EDoLA News: a monthly e-newsletter of the Diocese of Louisiana | Volume 8, Issue 11 December 2014 | |
Advent Message from Bishop Thompson
"His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and will gather his wheat into the granary; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire." Matthew 3:12
Chaff, that part of the grain that Jesus says is useless and will be separated from the wheat and burned eternally. I've never heard this piece of scripture the way I have this morning, that is, I am both wheat and chaff. Chaff is a protective covering over the seed or grain. As the plant grows, the chaff is naturally separated so only the wheat is used. In the beginning chaff is useful, protecting the fruit for birth. Without this thin covering the seed might be bruised or harmed or deemed unworthy of being used.
In the beginning of our lives we need protection, people to keep us from harm because we are helpless. Our understanding at that moment is what we need at that moment. But as we grow, choices that were made for us now become our choices to do what we deem necessary. These knowings become shadowy and uncertain. This is maturity moving forward, growth taking roots. We begin to choose what is left behind and what is kept. Learnings that once made sense to us, gave us courage to enter another day may not give us such hope. We must decide if we want to keep the old shell that protected us or to shed these shells and allow new growth to take place, growth that breathes hope and new beginnings.
It seems to me this understanding is the gift of Advent, to reflect upon the chaff in my life that needs to be thrown into the fire, the fire husking away obsolete meaning, and seek new discernment that bids me deeper into the Great Mystery. If I am honest there is much in my life that needs to be stripped away. Oh, to have a new heart, new eyes, new ears and a new mouth to praise God, to live with generous hope.
Lord, take the chaff in my life this Advent time and burn it until there is newness of hope and courage, of forgiveness and grace. Burn away from me all that is burden so I may be ready to receive new birth, to receive Emmanuel.
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Community Mission Appeal
2014 Grant Application Now Available

The Community Mission Appeal, formerly known as the BAMA Fund, has been established in order to help parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana to serve God through reaching out to their neighbors who are most in need. Application materials are available at www.edola.org/cma-grant, and applications are due by January 30, 2015.
Please include the Community Mission Appeal in your year-end and Christmas giving. To make a tax-deductible donation, visit http://www.edola.org/cma, or mail your check (with "Community Mission Appeal Donation" written in the memo line) to the following address:
Community Mission Appeal
Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
1623 7th Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Contact Max Niedzwiecki at max@daylightconsulting.net for further information.
Diocesan Convention February 27 & 28, 2015
Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans
The 178th Diocesan of the Diocese of the Episcopal Church of Louisiana, hosted by Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans, will be February 27 and 28, 2015.
For information contact: Joy Shackelford
1623 Seventh Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: 504-895-6634 Fax: 985-895-6634
http://www.edola.org/2015-convention is the official point of distribution for material related to the Convention.
Please join Bishop Thompson and Canon Manning to learn more about the proposed budget, Diocesan initiatives, and information about Diocesan Convention.
January 7, 2015 at 6:00 PM
Pre-convention at St. James Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge
January 8, 2015 at 6:00 PM
Pre-convention at meeting St. Augustine Episcopal Church, Metairie
January 14, 2015 at 6:00 PM
Pre-convention meeting at St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Mandeville
January 22, 2015 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Clergy gathering at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Metairie
Call for Exhibitors/Vendors for Diocesan Convention
Information on registering as an exhibitor /vendor for the upcoming Diocesan Convention can be downloaded by clicking here.
Diocesan Convention will be held Friday, February 27 and Saturday, February 28 at Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans.
Registration forms are due January 12 to Trinity Episcopal Church, 1329 Jackson Ave, New Orleans, LA 70130. For more information, please contact Sharon Weathersby at sharon_weathersby@hotmail.com or 601-606-9538.
Annual Report Materials Mailed
The Annual Report instructions and forms have been mailed to each church. For any questions or information, please contact the Rev'd Canon Shannon Manning at 504-895-6634 or smanning@edola.org.
Feast of Blessed Frances Joseph Gaudet
All are invited to attend the annual feast of Blessed Frances Joseph Gaudet, educator and prison reformer. She is also the only person from Louisiana on the Calendar of Holy Women, Holy Men. The diocese is honored to carry on her legacy through a trust in her name. Come celebrate and learn more about this remarkable woman.
Sunday, December 28, 2014 at 5:00 PM
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
1222 N Dorgenois St, New Orleans
Reception following in Gaudet Hall
Gaudet Community Grants Now Available
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana desires to fund not-for-profit agencies that create, manage, and expand educational opportunities for African American children within the Diocese of Louisiana. Not-for-profit organizations and agencies are eligible and encouraged to apply.
Grant applications are now available and carry the application deadline of January 31. The period of funding is for one calendar year, and grants may be applied for annually. Programs that receive Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana funds may be required to submit an external program evaluation, quarterly financial statements, an end of year Income & Expense statement, and/or periodic progress reports.
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana is proud to honor the legacy of Mrs. Frances Joseph Gaudet, a turn-of-the century educator and activist. Mrs. Gaudet had the wisdom to leave her trust to the Episcopal Church in such a way that her mission would continue to find new ways of expression in changing times. Mrs. Gaudet dedicated her life to building alliances with people of every race and class. The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana is committed to keeping her purpose alive.
Grant applications are available for download here. More information on the Gaudet Fund can be found on the diocesan website here.
