EDoLA News: a monthly e-newsletter of the Diocese of Louisiana | Volume 8, Issue 9 October 2014 | |
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Meet Marvin McLennon, the New Diocesan Youth Coordinator
The Diocese of Louisiana is happy to welcome Marvin McLennon as the new Diocesan Youth Minister. In this role, Marvin will coordinate diocesan youth events under the supervision of Canon John Kellogg.
Marvin was born in Little Rock, Arkansas and currently resides in Baton Rouge. Before working in Louisiana, Marvin attended Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas where he received his degree in Communications. During his summers as an undergrad, he served as a camp counselor and media coordinator at the Episcopal camp, Camp Mitchell, which he claims as his "second home." After graduating, Marvin moved to Baton Rouge to be a part of the Episcopal Service Corps program, where he started working as the youth and young adult coordinator for St. James Episcopal Church. Marvin is very excited to be working with the youth in the diocese.
Marvin can be reached at mmclennon@edola.org or (225) 387-5141.
Engaging Together in Mission & Ministry
An Introduction to My Role as Canon Missioner in the Diocese of Louisiana
by The Rev'd Canon John Kellogg
Below is a letter written by Canon John Kellogg to the clergy of the Diocese introducing himself and explaining his role as Canon Missioner in the Diocese of Louisiana.
He invites any questions or ideas from lay and clergy to email him at jkellogg@edola.org.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
On August 1st I began serving as the Canon Missioner of our diocese and over the past several weeks I have enjoyed getting to meet many of you. I look forward to working together in the years ahead. Because it has been a while since someone has served in this particular role in the diocese, I want to share with you my areas of oversight, as well as some ideas that I hope we can begin to engage together.
As Canon Missioner I will have several areas of responsibility, which will include overseeing diocesan-wide education opportunities for clergy and laity (like our upcoming Vestry Training Day) and leading an effort to re-establish the Living With Purpose program. I will also be coordinating young adult ministries, supervising Marvin McLennon, our new diocesan youth minister, and administering the Safe Guarding God's Children program. The majority of my attention in this role, however, will be devoted to working with and providing resources to congregations (particularly small congregations) in an effort to promote congregational health and maximize their mission and ministries.
During the coming months I want to spend time with as many of you as possible, not only getting to know you better but hearing about the ministries and needs of your congregations. Later this year, I will begin convening several small groups of clergy around the diocese in an effort to engage in deeper conversation about what types of resources would be most beneficial to you. I hope that you will make an effort to be present at one of these gatherings. I want to hear what you have to say, particularly in regard to how you think the diocese can provide better and more effective resources.
It is also my intention that these conversations will inform and shape the creation of a team of diocesan Congregational Consultants. This group of knowledgeable lay and ordained individuals from throughout the diocese will be available to serve congregations in a variety of ways. They will have experience and training in areas that are critical to congregational vitality and will be able to offer guidance as: facilitators at vestry retreats; providers of assistance in compliance with annual audits, parochial reports and assessment payments; specialists in mutual ministry reviews, strategic planning and conflict management; and consultants on business, property and compliance issues. If you may be interested in serving the diocese in this capacity or know of someone who would be a good fit, please come talk with me. Beginning in the new year much of my time will be devoted to helping get this team implemented and working with our congregations.
Lastly, as I begin my role as Canon Missioner, I will do so while serving as Priest-In-Charge at St. Mark's, Harvey. St. Mark's is contributing forty percent of my salary and although splitting my time will present some unique challenges, it also offers me the opportunity to remain grounded in parish ministry, where so much fruitful ministry occurs.
I share all of this information in hopes that I can begin to support you in your ministries, as well as be of service to your congregations. Bishop Thompson envisions the diocesan office as a facilitator of resources and relationships. I look forward to helping realize this vision with each of you. Thank you for the important work that you do and please be in touch with any questions or ideas you may have.
The Rev'd Canon John Kellogg +
Invitation to the Ordination of Duane Joseph Nettles on Saturday, November 1
By the Grace of God
The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Jr.
The Eleventh Bishop
of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
will ordain
Duane Joseph Nettles
To the Sacred Order of Priests
in Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
All Saints' Day
Saturday, the first of November
two thousand and fourteen
at eleven thirty in the morning
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church
6249 Canal Boulevard
New Orleans, Louisiana
Your presence and prayers are requested.
Clergy: White Stoles
Reception following
House of Bishops Fall Meeting in Taipei, Taiwan
 | Photo courtesy of: Mary Frances Schjonberg/ Episcopal News Service |
Bishop Morris K. Thompson, Jr. recently returned from the House of Bishops Fall Meeting in Taipei, Taiwan. The theme of the September meeting was "expanding the apostolic imagination." The bishops explored the mission and ministry of the Diocese of Taiwan.
