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May 2013 Newsletter

Spring has finally arrived! Of course it’s time for the proverbial spring cleaning. But we’re not talking about your’s time to clean up your skin. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine a world without foundation and concealer. Consider the possibility of clear skin, free of blemishes and imperfections. Now open your eyes and see the even complexion as you turn this dream into reality! Here’s how:

Getting great skin is as easy as 1-2-3. Follow this three step approach for healthy and beautiful skin inside and out:

1. Use the “right” products at home. Did you know that most people pick products that are not right for their skin, and many can actually harm the skin? For example, don't use a scrub if you have adult acne, especially if your skin is dry. And, beware of using “natural” products with calendula (a relative of ragweed) if you have sensitive skin and ragweed allergies. A gorgeous complexion starts with proper treatment at home, and Dr. Yagoda can help you select products that are affordable, safe, effective and customized for your skin.

2. See a facialist or aesthetician for therapeutic massage and deep cleaning. Facial massage reduces puffiness and bogginess, and increases blood flow and cell turnover. Done right, facials provide a thorough cleanse, effectively cleaning and tightening the pores, and removing dead skin cells to restore the skin’s natural radiant glow.

3. Receive targeted treatments from your doctor. If a red, angry, pimple is threatening to erupt, there's no need to cancel a date, or wreck a reunion. Ask your doctor for a steroid injection to show the pimple who's boss. And, why wait months for a bleaching agent to work, when IPL offers rapid results! A quick and painless intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment can remove brown and age spots and give you clear skin and an even tone literally in a flash. As an added bonus, IPL treatments can also get rid of excess facial hair and "wooleys". When you need a quick fix or want more noticeable results, it may be time to call in the expert.

To get your skin in tip top shape, contact our NYC office to schedule your comprehensive cosmetic consultation. Dr. Yagoda will listen to your concerns and explain all of your options in great detail and help you take off more than just your winter wools! _______________________

For more information on facials, we interviewed Mamie McDonald, facialist to stars, and Allure and Oprah magazine favorite, to give you some insider tips and to help you get that red carpet-ready glow!

1. Celebrities adore you and depend on you for their flawless complexions. What do you think sets you apart?

My customized treatment plan. I never know how I am going to treat a client until he or she sits in my chair and I evaluate his/her unique needs. I recommend and provide topical and internal nourishment to the skin. The mistake that many facialists/aestheticians make today is to over-stimulate and over-exfoliate the skin. You wouldn’t sand your wood floor without putting polish on it, would you?

2. What’s the single most important skin care secret you can share with us?

Hydrate! It’s that simple. Beautiful skin needs hydration and nourishment, internally and externally. So drink plenty of water, eat a healthy diet, and supplement as necessary. Use topical serums that contain hyaluronic acid and biolipids to hydrate externally. Hyaluronic acid holds 80% of the skin’s natural moisture and it can be applied topically and ingested for maximum benefits. My clients and I love BeautyScoop with hyaluronic acid! It helps skin, hair and nails.

3. What are a few simple tips that everyone can start doing at home, right away to improve skin health?

Tip #1: A night time skin care regimen is extremely important and often overlooked. Always make time to wash your face before going to bed, and put on a serum for nourishment and hydration. Once but only once a week, exfoliate your skin and apply a bedtime mask: if you have dry skin, use a hydrating mask with hyaluronic acid; if you have oily skin, use a mask that is clay based that can help dry excess oils. Tip #2: Don’t give in to food cravings! Resist the craving for sugar, chocolate and potato chips. Instead, find healthy alternatives: instead of milk chocolate, try a small amount of dark chocolate; when craving refined white sugar, substitute grapes or strawberries that are rich in natural sugars; and, instead of indulging in refined white carbohydrates, choose whole grain natural ones. Tip #3: Resist the urge to pick! If you have a red and irritated pustule (pimple), treat it by cleaning it with hydrogen peroxide and then apply a paste of baking soda and water. [Mix 1 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of baking soda and put it on your skin for 5 minutes.]

4. What special treatments do you offer for men? For teenagers?

Typically, I use a series of glycolic acid treatments for my teenage clients with acne and oily skin, and for men with ingrown facial hairs as a result of thick, curly hair.

5. Where does a facialist’s job end and a doctor’s job begin?

Usually when I have done a series of treatments for someone with a specific skin condition—for example, acne rosacea or pigmentation issues—and there is nothing more I can do, then I refer them to a dermatologist or a facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Yagoda. Or, when I see something in the skin that could be a melanoma or another skin cancer, or a cyst that needs removal, or an infection, I refer them to a doctor. What some clients may not realize is that doctors, like Dr. Yagoda, also refer patients to me for deep cleanings, lymphatic drainage, and extensive therapeutic massage after surgeries to help expedite the healing process.

In The News...Dr. Yagoda was recently interviewed for an upcoming article in Marie Claire and Stay tuned for both. Featured in The Mommy MD Guide to Losing Weight and Feeling Great, the fourth in the book series of the Mommy MD Guide, and on their website, Dr. Yagoda provided parenting tips as both a doctor and mother to help moms and moms-to-be lead healthier, happier and more balanced lives.

Did You Know?   ....World Voice Day was April 15th! Dr. Yagoda provided a number of complimentary comprehensive voice evaluations assessing life-style, diet, allergies, social and sleep habits, medical history, speaking and singing style, and the combined effect on the voice. The visit included a full ENT examination including video endoscopy, photos, a complimentary copy of her brochure, "The Professional Voice: Steps Toward Good Vocal Health." Visits were by appointment only at her office across from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, at 5 East 83rd Street, Ground Floor, NYC. If you missed this World Voice Day event, but still want a voice evaluation, contact: 212.434.1210, or email [email protected] to schedule your appointment now!

Remember that students and uninsured singers received a discount!

Did You Know?   ....that this newsletter is interactive? You can click on any photo and be linked directly to the relevant information on our website. Go ahead! Give it a try!

Promotion of the Month: Ssh! Kiss and Don't Tell, Again!

If you have dreamed about puckering up your pout to make your lips fuller and irresistibly kissable, then this may be the monthly promotion for you! Receive $25 off 1ml. syringe of Restylane or Restylane-L with lidocaine, then KISS and DON'T TELL!

Call our office today at 212.434.1210 to take advantage of our KISS and DON'T TELL promotion*

* Terms and Conditions.
Offer valid through June 30, 2013. May not be combined with any other promotion. Treatment will be determined based on medical appropriateness, and may be denied if not medically safe. Promotion may not be applied retroactively. All treatments must be completed by June 30, 2103 and reward submissions must be postmarked by July 31, 2013. Limit one per person.

Promotion of the Month: One Good Turn Deserves Another

Receive $25 off a Botox/Dysport treatment from Dr. Yagoda with the purchase of a facial from Mamie, or receive $25 off a customized facial from Mamie, with the purchase of a Botox/Dysport treatment from Dr. Yagoda.

Call our office today at 212.434.1210 to take advantage of our One Good Turn Deserves Another promotion*
or call 212.260.9372 to reach Mamie.

* Terms and Conditions.
Offer valid through May 31, 2013. May not be combined with any other promotion. Treatment will be determined based on medical appropriateness, and may be denied if not medically safe. Promotion may not be applied retroactively. All treatments must be completed by May 31 2103 and proof of treatment purchase is required. Limit one per person.