LWV Masthead_2
November 2012
Calendar of Events
Are You Ready for Tuesday, November 6?
Election Day 2012 is less than a week away! Make sure you and your friends and family know what's on the ballot. Many will be surprised to find there is a lot more to vote on than Vote Smart! just the presidential election.

The Tulsa League of Women Voters 2012 General Election Voter Guide is just what you need to cast informed votes on every race and issue on the ballot in Tulsa County. We have all the candidates, including the judges who will ask to be retained in their positions, as well as the six state questions and the two Vision2 proposals.

If you haven't already, be sure to pick up a copy at any Tulsa City-County Library or at our office. You can also view the guide online here. While you're at it, be sure to read the League positions on two of the six state questions that will be on the ballot.

You may also build your own ballot at the League-powered voting information site VOTE411.org

Voting is not meant to be a test. You may bring your voter guide with you into the voting booth. Be prepared. Vote smart.
"Are you registered to vote?" 

During September and October, with the help of a dedicated intern, we helped 476 citizens register to vote--252 of those were first-time voters and more than half signed our pledge card asking to be reminded about Election Day. Our team logged just shy of 166 volunteer hours to accomplish this important mission. Here's their story:   


By Israel Avila, Tulsa League Intern  Israel Avila


 "Are you registered to vote?"

This is the question that many of us asked hundreds and hundreds of strangers. It is hard to believe that eligible citizens are not already registered.  

Read on.  

Will the Water Be There When We Need it? clean water pouring into glass
You drink it. You cook with it. You bathe in it. You swim in it. Companies need it to produce goods. Oil companies need it to retrieve oil and natural gas from the ground. Water is a vital resource in our lives, but most of us take it for granted. The issues surrounding its use are very complicated. And with changing climate trends and increased demands, how we manage water use now will have a dramatic impact on its future availability.  

At its 2011 convention, the League of Women Voters of Oklahoma commissioned a study to update the State League's position on water. The committee has completed its preparation of study materials to be used by Leagues across the state for consensus meetings. Read on.
Join Our Mailing List!
In This Issue
Voter Registration Drive
Water Study
Program Calendar
John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Dinner

We are again supporting this dinner with our attendance. Please come. Cost is $20.
Thursday, November 15,
6:30pm Reception
7pm Dinner
Greenwood Cultural Center
322 N. Greenwood Avenue

the office to attend.
Unit Meetings Overview 
Take Action  
Unit meetings are where League action begins. Plan to join us at the upcoming meetings. Here's a list of meeting locations, dates and times.

November 2012: LWVOK Water Study
Meeting materials can be found here.

December 2012-March 2013: LWVOK Water Study with possible consensus meetings in either February or March.

April and May 2013 program focus is open for discussion.

June-October 2013: LWVUS Campaign Finance Reform

Invite Your Friends to Join the LeagueLWV 20s poster

The League welcomes everyone over 18 who wants to help make a difference. Dues is only $55 a  year for individual members and just $25 more for another member from the same household. Forward this to your friends. Invite them to help you make democracy work.