Read more on the work of the House of Bishops on the Episcopal News Service:
October 4
The Rev'd Edwin Webster- Priest
October 7
The Rev'd Stephen Holzhalb- Priest
October 17
The Rev'd Donald Owens- Priest
October 21
The Rev'd Mary Ann Garrett- Priest
October 23
Deacon Richard Almos- Deacon
Deacon Linda Armstrong- Deacon
Deacon Quin Bates- Deacon
Deacon John Holbert- Deacon
Deacon Philip Wild- Deacon
October 26
The Rev'd Bridget Tierney- Deacon
October 28
The Rev'd Walter Baer- Priest
October 31
The Rt. Rev'd Joe Doss- Bishop
Press Releases From The Episcopal Church
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori Announces She Will Not Stand for Reelection
Media Release
The Episcopal Church
Office of Public Affairs
[September 23, 2014] The following message is from Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori:
To all the people of God in The Episcopal Church:
It is a great joy and privilege to serve as your Presiding Bishop. I have been blessed to be able to meet and build relationships with people around the globe - in every diocese in this Church, most of the provinces of the Anglican Communion, our full communion partners (ELCA, Moravian Church, Old Catholics of the Union of Utrecht), as well as civic leaders and leaders of other denominations and faith traditions. That relational work is fundamental to the reconciliation we seek in Christ. As bridges are built, more and more people can begin to cross the divides between us, and God's dream begins to take flesh in a more just and peaceful world.
Together, we have navigated a season of extraordinary change in recent years. Our Christian values have been challenged and we are becoming clearer and more confident about the faith we share. Today we are far more cognizant of the diversity of this multinational and multicultural Church, and the great blessing of the diverse peoples and cultures we represent. Our life as a Church is enriched by the many gifts God has given us in people and contexts around the world. Together we are striving to live out the Five Marks of Mission, we are exploring new and creative ways of engaging the societies around us with the good news of God in Christ, and we are increasingly willing to spend ourselves and the resources God has given us for the healing of the world. We are more attuned to voices crying in the wilderness, those living at the margins of human communities, and those without a voice, including this fragile earth, our island home. Together, we are moving into God's future with courage, boldness, and the humility of knowing there is always more to learn. For all that hope-filled movement, I give thanks in abundance.
I have spent many months in discernment about how I am being called to serve God's people and God's creation in this season. I have resisted the assumption by some that presiding bishops can only be elected to serve one term, knowing the depth of relational work and learning that is involved in this ministry. There is a tradeoff between the learning curve and the ability to lead more effectively as a result of developed relationships both within and beyond this Church. At the same time, I recognize that standing for election as Presiding Bishop carries the implicit expectation that one is ready to serve a full term. I do not at present believe I should serve and lead in this ministry for another nine years.
I believe I can best serve this Church by opening the door for other bishops to more freely discern their own vocation to this ministry. I also believe that I can offer this Church stronger and clearer leadership in the coming year as we move toward that election and a whole-hearted engagement with necessary structural reforms. I will continue to engage us in becoming a more fully diverse Church, spreading the gospel among all sorts and conditions of people, and wholeheartedly devoted to God's vision of a healed and restored Creation.
I will continue in discernment about the ministry I may be called to in the coming years, but my present focus is and will remain on being the vigorous and faithful leader I believe I am called to be. God has called us all to be instruments of shalom, and we have miles to go before we live in that world of justice and peace. We are marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God. Siyahamba!
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori Presiding Bishop and Primate The Episcopal Church
Update from Episcopal Relief and Development on Ebola Relief in West Africa
Please keep staff and volunteers in the Diocese of Bo in Sierra Leone and the Episcopal Church in Liberia in your prayers over the coming week (and no doubt months). Episcopal Relief & Development's staff has been able to secure and ship personal protective equipment to the churches there, and the local church development staff, clergy and volunteers are traveling door-to-door over the coming week delivering the medical supplies as well as food packages to targeted vulnerable families; not only are they bringing much needed goods, but they're also being a pastoral presence in this incredibly difficult time. The church in Liberia is also involved with providing two meals a day for a newly-opened Ebola hospital in coordination with the WHO. It is dangerous and frightening work, and I'm so impressed by what they're doing. I hope you'll join me in praying for their strength and safety.
God of the present moment, God who in Jesus stills the storm and soothes the frantic heart; bring hope and courage to the staff and volunteers in the Diocese of Bo and the Episcopal Church in Liberia
as they work in uncertainty. Bring hope that you will make them the equal of whatever lies ahead. Bring them courage to endure what cannot be avoided, for your will is health and wholeness; you are God, and we need you.
(New Zealand Prayer Book, p. 765)
Media Releases from TEC and Top Stories from ENS
Preparing for General Convention 2015

Volunteers Needed for General Convention
Press Release
The Episcopal Church
Office of Public Affairs
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
A range of volunteer opportunities are available at the Episcopal Church 78th General Convention, June 25 - July 3 at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, UT (Episcopal Diocese of Utah).
