LWV Masthead_2
March 2013
Calendar of Events
Member Mixer is March 7; Bring a Friend
Please plan to join us from 5-7 p.m., Thursday, March 7 at the Sophian Plaza, 1500 S. Frisco Ave. Bring a friend to introducestate capitol to the League. We'll provide the drinks and snacks at this happy hour gathering. 
League Member and Oklahoma State Representative Jeannie McDaniel will give us a mid-session legislative update.

Let us know if you can make it. info@lwvtulsa.org.
Focu$ on Education With Us in April
The Oklahoma
Focus on Education League of Women Voters presents: Focus on Education! A panel discussion about the importance of funding public education reforms in Oklahoma. The event will take place 6:30 p.m.,Tuesday, April 9 at the Springlake Campus of the Metro Technology Center in Oklahoma City. The panel discussion, followed by a question and answer period, will be broadcast to statewide satellite locations.

The Tulsa location is Tulsa Community College, Metro Campus, Student Center, Room 102 -- which is the Film Lecture Room in the main academic building at 909 S. Boston Ave.

Co-Sponsors: Tulsa's Young Professionals, STAND for Children Oklahoma, 49th is not OK, Together Oklahoma, Parent Legislative
Action Committee (PLAC), Oklahoma Parent Teacher Association, and the Oklahoma State School Board Association.

Get more details here. 
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In This Issue
Focu$ on Education
Consensus Meeting Redux
Honoring Ann Bartlett
Second Water Study Consensus Meeting Set

There's lots to consider while we work to update the League of Women Voters of Oklahoma position on water. A second consensus meeting is scheduled for   6-8 p.m., Wed., March 6 at the Brookside Library, 1207 E. 45th Pl.    


 Click here for the consensus materials and links to background reading materials.  

Memorial Gifts
Ann Bartlett
We have received a gift in honor of Ann Bartlett, who had been active in the Tulsa League for years. Mrs. Bartlett is the mother of Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett and wife of the late Governor and U.S. Senator Dewey Bartlett, Sr.

Thank you Helen Arnold for your generous gift.

Invite Your Friends to Join the LeagueLWV 20s poster

The League welcomes everyone over 18 who wants to help make a difference. Dues is only $55 a  year for individual members and just $25 more for another member from the same household. Forward this to your friends. Invite them to help you make democracy work.