Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives
November 2012


This year, as I gather with family and friends to give thanks to the bountiful blessings in our lives, I am particularly grateful to the presence of each and every one of you in my life. Your love and support has empowered all of us at ASHA International to give hope to people struggling with mental health issues around the world.   


Thanks to our many sponsors, donors and volunteers who make our outreach possible! And, thanks most of all to the courageous individuals and their families who allow us to assist them on their road to recovery. You are my heroes! 


Wishing you wellness, 


Gayathri Ramprasad, MBA, CPS
Founder & President, ASHA International
Gayathri Signature
The Healing Power of Gratitude 



If the only prayer you say in your life is 'thank you,' that would suffice.  


- Meister Eckhart





"Thousands of years of literature talk about the benefits of cultivating gratefulness as a virtue," says University of California Davis psychology professor Robert Emmons. Throughout history, philosophers and religious leaders have extolled gratitude as a virtue integral to health and well-being. Now, through a recent movement called positive psychology, mental health professionals are taking a close look at how virtues such as gratitude can benefit our health. And they're reaping some promising results.  


Grateful people -- those who perceive gratitude as a permanent trait rather than a temporary state of mind -- have an edge on the not-so-grateful when it comes to health, according to Emmons' research on gratitude. "Grateful people take better care of themselves and engage in more protective health behaviors like regular exercise, a healthy diet, regular physical examinations," Emmons tells WebMD. Read more... 


ASHA International: Bringing hope and healing to people's lives.
A2A logo

I need your help! I recently joined an exciting advocacy network called The  A2A Alliance. The project aims to pool the social networking resources of individual advocates such as myself, for the common good of all of us. So please help me expand the reach of MY advocacy by clicking this link and "liking" A2A's Facebook page. The 30-seconds you take will make a huge difference for all of us at A2A. Here's the link: Thank you!


Dear friends, 
Please note that you are receiving this newsletter because you have subscribed to it, or, as a token of our appreciation for your valuable support. In case you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, please unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of the email. Thanks! 



Gayathri Ramprasad, MBA, CPS, is not a doctor, therapist or health care professional. She is a mental health advocate and Certified Peer Specialist (CPS). The information shared in this E-mail is for general information purposes only and therefore not intended to replace the medical advice afforded by physicians or other healthcare professionals. 


In This Issue
The Healing Power of Gratitude
Adversity 2 Advocacy
Real People, Real Recovery
Recommended Reading
About Us
Real People, Real Recovery
Profiles of Courage, Hope & Resilience 

Daniel B. Fisher, M.D., Ph.D.
Dan Fisher
In the last few weeks, I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Dan Fisher twice. First, at the Alternatives Conference and second, at the Carter Center's Mental Health Symposium.

Dan's recovery from schizophrenia and his subsequent emergence as an internationally acclaimed mental health advocate has inspired me and thousands of people around the world.

In addition to serving as the Executive Director of the National Empowerment Center, Dan is currently a member of the White House Commission on Mental Health.

OPEN DIALOGUE: An alternative Finnish approach to healing psychosis

The Western Lapland Open Dialogue Program is presently getting the best results in the developed world for first-break psychosis -- approximately 85% full recovery, a far majority off anti-psychotic medication.
To learn more, please see trailer below.
Trailer for
Trailer for "OPEN DIALOGUE," an alternative Finnish approach to healing psychosis
Recommended Reading:


About Us:
ASHA International's mission is to promote personal, organizational, and community wellness through mental health education, training, and support.

You can make a difference!