The Episcopal Church's General Convention is held every three years, and is the bicameral governing body of the Church. It is composed of the House of Bishops, with upwards of 200 active and retired bishops and the House of Deputies, with clergy and lay representatives elected from the 109 dioceses of the Church, at more than 800 members.
Patrick Haizel, General Convention volunteer coordinator, said that all are welcomed to help out. "We are seeking interested people to offer their skills and talents to assist in the smooth operation of General Convention 2015," he said. "By volunteering, you become a part of General Convention, through observation and participation, while learning about the way the church operates from behind the scenes."
Shifts range from 2 to 6 hours in a variety of areas throughout convention where volunteers are needed. "With this General Convention going virtual, we have new needs for people with computer and technical skills," Haizel added.
Volunteers should sign up here
For more info contact Haizel
GC 2015 registration: Bishops and Deputies $495 per person. For more information, contact General Convention Manager Lori Ionnitiu at 212-716-6048
General Convention: http://www.generalconvention.org/
Diocese of Utah http://episcopal-ut.org/
Salt Palace Convention Center: http://www.visitsaltlake.com/salt-palace-convention-center/

Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music Seeks Input on
Holy Women Holy Men
Press Release
The Episcopal Church
Office of Public Affairs
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) seeks comment on a new approach to commemorations: A Great Cloud of Witnesses.
After reviewing responses to Holy Women, Holy Men, SCLM is proposing that a calendar and liturgical material for optional commemorations be included in a volume entitled A Great Cloud of Witnesses. The full proposal is on the commission's blog here.
As noted on the website: "A Great Cloud of Witnesses represents the desire of General Convention for a revision of the calendar of the Church that reflects the lively experience of sainthood, especially on the level of the local community. In this way, "A Great Cloud of Witnesses" is a tool for learning about the history of the Church and identifying those who have inspired us and challenged us from the time of the New Testament down to the present moment."
"The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music welcomes suggestions and comments as we prepare for General Convention 2015," explained the Rev. Dr. Ruth Meyers, chair, Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music. "We hope that this new approach responds to the feedback we've received on Holy Women, Holy Men."
Please send your comments to the SCLM via email or on the SCLM blog.
* To contact SCLM email sclm@episcopalchurch.org
* Visit the SCLM blog
* Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music

Task Force on Study of Marriage Issues Update and Report
Press Release
The Episcopal Church
Office of Public Affairs
Tuesday, September 22, 2014
The Task Force on the Study of Marriage is continuing the work of identifying and exploring the biblical, theological, historical, liturgical, and canonical dimensions of marriage - as charged by 2012 General Convention Resolution A050 here http://www.generalconvention.org/gc/resolutions?by=number&id=a050
"We are deeply gratified by the response to our work so far," said task force Chair the Rev. Brian C. Taylor, chair, Diocese of the Rio Grande. "Dearly Beloved - a resource for study and discussion about marriage - has been distributed in both English and Spanish, and its continuing use throughout the church is enhancing our process of church-wide consultation. Engagement through social media on our Facebook and YouTube pages has further extended that process. We strongly encourage those who haven't yet participated with these resources to do so prior to General Convention, so we're better prepared as a church to discuss these matters in Salt Lake City."
Members of the task force also participated in a consultation sponsored by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) on same-sex marriage in Kansas City in June. This event provided an opportunity to consult with Episcopalians, ecumenical partners, and those from the wider Anglican Communion on issues regarding marriage in general, and same-sex marriage in particular.
Bishop Thomas C. Ely of Vermont, who serves on the Task Force on the Study of Marriage as well as the SCLM, said this gathering offered "much to be able to take back into our work, based on conversation with people living this reality on the ground, and hearing the pastoral challenges local clergy are facing."
Regarding the SCLM consultation, Taylor said, "Part of our charge is to consider the challenges and opportunities of the changing societal norms around marriage. So it was helpful to our task to come together for deep listening, as we continue to consider the primary question that shapes our work: 'What might our church want to say to the world today about what it is that makes a marriage holy and particularly Christian?'"
Taylor continued, "The Explanation section of our enabling resolution A050 itself raises this same question in a variety of ways, and framed both the June SCLM gathering as well as much of our work over the triennium," i.e.
As the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music developed liturgical resources for blessing same-gender relationships, it faced repeated questions about marriage. What makes a marriage Christian? What is the relationship between the Church's blessing of a relationship, whether different-gender or same-gender, and a union, "marriage" or otherwise, created by civil law? Is the blessing of a same-gender relationship equivalent to the marriage of a different-gender couple, and if so, should this liturgy be called "marriage"? Because the Church's understanding of marriage affects so many of its members, the Commission believes it is important to engage in a Churchwide conversation about our theology of marriage.
