


   Like me, Neal Dean Gilland II was born into this world with a great advantage. He has an older brother (in fact,  Neal Dean has two older brothers!). Those older brothers will show Neal Dean the "ropes" of life. They'll teach him howSam's Picture to bait a hook and throw a curve ball, how to use the computer and ride a bicycle. When the time is right, they'll teach him how to shave and everything he'll ever need to know about girls.

   The lessons have already started. On the way home from the hospital for the very first time, older brother Cash pointed out the church to Neal Dean. "Baby," he said, "that's our church and that's where we go on Sunday."

   Of all the lessons taught in the family, perhaps the most important one is the lesson of faith. Perhaps there was a time when faith was taught in the school system, but that time has passed. There was a time when the Christian faith was the dominant faith of the community, something "everybody" believed, and whether a devotional before the meeting or a prayer before kickoff, something in which everybody participated. Not now. There was a time when there were no games, no practices scheduled on Sunday morning, but no longer. We in the church have lost Sunday in many ways.

   Even the church can't do it alone. As Barbara Brown Taylor points out in her new book, Learning To Walk In The Dark, sometimes the efforts of the church, well-intended as they are, are not enough. We get your kids for a few minutes here and there (and only when there is not a more important ball game or swim meet) and perhaps the teachers are not as educated as we might like. Our lessons are quite often not as much fun as a movie or a computer game, rather boring in fact, and our children like to move on to something else.

   But the family is something else. It is there that we live out the ups and downs of daily life. We share our most intimate concerns, our greatest victories. We see each other at our best and at our worst. We set priorities, and our children see them. In the family we declare who we are and who we are not.

   Don't misunderstand me. I believe in the role of the church, and part of the family process is public worship together. But another part is taking home the lessons learned, the stories heard, and discussing and implementing them together.

   Cash was correct in his instruction to Neal Dean. The church is where we go on Sunday. There, we learn how to live together the other days of the week. Cash, you got it right.

   And I'll see you this Sunday.





All families are invited on Sunday, May 18 to the FUMC Summer Kick-Off!  All nursery through elementary age children and their families are invited from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. to enjoy jumpies, hamster balls, lazer tag, a hotdog dinner and other great activities.  There will be a special area set up for nursery age children.  The youth begin their activities at 6 p.m.


The Youth Choir will sell whole-hog, hickory smoked barbecue for $12 a pound (take out only) to support the 49th annual concert mission tour. Visit the Pavilion on Saturday, May 10 after 5 p.m. to purchase barbeque from the pit or take home a box after worship on Sunday, May 11.  (Bryan Black, ext. 7815)


College Scholarships are available through the MFUMC Scholarship Program, which is designed to provide financial assistance to college students who have been active members in our missions and ministries. The application is available here. Applications are due Monday, May 12. (Becky Sawyer, ext. 7824).


Our Guatemala Mission team is collecting items for its upcoming trip. Please consider donating socks, gummy vitamins, markers, pens, deodorant, or muffin mix. Marked bins are around the church. (Forrest Cate, ext.7806)


Worship for our Homebound Members. On Sunday, May 18 at 5 p.m., we will have a dinner and short worship service in the Reception Hall. This gathering is intended for those who are unable to attend regular Sunday morning worship. We will sing familiar hymns, enjoy a performance by the youth choir, and receive communion. Our gathering should last approximately one hour. Transportation and mobility assistance can be provided or a family member is welcome to attend. Minimum walking required. No cost; please RSVP to Rev. Elaine Wilder by May 12 at ext. 7826.


What is Stephen Ministry?
A Stephen Minister is a trained caregiver who will listen, pray and walk alongside you during a difficult time.  Our team of Stephen Ministers has responded to Christ's call to "carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."  (Gal. 6:2) This ministry can offer care during times of grief, unemployment, hospitalization, terminal illness, separation and divorce, loneliness, or struggles with faith.   To begin receiving care or for more information contact Rev. Elaine Wilder by e-mail or at ext. 7826.

VBS and Summer Camp online registration is open!  Visit the MFUMC Web site for details about the Summer of Wonders! There are many great camps for nursery, preschool, and elementary ages that will keep your kids entertained and growing in faith all summer long!  Contact Kelly Duncan with any questions. (Georgia Rambo, ext. 7805)  


Volunteer registration for Vacation Bible School is now open. More than 300 children ages 3K to 5th grade (completed grades) will come together for "Workshop of Wonders: Imagine and Build with God" June 16-19 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
   As a counselor, you will play a critical role in helping children experience the power of God's love! There are many fun opportunities for involvement, and no teaching experience is necessary. If you enjoy working with children and have any time to spare (even just one day), the VBS staff will tailor a schedule that works with your availability and interests. The nursery is also available to care for younger siblings free-of-charge and is reserved only for counselors.
   Please e-mail our volunteer coordinators, Karen Baudet and Christine Foster, by May 15th or indicate your interest in volunteering at the VBS registration link.



This Week


The MFUMC Music Ministry will perform Mozart's Requiem with full orchestra this Sunday, May 4 at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary.  This enduring masterpiece was left uncompleted at Mozart's death in 1791 and has taken its place among the most often performed settings of the Requiem.

This Saturday, May 3, join us for the 2014 MFUMC Sporting Clays Tournament to support Men's Missions.  Enjoy a day with friends at historic Burge Plantation shooting clays while supporting a great cause.  For more information, click here.

A Closer Look, a series for new members, visitors and those who want to know more, meets today from 10-11 a.m. in the Parlor. We will discuss unique aspects of United Methodist worship. (Rev. Claudette Farmer, ext. 7816)  

MFUMC's Blanket and Shawl ministry meets the first Thursday of the month. The group will gather next this Thursday, May 1 at 4 p.m. in the Hospitality Room. (Forrest Cate, ext. 7806)


Help stock the MFUMC food pantry during April.

Please donate non-perishable food items by leaving them in the specially marked bins throughout the church.  


Connect Through Table Fellowship 

Family Night Supper is served at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesdays. $6 (adults) and $4 (children from 3 to 11). $20 family cap.

April 30: Lemon-roasted chicken or baked tilapia, rice, saut�ed kale, carrots, salad bar, rolls and desserts. Kids: chicken sandwich, tater rounds, salad bar and desserts

Save the Date

Sporting Clays Tournament

May 3


Sacred Spring Concert

Mozart's Requiem

May 4   


Youth Choir Barbecue Sale

Saturday, May 10

and Sunday, May 11


MFUMC College Scholarship

Applications Due

Monday, May 12


FUMC Summer Kickoff

Sunday, May 18


A Closer Look

Sundays through May 18


New Member Sunday

Sunday, May 18


Worship for Homebound Members

Sunday, May 18 















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Restore to Glory!


Our rose window is the measure we're using to show how our Restore To
Glory! Campaign is going. To date, we've uncovered eight of the petals, representing the more than $1.24 million in pledges and gifts so far!


(Each petal is worth $150,000 and the center is $200,000)