LWV Masthead_2
February 2013
Calendar of Events
Rally to Expand Medicaid in Oklahomexpand medicaid buga Feb. 5
There's still time to register for the Tues., Feb. 5 bus to Oklahoma City to rally at the State Capitol to demand the governor accept federal funding to help make health care accessible to all Oklahomans.

A bipartisan slate of speakers are ready to talk about the importance, both in terms of the state budget bottom line and basic decency, that our less fortunate neighbors also have access to affordable, quality health care.

Cost is $11. Click here to register and pay. Deadline to register has been extended to Noon, Mon., Feb. 4. Sign up today!

Get details about the rally here.
Water Study Consensus Meeting Set

Plan to join fellow members 6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 27 at the Schusterman Benson Library at 32nd and Harvard to discuss the Oklahoma Water Study. At the 2011 State convention, delegates approved a  two-year study to expand our current water position. The current water position is several years old and there have been many new developments statewide related to access to clean water, selling Oklahoma water to neighboring states, water rights and conservation efforts. We will discuss the findings and work to come to consensus on a new position.   


Click here for the consensus materials as well as links to the background reading materials used for this study. 

Feb. 12 School Board Voter Guide Now Online
school board apple and pencil
Area school board elections are less than two weeks away on Tuesday, Feb. 12. See who's on the ballot and learn about the candidates in your area. Click here.
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In This Issue
Consensus Meeting Set
School Board Voter Guide
Support the League
Celebrate 93 Years of the League of Women Voters
Happy Birthday The League turns 93 this month. Help us celebrate 93 years of Making Democracy Work with a donation of $93, or whatever fits your budget, to help ensure we are around for at least 93 more years.

Your generous support allows us to produce multiple information-packed voter guides each year to help the public make informed choices at the polls. It also allows us to produce the guide to government representation in our area--the annual Directory of Government Officials. Your support allows your League to make a difference in this community. We couldn't do it without you.
 Thank you.

Invite Your Friends to Join the LeagueLWV 20s poster

The League welcomes everyone over 18 who wants to help make a difference. Dues is only $55 a  year for individual members and just $25 more for another member from the same household. Forward this to your friends. Invite them to help you make democracy work.