Working in three study groups, Task Force members are now focused on finalizing their report for presentation to the 78th General Convention. The report will include:
- Theological and biblical essays on marriage
- articles on the history of marriage and marriage rites
- a look at our marriage canons past and present, and questions that they raise
- a report on consultations, conversations, and research on current trends and norms
- a response to the Resolution A050's charge that the task force "address the pastoral need for priests to officiate at a civil marriage of a same- sex couple," and
- the toolkit Dearly Beloved.
The task force is also actively considering resolutions that may flow from the content of their reports and/or from Resolution 2012-A050 itself.
Taylor spoke for the Task Force in saying, "All of our members are grateful and honored to be a part of our church's consideration of marriage, a work that builds upon the history, ministry, struggle, and life experience of so many others through the years that have led up to this day."
Comments, questions, and concerns may be addressed to the task force through Taylor, bctaylor@me.com, or Joan Geiszler-Ludlum, vice-chair, at jcgl@ec.rr.com

Video from Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church October 2 Churchwide Meeting is Available on YouTube
The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs
 | Click above to watch the video from the TREC Churchwide Meeting on October 2 |
The Taskforce for Reimagining The Episcopal Church (TREC) has issued a message following the October 2 churchwide meeting. We want to thank everyone who participated in our churchwide meeting last Thursday evening. More than 140 people attended in person at Washington National Cathedral and over 4,000 people tuned into a live webcast of the meeting. English and Spanish language recordings of the entire meeting can be found on TREC's website: reimaginetec.org. A recording with a closed captioning transcript will be posted as soon as it is ready. We are grateful to Washington National Cathedral and to Trinity Church, Wall Street for supporting this meeting and our work.
Following the churchwide meeting, members of the taskforce met in Washington, D.C. for two days to review the questions and feedback that we received prior to, during, and after the churchwide meeting. Questions and comments were received via Twitter, Facebook, web-posts, email, blogs, and in-person discussions.
We are very grateful for the thoughtful responses and inquiries about our work, and we appreciate the challenges to the thinking that we have published to-date. During this final in-person meeting together, we found ourselves in deep and prayerful discussion about issues of discipleship, shared leadership, and change as we continued to shape our final recommendations.
TREC's final report will be sent to the General Convention office by the end of November, and it will be released to the Church as soon as Spanish and French language translations are complete. TREC's final report will contain specific recommendations to the 78th General Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah in July 2015.
We ask for your continued prayers as we complete our work:
Holy Spirit, who broods over the world, fill the hearts and minds of your servants on the Taskforce for Reimagining The Episcopal Church with wisdom, clarity and courage. Work in them as they examine and recommend reforms for the structure, governance and administration of this branch of the one holy catholic and apostolic Church. Help them propose reforms to more effectively proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ, to challenge the world to seek and serve Christ in all persons-loving our neighbors as ourselves and to be a blazing light for the kind of justice and peace that leads to all people respecting the dignity of every human being.
Be with The Episcopal Church that we all may be open to the challenges that this Taskforce will bring to us-and help the whole church to discern your will for our future. In the name of Jesus Christ our Mediator, on whose life this Church was founded. AMEN
News From Around the Diocese
The Rev'd Dan Krutz Retires From St. Francis, Denham Springs
Almighty God, we thank you for raising up among us faithful servants of your Word and Sacraments.We thank you especially for the work of Father Dan among us. Grant that he and we may serve you in the days ahead, and always rejoice in your glory, and come at length into your heavenly kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

On Sunday, October 5, 2014 the people of St. Francis Church in Denham Springs joined together for a Celebration of Ministry and the retirement of the Rev. Dan Krutz. Fr. Krutz began in his ministry in the diocese in Amite in April of 1974 in a cluster charge as Vicar of Church of the Incarnation; All Saints, Ponchatoula; and Episcopal Chaplain to Southeastern Louisiana University. He then served as Curate to the Rev. Ralph Kimball at St. Andrew's, New Orleans from 1976-1981. In September of 1981 he became rector of St. James, Shreveport. During his time there the congregation raised money for the building of a new Church. Fr. Krutz left St. James in early 1992 to become Executive Director of the Louisiana Interchurch Conference. His position at the LIC allowed him, on weekends, to supply, assist in diocesan parishes and later serve in different capacities at a number of congregations including Trinity, Baton Rouge, St. Mary's, Morganza, the former St. Gregory's, Gonzales; St. Matthew's, Houma; Christ Church, Slidell; St. George's, New Orleans; and finally as Priest in Charge at St. Francis, Denham Springs from September 2007 until the present.
Many summers Fr. Krutz served as dean or on staff at Camp Hardtner and also served Chair of the Summer Camping Committee. He has also been active in Cursillo and in the Happening movement for youth. Fr. Krutz served as a Deputy or Alternate at a number of General Conventions for both dioceses in Louisiana.
