LWV Masthead_2
April 2013
Calendar of Events
Focu$ on Education: Panel Discussion April 9
You won't want to miss this first-of-its-kind statewide broadcast of a panel discussion in Oklahoma City focusing on the crisis in education funding in Oklahoma. Presented by the League of Women Voters of Oklahoma, this free event is open to the public at seven locations across the state Tuesday, April 9.

Registration: 6 p.m.
Panel: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Q&A: 7:30-8 p.m. 

Tulsa location: Tulsa Community College
Metro Campus,
909 S. Boston Ave.,
Film Lecture Room, Student Center Room 102.

David Blatt, Oklahoma Policy Institute: Status of Education Funding
Brad Williams, President, Student Services, OSU-OKC: Growing Our Workforce
Sharon Rodine, Oklahoma Institute of Child Advocacy: Status of Children in Oklahoma
Terry Graham, Burlington Public Schools Board Member: Impact in the Classroom
Lavena Brown, Oklahoma City Public Schools Pre-K Parent: Impact in the Home

Read on for more information and to find another location.
League-Sponsored Mayoral Forum is May 8
Come question three candidates running to be the next Tulsa mayor from 6-7:30 p.m., Wed., May 8 in the Perkins Auditorium at the
OU-Tulsa Schusterman Learning Center, 4502 E. 41st St. (41st and Yale).
Mayor Dewey Bartlett, former City Councilman Bill Christianson and former Mayor Kathy Taylor have all agreed to participate.

We are working with a number of organizations to make this a well-attended and very informational event. Mark your calendars today.
Annual Meeting and LWVOK Convention 
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The Tulsa League will hold it's annual meeting the evening of Mon., May 6 at Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard Ave. Expect the official notice of the meeting in your mailbox mid-April.

On June 1, Tulsa is hosting the biennial League of Women Voters of Oklahoma convention. Our League is entitled to at least 10 voting delegates, so please let us know if you'd like to attend. We would like a strong Tulsa presence to welcome our friends from across the state. Let us know you'd like to come. The official call to convention will be sent in late April. Look for details of a social outing Fri., May 31.
April Unit Meetings
Please plan to attend the Focu$ on Education panel discussion on kids in classroom April 9 as that will be the spring board for discussion topics at the Unit meetings. Other materials, if necessary, will be posted on our website after the April 9 panel discussion. 
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In This Issue
Mayoral Forum
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April Unit Meetings
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Honoring Ann Bartlett
How to Access the Member Section at LWV.org
  Each member is assigned a unique membership number by the League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) that allows access to Member Resources at LWV.org.

Membership numbers are included in the initial "Welcome to the League" letters sent by our membership team. We know it's not always easy to locate the number later, so m
embership numbers are now included in the annual printed membership directory, available at the office. Shortly, they will also be included in the password-protected online version at lwvtulsa.org.
Memorial Gifts
Ann Bartlett
We received another gift in honor of Ann Bartlett, who had been active in the Tulsa League for years. Mrs. Bartlett is the mother of Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett and wife of the late Governor and U.S. Senator Dewey Bartlett, Sr.

Thank you Gloria Caldwell for your generous gift.
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Invite Your Friends to Join the LeagueLWV 20s poster

The League welcomes everyone over 18 who wants to help make a difference. Dues is only $55 a  year for individual members and just $25 more for another member from the same household. Forward this to your friends. Invite them to help you make democracy work.