United Thank Offering Provides Special Anniversary Grants for Young Adults
[December 1, 2014] In honor of its 125th anniversary, the United Thank Offering has created a special $1250 grant for young adults (ages 21-30) to provide start-up funds for a new project that focuses on any of theFive Marks of Mission.
One grant will be awarded in each of the nine provinces of The Episcopal Church. Deadline for young adults to submit applications to their diocesan bishop is February 1, 2015. From there, bishops will select one application per diocese. Applications are due from the diocesan offices on February 15.
Application and additional information are available here.
The funds are not permitted to the continuation of on-going ministries.
A video of the start-ups will be showcased at the 78th General Convention in Salt Lake City, UT in June/July 2015.
For more information contact the Rev. Heather Melton, United Thank Offering coordinator, hmelton@episcopalchurch.org.
Known worldwide as UTO, the United Thank Offering grants are awarded for projects that address human needs and help alleviate poverty, both domestically and internationally.
The Five Marks of Mission are: To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom To teach, baptize and nurture new believers To respond to human need by loving service To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth
2015 United Thank Offering Grants
In recognizing the Five Marks of Mission, especially "to seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation", the United Thank Offering is seeking to address the current culture of violence by supporting the mission of peace as expressed in the Gospel. The Gospel of Love proclaimed by Jesus Christ is the focus for the United Thank Offering Grants during the 2014-2015 period.
The 2015 United Thank Offering Grant Application is now available. The following information should be helpful in preparing a United Thank Offering grant application. All additional forms necessary for the completion of a United Thank Offering Grant are also included below. The deadline for submission of a completed application (and required documents) is 5pm (EST) on Friday, January 15, 2015.
If you need assistance or have questions about the application, please contact Heather Melton, United Thank Offering Coordinator.
More information and forms available here.
Nine Lessons & Carols
Christ Church Cathedral
on Dec. 14, 2014
Christmas Services throughout
the Diocese of Louisiana

O God, you make us glad by the yearly festival of the birth of your only Son Jesus Christ: Grant that we, who joyfully receive him as our Redeemer, may with sure confidence behold him when he comes to be our Judge; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
View a list of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services on our
Bishop's Office Holiday Schedule
The Bishop's Office will be closed for the following days during the Christmas and New Year Holiday:
December 17 (from 10:30 AM on) Staff Christmas Party
December 24 - December 26 Christmas Holiday
December 31 - January 2 New Year Holiday
December 1
The Rev'd Don Campbell- Priest
Deacon Elaine Clements- Deacon
Deacon Mark Hudson- Deacon
Deacon Joyce Eskamire-Jackson- Deacon Deacon Charmaine Kathmann- Deacon Archdeacon Priscilla Maumus- Deacon
The Rev'd Richard Moore- Priest The Rev'd Bill Terry- Deacon
The Rt. Rev'd Morris K. Thompson, Jr.- Deacon
Deacon Jay Albert- Deacon
The Rev'd Denny Allman- Priest
Deacon Elizabeth Becker- Deacon
The Very Rev'd Susan Gaumer- Priest The Rev'd Watson Lamb- Priest
Deacon Camille Wood- Deacon
December 5
The Rev'd Mary Hardy- Priest
December 6
The Rev'd Harry Jenkins- Priest The Rev'd Rodney Roehner- Priest
The Rev'd Patrick Edwards- Priest The Rev'd Minka Sprague- Deacon
The Rev'd LeBaron Taylor- Priest
The Rev'd Travers Koerner- Priest The Rev'd Hal Roark- Priest
The Very Rev'd Paul Bailey- Priest
The Very Rev'd Craig Dalferes- Priest The Rev'd Canon John Kellogg- Priest The Rev'd James Morrison- Deacon The Rev'd Ted Petterson- Priest
The Rev'd Stephen Craft- Priest The Rev'd Cal Lane- Priest
December 15
The Rt Rev'd James Brown- Priest
The Very Rev'd Henry Hudson- Priest
The Rev'd Terence Johnston- Priest The Rev'd Roman Roldan- Priest
The Rev'd Canon Shannon Manning- Priest
The Very Rev'd Mark Holland- Priest The Rev'd Richard Rowland- Priest The Rev'd Mitch Smith- Deacon
The Rev'd Alina Williams- Deacon
The Rev'd Prentiss Dunn- Priest
The Rev'd Floyd Knox- Priest
Deacon Patsy Lyle- Deacon
The Rev'd Jay Angerer- Priest
The Rev'd Carl Cannon- Priest The Very Rev'd Ronald Clingenpeel- Priest
The Rev'd Fred Devall- Priest The Rev'd Gene Haddock- Priest
The Rev'd Dan Krutz- Priest The Rev'd Jerry Phillips- Deacon
The Rev'd Phillip Thomas- Priest
The Rev'd Rob Courtney- Deacon
Deacon Alyce Jefferson- Deacon The Rev'd Peggy Scott- Deacon
The Rev'd Stephen Crawford-Deacon
The Rev'd Richard Easterling- Deacon
The Rev'd A.J. Heine- Deacon
The Rev'd Howard Bushey- Priest The Rev'd Howard L'Enfant- Priest The Rev'd Winston Rice- Deacon
The Rev'd Canon Mark Stevenson- Deacon
The Rev'd Nelson Tennison- Deacon
The Rt. Rev'd Joe Doss- Priest The Rev'd James Douglas- Priest
The Rev'd Richard Hicks- Priest The Rev'd Will Hood- Priest The Rev'd Ronald Whitmer- Priest
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