Fr. Krutz and his wife Julie have two adult sons, Eric and Morgan. After his retirement from active parish ministry, Fr. Krutz will continue his ministry with the LIC.
At the October 5 service, where the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi was remembered, Fr. Krutz celebrated and The Very Rev'd Mark Holland preached. The service was followed by a festive reception of Italian food honoring the Krutz family and the church's patron saint. Pictures from the day can be found here or here.
 Ending of a Pastoral Relationship Between St. Mary's, Franklin, and Rev'd Dr. Calvin Lane on Monday, October 13
Monday, October 13, 6:00 pm - Holy Eucharist and Ending of a Pastoral Relationship between St. Mary's Church in Franklin and the Rev. Dr. Calvin Lane. Come celebrate new seasons of ministry for both St. Mary's and for Fr. Cal and his family as they make their move to a new call.
The Rev'd John Miller to Begin at St. Francis, Denham Springs, On October 12
On behalf of the congregation of St. Francis Episcopal Church, Denham Springs, the Vestry is proud to announce that they have called the Rev. John Sloan Miller of Baton Rouge to be the next Priest-in-Charge beginning October 12th. Rev. Miller comes to us from St. James Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge, where he has served as Associate Rector for the last 8 years. Rev Miller attended The University of the South (Sewanee), graduating in 2004 with a Master of Divinity degree. He was ordained to the priesthood on April 2, 2005 in the Diocese of Western Louisiana and then spent the next year at St. James Episcopal Church Alexandria, LA as curate.
The Vestry and congregation St. Francis welcomes the Rev. Miller, his wife Celene Milburn Miller and their three children Cameron, McKenzie and Isabella to St. Francis!
The Rev'd Gary Taylor Installed as Head of School of Trinity Episcopal School
On September 17, the Rev'd Edgar Gary Taylor was installed as the seventh Head of School of Trinity Episcopal School, New Orleans. All of the students of Trinity, faculty, staff and guests were in attendance.
Bowling With the Bishop on Saturday, October 18 from 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Bishop Morris K. Thompson, Jr. invites all youth, young adults & young at heart in the Diocese of Louisiana to join him for a game of bowling at:
Rock 'n' Bowl
3000 S. Carrollton Ave (Corner of Earhart Expwy and S. Carrollton Ave)
New Orleans, LA 70118
Saturday, October 18 from 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
$20 per person
We hope you will join us at Rock 'n' Bowl for bowling, food, and fellowship. Please mail the payment to our office, 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115 (before the event) or bring to Rock 'n' Bowl (the night of the event) cash or check made payable to Diocese of Louisiana. The cost covers bowling, shoes, food, and drinks.
Please RSVP with the number of people attending to Marvin McLennon, Youth Coordinator, Diocese of Louisiana, mmclennon@edola.org by October 10.
Download the flyer
St. Margaret's to Break Ground on a New Sanctuary
from the St. Margaret Facebook Page
O Lord God of Israel, the heavens cannot contain you, yet you are pleased to dwell in the midst of our people, and have moved us to set apart a space on which to build a house of prayer: Accept and bless the work which we have now begun, that it may be brought to completion, to the honor and glory of your holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
St. Margaret Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge is pleased to announce they will break ground on their new sanctuary. All funds have been raised, permits obtained, and they have the full support and blessing from the bishop and the diocese. Details of the new sanctuary plans can be found on the St. Margaret's Website: http://saintmargarets.com/capital-campaign/
The ground breaking ceremony will take place on Sunday, October 12 at 3:00 PM. All are invited.
Lunch with C.S. Lewis at St. Alban's Chapel
Recently Bishop Morris Thompson and a few members of his staff visited St. Alban's Chapel on the LSU campus to take part in "Lunch with C.S. Lewis." Every Wednesday from 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM, during the fall and spring school semesters, a dedicated crew of parishioners from St. Alban's Chapel feeds over 180 students a free home-cooked meal while the Rev'd Drew Rollins discusses a chapter from Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. St. Alban's offers one of the best meals on campus and students from across many different denominations and backgrounds take part in the meal and discussion.
Fr. Drew invites anyone to come see what they are doing.
For more information:
St. Alban's Chapel Website
Email The Rev'd Drew Rollins
Trinity Wall Street Visits Louisiana; Volunteers at St. Mark's, Harvey, & All Souls, New Orleans
From October 2 - 5, we were visited by parishioners from Trinity Wall Street, a long term partner in mission with the Diocese of Louisiana since Hurricane Katrina. This year, their work focused on helping St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Harvey, with much needed repair work that included leveling the yard, painting the parish hall, and replacing water damaged woodwork in the sanctuary. They also worked with All Souls Church. Dr. Kevin Grant, a dentist and Trinity Wall Street parishioner, provided free dental care to several children in the Lower Ninth Ward.
Their visit ended at St. Mark's on Sunday with a Second Line Parade, inducting them as official members of the Who Dat Nation.
