magnet welcome sign 
Principal Points:
Academics, Activism, Arts Athletics 
          Happy New Year, AMHS Family!

2013 is now upon us, and we are ready to move forward with a new year of academic challenges, athletic competitions, and arts and community commitments.

:  The AMHS science department and administration have been working with Dr. Tonks and the College of Charleston on a research grant, and the HHMI grant was awarded to The College of Charleston. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant enables C of C professors to conduct research based projects with high school students in the following areas: Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, and Geology.  They have asked us for the names of four young adults who might be interested.  If a student is interested in participating in this project, which may culminate in a Senior Thesis project or a competitive Science Fair project, he/she must complete the application packet and submit a typed copy to Mr. McCormick no later than Monday, January 7, 2013.  Interviews, if needed, will be scheduled Friday, January 18.  The application is available on the AMHS Science page or possibly on the SharpSchool pages for the Theory of Knowledge teachers.  This is a very exciting opportunity for our students, and we are genuinely pleased to be a partner with C of C as the HHMI grant unfolds in 2013.

Athletics: The AMHS basketball teams and the wrestling team are doing very well in their respective competitive venues, and they are moving into the height of their seasons. The next weeks are great opportunities to watch all these teams as they compete to secure playoff options.  While these sports are in the throes of tough competition, the spring sports' teams are gearing up for their seasons. Please contact Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Stackhouse, or Mr. Aburrow if there are any questions about joining a team at AMHS.

Arts/Community: As 2013 opens, it is a great time to think about community service; each student must complete 30 hours of service each year and register the hours with his/her Focus Class teacher. There are also several arts' clubs active at AMHS, and the new year is always a good time to try something new. AMHS has an ensemble group, a piano club, an art club in addition to the Dirty Birds, our drumming group.

Finally, AMHS will begin the second semester with Convocation, a gathering of the entire student body to commit again to academic excellence and community responsibility. Convocation will be held on January 24, 2013 and will feature Dr. Rodney A. Smolla, President of Furman University. We are very excited to welcome Dr. Smolla to our campus and to begin the second semester with his presence and message.

2013 opens with great opportunities for our students and our community as a whole. If there are any questions about the options cited, please contact us at 746-1300.

Judith Peterson
Volunteers needed for senior thesis study of telemedicine effectiveness.
Magnet families! Would you like to help my with my senior thesis on telemedicine?


The MUSC Department of Dermatology is participating in a National Institutes of Health study comparing standard photographs vs. standard resolution videography vs. special high resolution videography vs. a dermatologist examining a patient live.The purpose of the study is to determine whether technology has reached a point where reviewing images
alone allows a dermatologist to make a correct diagnosis without  actually examing the patient live.If there is documented evidence that teledermatology is reliable and accurate, it might be employed to provide dermatologic care to patients living a long distance from a dermatologist's office or clinic.


Participants need to have a skin lesion (such as a mole) or a skin rash (such as psoraisis) that can be imaged. Those volunteers 18 or over can sign a consent for themselves, and those under 18 would need a parent's signature and the presence of a parent during the imaging session.


The study is usually conducted on Saturday mornings and would take about 30-40 minutes of time. Compensation of $40 is provided for participation.


If anyone would like additional information, please e-mail me at and I will send more details and also a consent form to review.


Thank you very  much!


Thomas Trouche
ravensrugbyfundraserRavens Rugby Fundraiser Breakfast      

Like pancakes? Like the idea of pancakes? Come to the  

Ravens Rugby Fundraiser Breakfast January 26

Applebee's on Sam Rittenberg Blvd!   

 plate of pancakes

The Ravens are a joint SOA/Magnet rugby team that includes students from SOA, Academic Magnet, Stall, and other schools in the county. Tickets are $7 a piece and can be bought by any of the lovely ruggers on our team. The proceeds go to supporting Ravens Rugby in the form of gas money, travel expenses, and necessary items for the team. If you cannot attend we will ALWAYS be happy to accept donations.


Also, the same fantastic rugby players will be selling gift cards to a variety of places, including restaurants, Walmart gas, and various stores around the Charleston area. A portion of these gift cards will go towards the team and will help us out in our monetary needs. The rugby players who can be contacted for sales are: Helen Dubois, Nora Rudolph, Grace Waddell, Matthew Hunter, Tom Sudlow, Kaydren Orcutt, Whitney Martin, Adelaide Basco, Jasmine Hubara, and Michelle Baker. Or, contact


Please help out your fellow Raptor athletes in our endeavors!
Thank you for being a PIE Auction donor! 
A big THANK YOU to the following Magnet parents who have already offered to help sponsor the Celebrate Magnet event. Please consider adding your name to this illustrious list now, before the winter break! Your children and their teachers need your support!

Remember...sponsors at the Eagle,Osprey, and Raptor levels ($1,000 and above) will be invited to a special cocktail party in February!

Find more information about becoming a donor.

