW Unit Meeting
November 6


Created By God


New Member Sunday

Sunday, November 9


Charge Conference

Monday, November 10


Senior High Youth Night Out

Saturday, November 15


Thanksgiving Feast

Sunday, November 16


Young Adult Sunday School Class Begins

Sunday, November 16