Thank you Trinity Wall Street. We are grateful for your partnership.
Photos from the visit can be found here on Facebook.
Embracing Complexity and Paradox: Racial Reconciliation in the Diocese of Louisiana
by Heidi Kim, Missioner for Racial Reconciliation, Justice and Advocacy Ministries
Members of the Racial Reconciliation Commission with Heidi Kim at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center.
(Photo courtesy of Fr. Edward Thompson)
September 11, 2014- This past weekend I had the great privilege of traveling to New Orleans to spend time with the Diocese of Louisiana's Commission on Racial Reconciliation. This Commission has been working together for several years to organize events around the theme of reconciliation, culminating in last January's Reconciliation service where the Presiding Bishop spoke to a packed house at Christ Church Cathedral. Back in July, commission chairperson Lee Crean invited me to facilitate a two-day retreat to strategize how to move forward with the priorities and initiatives that the group had previously identified. Sixteen of us gathered at the lovely Solomon Retreat Center north of New Orleans.
We began the retreat by introducing ourselves-saying something about why we were drawn to the work of reconciliation, and describing both our hopes and prayers for the retreat, as well as our questions and concerns. It was deeply moving to hear each person's unique story of how and why they had taken up this ministry, and to hear what their hopes and intentions were for both the retreat and the Commission's work going forward. It became clear that the group was hearing some of these stories and reasons for the first time. While the members knew each other, they admitted that they didn't "know" each other. Even though it is sometimes difficult for us to step back from our desire to get things done, it is always worth the investment to take the time to build trust and safety. Together we encountered one of the first lessons of reconciliation work: while agendas and action items are important, the real work of reconciliation begins with sharing, listening, and understanding.
Continue reading the article and view more pictures on The Episcopal Church Public Policy Network website: http://advocacy.episcopalchurch.org/app/document/3957308;jsessionid=PRHRUrbcsvL5EIfbI5SXSve5.undefined
Families Reunite: Immigrant Family Reunification
Training for Trainers / Facilitators
with Robin Stern Hamby, Family Partnership Specialist, Fairfax County Public School, Virginia
What is it? Professional development that informs and qualifies you to facilitate parent education curriculum that addresses the issues of reuniting immigrant children with their families and/or caretakers.
History of the Program School staff in Fairfax, Virginia identified a need for resources to address the high needs population of recently arrived Central American immigrant students and their families. The children often migrated unaccompanied after years of separation from their parents. Along the journey they suffered emotional and physical trauma. This in addition to deprivation, abuse, and violence in their home countries made adapting to the United States extremely difficult.
Who might benefit from this training? Anyone working with newly immigrated children and/or families, especially school counselors, ESL teachers, classroom teachers, social workers, psychologist, chaplains, etc.
Where is it? St. Augustine's Episcopal Church's Byrd Hall, 3412 Haring Road, Metairie, Louisiana
Cost? Each participant is being asked to pay only $15 in advance to offset materials cost. If the $15 fee presents a problem, scholarships are available by contacting Deacon Elaine Clements, elements@ecsla.org
When is it? (Choose one of two sessions) Monday, November 17, 2014
9 a.m. to 12 noon
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
How do I register? Register online at https://secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=f66f9f
Questions? Contact Deacon Elaine Clements with any questions, elements@ecsla.org or 504-236-1133
Funding for this program is being provided by Episcopal Relief and Development and the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Download the flyer
Dedication of St. Andrew's Episcopal School Grace Hall
by Lisa Whitter, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, St. Andrew's Episcopal School

On Friday, September 26, 2014 at 8:00 am St. Andrew's Episcopal School conducted a Dedication Ceremony of our new three-story classroom building on the St. Andrew's campus on the corner of Oak and Short Streets. The new classroom building is named Grace Hall. This name has been selected as an appropriate embodiment of God's Grace that has made this building possible, and of the graciousness from the St. Andrew's Community in planning, funding, and creating this wonderful new teaching and learning space for our children. The new building will be called Grace Hall for the foreseeable future. However, it is possible that, at a future date, the Board may change the name as a way to honor a particular donor or member of the St. Andrew's Community.
Grace Hall consists of approximately 10,000 square feet of new teaching and learning space and will provide much-needed classroom space for a new music room, STEM Center (science and math labs), homeroom classrooms, and a new multi-purpose room for indoor recess, PE, and student exhibitions and performances. Grace Hall will also create space for a new art studio on campus.
The dedication was held at St. Andrew's Episcopal School with all students and guests in attendance.
St. Andrew's Episcopal School, the oldest Episcopal School in New Orleans, provides a strong academic program from Prekindergarten through 8th Grade. Small classes and caring teachers provide a challenging learning environment where children grow intellectually, socially, and spiritually.