Sue & Rich Leadem
Coleman & Chip Legerton
Cynthia & Robert Lowery

Charleston ENT - Cynthia & Gene Brown
Colleen & Steve Marshall
Holly & John Mitchell
Better IV - Darlene & Jimmy Rawls
Hallie & Jay Seibels
Sue & Cliff Woods

Connie & John Biggs
Sarah & Michael Book
Amy & Bryan Frain
Suzanne Groff
Ann & John Kulze
Lisa & Joe Rainero
Lisa & David Savage  
Ariel & Tom Trouche

Cammie & Billy Camp
Catherine & Mike Carter
Hayley & Joe Carter
Kathy & Alec Chessman
Susan & Joy Datta
Kathy & Michael Edwards
Atlantic Boat - ACR - Peggy & John Gervais
Amy & Steve Goldberg
Cindy Hope
Marilou & Bill Hunt
Kathy & Greg Jones
Carrie & Ty King
Biljana & Steve Lanier
Amy & Chip Mainous
Jimmy Johns Of Mt P - Tonya & John McGue
Susan Kilpatrick & Charles Norris
Elizabeth & David Parler
Brooke & Dan Rumph
Julie & Mike Stephenson
Jo & Charles Summerall
All Seasons Mulch Market - Sherry & Gregg Tucker
Uricchio, Howe & Krell
2014 Spring Break Trip to England, Scotland, & France      
Interested in joining the AMHS Spring Break trip to England, Scotland, and France? Go to  and type in the tour # 1229635, You can make monthly payments of less than $225. For more information, contact Dr. Altman at  or 810-1291.

Photo courtesy of
Matthew Hunter.
                                                                                                          Used with permission
auctiondonor2Help this year's annual auction by becoming a sponsor
PIE LOGO The Annual Auction on March 23 is PIE's primary fundraiser. You can help by becoming a sponsor. Sponsorship levels range from Raptor ($5,000+) to Owl ($250) and come with many benefits. Any level you choose is greatly appreciated! 

If you'd like more information, please contact Hallie Seibels at 843-345-7899 or Thank you.

Please follow the Virtual Terminal instructions below when paying by credit card.

Virtual Terminal Instructions: 
1. In the first box, type the dollar amount to be charged.  
2. In the second box, type the level you would like to sponsor 
(Raptor, Eagle, Osprey, Falcon, Owl).

3. Click Next.
4. On the next page, fill in fields marked in red (and address 2 if necessary).
5. Click Submit to process the transaction, and a new page, "Auction pay Virtual Terminal" will load once the card has been processed.
6. A confirmation (receipt) email will be sent to the email address provided.


Thank you for being a PIE Auction Sponsor!

It's time to submit your yearbook ads
yearbook page

AMHS Business Owners: The Yearbook Needs Your Support!


Successful businesses aim to make the most of every advertising dollar. You have the opportunity to do this and at the same time support an outstanding educational experience for students at Academic Magnet High School. Your ad will be printed in over 500 books, each of which is read and widely circulated among family and friends. A yearbook is kept for a lifetime - your ad will be seen over and over. See the attached form for information and rates, or contact Larissa Bortz at
2012-2013 Yearbook Ad Sales Form


Make Their Yearbook Personal and Special!


The end of the school year may be months away, but now is the time to plan your lasting message to your son or daughter in the 2013 AMHS yearbook. A yearbook tribute ad is the perfect opportunity to acknowledge your student's achievements and leave a personal message in a book they will keep for a lifetime. See the attached form for information and rates, or contact Larissa Bortz at

Personal add Information Form 

AMHS school newspaper needs your help
The Bird's Eye View has established sponsorship categories and advertising rates for the school newspaper for the 2012-2013 school year.  The sponsorship categories are as follows:


Bronze Sponsor:  $5.00 - $25.00
Gold Sponsor:  $25.01 - $49.99
Diamond Sponsor:  $50.00 and up

Businesses... interested in advertising in The Bird's Eye View
Students... want to place an ad in your newspaper?
School Calendar
front doors

School Resumes
January 2

Deadline for AMHS Foundation Board Nominations
January 9

PIE Board Meeting
January 9
6:00 p.m.
AMHS Conference Room

Exams 1A & 3A
January 11

Exams 1B & 3B
January 14

Exams 2A & 4A
January 15

Exams 2B & 4B
January 16

Teacher In-Service & Workdays
January 17 -18

Martin L. King Holiday
January 21

Report Cards
January 23

Family Enrichment Night #1
Wednesday, January 23
6:15 pm - 8:30 pm

Featuring Dr. Rodney A. Smolla
January 24

Future Events

Family Enrichment Night #2
Monday, February 25
6:15 pm - 8:30 pm

Celebrate Magnet Auction 
March 23, 2013 
The Citadel  

April 27, 2013
Montague Terrace at the North Charleston Coliseum
7:30 pm -12:00 a.m.
More details to follow

AMHS Class of 2013 Graduation
June 6, 2013
North Charleston Convention Center
8:30 a.m.
More details to follow 
new round logo
Click on this link to receive the Raptor Report directly in your inbox each Wednesday

Exam Schedule

January 11 - 1A & 3A
January 14 - 1B & 3B
January 15 - 2A & 4A
January 16 - 2B & 4B


Save the date...


