The Big Reveal...Here’s to a Fresh Start!
Welcome to 2014! For many, the start of a new year is a clean slate. This can mean a lot of things: eating well, having healthier relationships, making time to travel, or setting a new goal. However, taking care of yourself should be a priority, and what better way to have a fresh start than to rejuvenate your skin?
Dr. Michelle Yagoda, expert celebrity facial plastic surgeon, has just the right treatment option to help you achieve the firm, glowing, youthful skin you’ve been waiting for! By offering two very effective types of therapy – peels and lasers – Dr. Yagoda makes choosing the right treatment option for your skin easy.
Do you have broken capillaries, acne rosacea, fine lines, brown spots, inelasticity, or sun damage? Then consider intense pulsed light therapy – or IPL – as your non-invasive treatment. Instead of using traditional IPL therapy, Dr. Yagoda utilizes a krypton-based technology called Clareon. Clareon targets the skin with precise wavelengths, leading to beautiful results. Laser therapy is usually administered in four to six sessions spaced about four weeks apart and is extremely effective is reducing facial hair, too.
If you are looking to improve not only the appearance of your skin but its texture as well, then a facial peel might be what you need. There are different types of chemical peels – glycolic, salicylic, kojic, lactic, citric, trichoroacetic, phenol, to name a few – and each has its own advantages. However, the most important factor in choosing a peel isn’t the type but the strength: Light peels are best for superficial wrinkles or brown spots, and deeper peels can remove scarring, acne pits, dark under eye circles, and deeper lines like those around smoker's lips.
Either way, rest assured your skin will come out looking fabulous. So, this time, when “shedding your skin” of the past year in exchange for a fresh start, don’t just do it metaphorically – visit Dr. Yagoda!
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In The News ... Dr. Yagoda was featured in The Mommy MD Guide to Losing Weight and Feeling Great by Rallie McAllister, M.D. and Jennifer Bright Reich. She was also interviewed for Fuse News on FuseTV in an segment called "Sick and Touring" about the dangers of singing while sick for entertainers like Justin Bieber, Adele, Austin Mahoney, Pink, Ariana Grande and others.
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