Trinity Episcopal School, Baton Rouge, Dedicates the Amber Lousteau Playground
from the Trinity Episcopal School, Baton Rouge, September 2014 Newsletter

On Friday, August 22, 2014, Trinity Episcopal Day School celebrated the completion of the preschool playground with a red ribbon cutting ceremony. This ceremony was dedicated to the memory of a beloved Trinity aide for which the playground is named, Amber Lousteau. Amber's daughter, Jennifer Lousteau (2nd grade teacher), son, Jeffrey Lousteau, and husband,
Steve, did the honor of cutting the ribbon. It was a beautiful evening filled with laughter, tears, love and thanksgiving for the families, friends, and alumni that supported the 2013-2014 Building for Our Future Fund.
Through the hard work of volunteers and staff last year, we were able to raise, in total, an astounding $244,314.06 for Trinity Episcopal Day School. It was a record year, and we are grateful for the extreme generosity of our parents, grandparents, friends, and alumni who supported the school.
The Baton Rouge Advocate ran a fantastic article on the Amber Lousteau Playground and on the life of it's namesake. Click here to read it.
New Computers Allow Seniors Access to Technology
from the St. Paul's Homecoming Center Facebook Page
The St. Paul's Senior Center recently added a computer lab to allow low income seniors in the Gentilly neighborhood of New Orleans to have access to technology. The computers in the lab were acquired through a grant from the United Thank Offering. Seniors are also taking part in computer classes through the center and St. Paul's Episcopal School.
The Senior Center, a ministry of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, originally opened up this past spring as a two day a week program. It has recently expanded to four days a week.
New Jericho Road Homeowners
by Holly Heine, Director of Operations and Communications, Jericho Road Episcopal Housing Initiative
Charley was right when she "pinned" herself as a FUTURE HOMEOWNER!! Her parents closed on their Jericho Road home last month in the Saratoga Square development near the O.C. Haley Corridor. More on their story to come...and oh, what a story it is!! Congrats to the Lees!!! Go to Jericho Road's website, www.jerichohousing.org, to sign up for our enews and follow us on Facebook to always get the latest news!!
Jericho Road Episcopal Housing Initiative works to revitalize neighborhoods through an innovative three-pronged approach: 1) fostering the human capacity that can promote change through building resident leadership and neighborhood institutions; 2) stabilizing and investing in targeted high-impact block faces through vacant property management and greening; and 3) creating healthy, accessible and energy efficient affordable housing.
For more information on Jericho Road's work, how you can support or get involved, contact Holly Heine at hollyheine@jerichohousing.org or 504-293-2882.

Episcopal Pets: St. Francis Day Blessing of the Pets
Churches all across the Diocese of Louisiana participated in St. Francis Blessing of the Animals on October 4 and 5. All creatures "bright and beautiful...great and small" came to receive their annual blessing in honor of St. Francis of Assisi.
Check out more photos on our Facebook Page here.
Inauguration of the Curtis W. Sisco Memorial Chapter of the UBE to Take Place Sunday, October 19
Members of the Union of Black Episcopalians invite all to the inauguration of the Curtis W. Sisco, Jr. Memorial Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 1222 N Dorgenois St, New Orleans, on Sunday, October 19 at 11:00 AM. RSVP to Fortunata Jefferson, 504-432-8891.
Trinity Business Connections- A New Program Offered by Trinity Counseling and Training Center
by John Shalett, Trinity Counseling and Training Center
Did you know that Trinity Counseling and Training Center (TCTC) can provide your business with a number of valuable services? And, even better, our services are Business Friendly and cost-effective. TCTC provides Tripe A Services-Affordable, Accessible and Available. We invite you to either call or drop by for a cup of coffee and learn more about TCTC and our services. We have a number of dynamic and leading edge services that can support your business and its most valuable product-your employees. For more information, call John Shalett, Executive Director at (504) 522-7573.
TCTC is a ministry of Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans. More information about TCTC can be found on their website here.
"Emotional Sobriety"- Annual Retreat for Women
The Addictions Recovery Ministry of the Diocese of Louisiana will hold its annual retreat for women who are in recovery, wish to be in recovery, or are just interested in recovery spirituality. Please forward this information to any women who might be interested. The retreat is the weekend of January 9-11, 2015 at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center.
Our facilitator for the weekend is Polly Pistole who began her sobriety journey in 1977. She has lead numerous retreats dealing with recovery and relationship topics. The theme of this weekend is "Emotional Sobriety". Polly will share the wisdom found in some of Bill W.'s letters about Emotional Sobriety and how she has taken her sobriety to a new level by studying what Bill had to say. Emotional Sobriety is mentioned 17 times in the first 164 pages of the Big Book. Polly will look at how character defects such as approval addiction, intolerance, resentment, anger, jealousy, fear, sarcasm, blame, and many others affect our emotional sobriety; and how practicing good habits and making them part of us can restore our balance.