Wednesday, January 23 and Monday, February 25 are the dates for the
2013 PIE Family Enrichment Nights at AMHS. 

Four speakers will be presenting their fascinating topics at various locations around the AMHS campus each of the two nights. 
6:15 pm - 8:30pm

Sandwiches and refreshments served between the speakers.

Teachers, Students, Parents....
If you have information you would like to share with the AMHS community in the next Raptor Report, please submit your article, picture(s), or announcement to Rhonda Hunter by Monday, January 7.

volunteer help clip art
Do you need community service hours? Click on the link above for a list of community service opportunities. If you choose to participate in a community service project, remember to take the Community Service Project form and have the event sponsor sign it for you.

If you know of an opportunity that needs to be added to the list, forward that information  to Sarah Winters at

Celebrate magnet sign
Mark your calendars now!
Celebrate Magnet Spring Auction will be held
March 23, 2013
The Citadel
Holliday Alumni House

69 Hagood Avenue.

Interested in donating an item or service for the auction?

Have you checked out the new  school website lately?


Raptor Report Archive 

Access back issues of the Raptor Report here.

(Note: Due to digital storage limitations, pictures may not display in older issues of the Raptor Report.)


Click on this link to go to PIE's website.

harris teeter
Click on the logo to re-link your Harris Teeter card & help the school raise funds. AMHS code is 4626 

Target Take Charge of Education Logo
Click on the logo to link your REDCard. AMHS School ID is 118136

Remember to pick up a Publix keychain card at the AMHS visitor desk, and give it to the cashier each time you shop at Publix
Need more information about AMHS athletic teams? 

SAT Question of the Day
Click on "Question of the Day," answer it and then see the percent of correct & incorrect answers from thousands of others who have answered it as well.

Raptor Report

The Raptor Report is published weekly on Wednesdays during the school year, except for holiday breaks. Faculty, students, and parents are encouraged to submit articles and/or pictures of AMHS events, honors, and needs. Please email your information to Rhonda Hunter
by the Monday preceding the Wednesday publication date.

Mary Catherine Dubois
Susan Frohnsdorff 
Vice President

Sharon Beeson 

Cheryl Roberts 


Brenda Rindge


Nancy Tezza 
A/B Honor Roll


Hallie Seibels, Coleman Legerton, Darlene Rawls, Co-Chairs 





Christen Hall 
Family Enrichment


Marilou Hunt
Grocery Store Partnerships


Ellen Schaaf 


Dee Ann Bauer, Nina Hoffman, Co-Chairs 
International Dinner

Robyn Bradley, Nancy Tezza. Co-Chairs 


Lisa Short

Office Volunteers


Rhonda Hunter

Raptor Report


Cammie Camp

Staff Appreciation

Robyn Bradley, Nancy Tezza. Co-Chairs

Student Directory


Cassidy Rindge  

Student Rep.


Sarah Winters, Hayley Carter 

Student Volunteer Opportunity 


Angela Kordonis

Teacher Meetings


Gwen Hooffstetter

Teacher Rep.


Jill Leber



Michelle Bing
PIE Website
Judith Peterson

Judith Peterson 

Lucy Pinckney 
Vice Principal

Linnie Duckett 
Amy Neloms
Guidance Director 

Anna Lamb 

Guidance Counselor

Susan Henley

Pam Emanuele 
Media Clerk

Niki Grimball

Lynn Redfern
Student Data Clerk

Nathan Nelson
Student Concerns Specialist 


Paul Aburrow
U.S. History

Joy Altman

Heather Benton
Hon World Literature &
Theory of Knowledge/Senior Thesis Prep

Larissa Bortz
Drama, Thesis, Yearbook & AP Literature 

Linda Colon

Krista Cornehl
Algebra 2, Probability & Statistics 


Jamie Corson

Laura Eicher

Murray Eicher

Sakilra English

Frank Flanigan

Jennifer Grayson
Thesis & World Literature

Ian Grimshaw

Curtis Hoffman
U.S. History & Psychology

Gwen Hooffstetter

Carol Hurt

Daniel Jent

Sully Johnston

Maria Kelly

Phillip Ladd
AP Physics, Hon. Chemistry

Andrea Langley

Mary Lankford

Tyson McCormick
Biology, Anatomy & Physiology

Tonya McIntyre
Algebra & Geometry

Anna Merriman

Katharine Metzner-Roop

Douglas Murphy
Government & Economics
Mini Narayanan


Teresa Novinger


Nairobi Orr

Global Studies, AP Government,
AP Economics, Newspaper Advisor, Testing Coordinator
Rebecca Padgett
Hon Pre-Calculus, Hon. Calculus

Micheline Phelan-Callicott
Art & Photography

Jon Phillips
Computer Science

Terry Pirch
9th Grade English 


Carrie Renes
Andrew Rusciolelli 
Social Studies

Eileen Shields

Jason Stackhouse
Psychology & Global Studies

Sharon Williams
PE & Drivers Ed

Cathy Woods

Junius Wright
European Literature & Creative Writing