For more information and to register, please visit:
Lawrence Brooks Turns 105 With a Grand Party at the World War II Museum
"Be nice to everyone" is the advice Lawrence Brooks gives to live a long life when he addressed a crow of people at the World War II Museum on September 12. The museum threw Mr. Brooks a birthday party where was honored by dignitaries from the city and state as well as the Veterans Administration and the Army. Mr. Brooks is believed to be the oldest WWII veteran in our area and the oldest parishioner in the Diocese of Louisiana. Mr. Brooks is an active member of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, New Orleans.
More pictures from the day can be found on our Facebook Page here.
Watch a video of the Victory Belles wishing Mr. Brooks a Happy Birthday
Deadline Extended to October 31 But Approaching Soon...
Join Bishop Morris Thompson for The Roots of Anglicanism
An Exploration of our Anglican History, Heritage and Historic sites in England
Upon arrival in England, we will begin an historic 10-day/9 night journey to the significant sites of Anglicanism, and the roots of our own Episcopal Church, in England- London, Winchester, Canterbury, Cambridge, Durham, and York, as well as to other historical sites along the way. We will enjoy many private tours of great cathedrals, churches and sites, experiencing different forms of worship (from Evensong, to the Eucharist, to prayer services) in these amazing places, often with special seating. We will hear some of the great choirs of England and hear some of the grandest organs of the world played by the musicians who know them best. Guides and guest speakers, with particular expertise in the places we visit and in church history, will guide us through this extraordinary experience. You are invited to join us for this unique opportunity to explore our common Anglican heritage!
Travel Dates: April 10 - 20, 2015
Price (Price is all inclusive of air and train fare, hotel, tours, tips, meals, and farewell party)
$6250 per person, double occupancy.
Single Supplement (subject to availability): $800
For further information:
Deacon Mark Hudson
Email Daniel.mark.hudson@ms.com or dmhudson@cox.net
Cell 225-270-4521 please leave name and short message indicating the call is concerning the trip.
Office phone 225-237-3114
Registration & deposit deadline: October 31, 2014
Download brochure to more information
Download registration
Third Annual Odile Simpson Fall Lecture at Christwood
by Margaret Mashburn, Christwood Retirement Community
Residents and friends of Christwood were recently treated to a presentation by Katie Moose, author and lecturer, for the Third Annual Odile Simpson Fall Lecture. The late centenarian and longtime Christwood resident, Odile Simpson, loved nature, outdoors, and "holy food," and was a devoted Episcopalian.
Mrs. Moose is a lifelong Episcopalian and member of Christ Church in Easton, Maryland, where she is a Lay Eucharistic Minister, member of the Stewardship Committee and coffee hour committee. She has also served as a Lay Eucharistic Minister and served on the Cathedral Fund Committee at the Washington National Cathedral. She attended an Episcopal girls' school and has always been deeply involved in the Episcopal Church.
Mrs. Moose has recently written God's Bounty: 365 Days of Inspirational Cooking which will be sold at the National Cathedral. In the book she pairs Biblical passages, favorite hymns and inspirational writings with a recipe for each day of the year. In her talk she said that food is mentioned throughout the Bible and quoted passages which spoke of fruit, meat, vegetables, herbs and spices. If you are familiar with the Mediterranean diet, you know the benefits of these foods with herbs and spices even having medicinal benefits.
She spoke of how many uses the herbs and spices have and mentioned some perhaps little-known facts such as: cinnamon was once considered more precious than gold; mint was used for tithing at one time; the Bay tree is native to Palestine and its oil was used for medicinal purpose and leaves were burned for incense; and saffron is the most expensive spice in the world.
She compared the Passover Seder meals with Easter, as some of the same foods are used. Following a question and answer period, she prepared appetizers using foods that would have been used in Biblical times.
In addition to her book God's Bounty: 365 Days of Inspirational Cooking, Mrs. Moose has written three other cookbooks (Chesapeake's Bounty, Nantucket's Bounty, and New England's Bounty), as well as two regional guidebooks (Eastern Shore of Maryland: the Guidebook and Maryland's Western Shore: The Guidebook).
St. Paul's Helps to End Hunger One Step at a Time
from the St. Paul's Facebook Page
Parishioners, clergy, and staff of St. Paul's participated in the Greater New Orleans CROP Hunger Walk along Lake Pontchartrain on September 27. They raised over $2,000 for food banks, pantries, and community gardens in an effort to eliminate hunger across the U.S.
Pictures from the event can be found on the St. Paul's Facebook Page.

EDOLA News is published electronically monthly by the Diocese of Louisiana. For more information contact Karen Mackey at 504-895-6634 or kmackey@edola.org
To submit news or events for the EDOLA: news@edola.org. Submissions for the monthly EDOLA News due by the 25th of each month. Submissions for the weekly EDOLA Events due by Thursday morning of each week.