The Diocese of the Episcopal Church of Louisiana
EDoLA News: a monthly e-newsletter of the Diocese of LouisianaVolume 8, Issue 8
September 2014
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Church of the Holy Spirit Closes

After prayerful consideration, the vestry of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Baton Rouge, made a decision to close the church effective September 1, 2014, coinciding with the retirement of the Rev'd Ernie Saik. The vestry came to the realization that they no longer had the funds to continue the operation of the church.  

Church of the Holy Spirit was founded in 1987. The congregation chose never to construct a church building but rather use four acres of land to maintain a church office and a garden called Our Father's Garden to raise fruits and vegetables to donate to Southeast Ministries Association, a ministry alliance whose primary mission is to feed the hungry in Baton Rouge. The congregation held worship services in the chapel on the campus of Episcopal School of Baton Rouge.  


The following statement can be found on the church's website, "As this ministry comes to a close it is our prayer that the Lord will continue to use the members of the Church of the Holy Spirit to carry on the work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ." 


 The last service was held on August 31, 2014 at 10:30 am.


Our Father's Garden


SECC Sunday is September 21 
A day to learn more about and support our conference center



Most loving God:  You call us apart in order to bring us together; Help us make our conference center a place of hospitality, rest, revelation and renewal, That Your church may be strengthened and Your people equipped for the work of ministry; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who lives and reins, with You and the Holy Spirit, Now and forever. Amen


Discover Renewal, Education & Growth at the SECC

Mission: We receive and welcome everyone to a serene, peaceful, beautiful and well maintained conference and retreat facility. We are committed to first class hospitality in a faith based, safe and secure environment. We enable large and small groups, adult and youth, to experience retreats, conferences, meetings, and events in a church, corporate or athletic context, to explore and discover renewal, education and growth. 


The Solomon Episcopal Conference Center is located on 172 rolling-acres of piney woods just 10 miles north from Robert, LA. Owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, the SECC welcomes guests year round

to enjoy a warm and inviting atmosphere throughout indoor and outdoor meeting spaces; sports and recreation facilities; a beautiful Chapel; overnight, hotel-style lodging accommodations; and complete onsite dining services.


Why Support the SECC?

The Solomon Episcopal Conference Center relies solely on event income and charitable donations. Either by scheduling / attending a retreat or making a donation will allow our conference center to continue representing our region with world class hospitality and facilities for retreats and conferences, as well as Happenings, gatherings, receptions, picnics and other events for both young and old.  


How to Give to the SECC?

Special donation envelopes are available at churches throughout the year and especially on SECC Sunday. You may also make donations on-line at the Solomon Center's website, Please feel free to drop your envelope in the offering plate at your church or mail it to the SECC or donate online.


More information about the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center can be found on their website:

The Bishop's Office announces the annual Vestry Training Day to be held on Saturday, October 11 from 10 am - 2 pm at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 6249 Canal Blvd, New Orleans. This training is open to all priests and vestry members in the Diocese of Louisiana. Cost: $15 (includes a box lunch)




"Modeling the Method of Leadership"

The Rt. Rev'd Morris K. Thompson, Jr.


"Rethinking the Vestry: Empowering the Laity"

The Rev'd Canon Shannon Manning & The Rev'd Canon John Kellogg


"Not Doing Business as Usual"

The Very Rev'd Mark Holland



"A vestry person does that, too!? Other duties of being on the vestry"

The Very Rev'd AJ Heine


"Leading during times of transition"

The Rev'd Richard Easterling


"Beware of group think! The psychology of group decision making"

Mr. Raul Esquivel


"Safe church reporting: What every church should know"

Mr. Luigi Mandile


"How to build stronger relationships between a church and day school"

The Rev'd Rob Courtney


& more to be announced



Download the flyer and registration form


Clergy Anniversaries
September 1

The Rev'd John Stone Jenkins- Priest


September 7

The Rev'd Jeff Millican- Priest

September 13

Deacon Maggie Dawson- Deacon

Deacon Cindy Obier- Deacon

Deacon Debbie Scalia- Deacon

September 14

The Rev'd Maggie Dennis- Priest

September 18

The Rev'd Bryan Owen- Deacon

September 21

The Very Rev'd David duPlantier- Priest

The Rev'd Canon David Seger- Priest


September 29

The Rev'd Stewart Cage- Deacon

Have you formed your team?
A little over a month until we Tee it Up With the Bishop!



"I'm excited about the Tee It Up With the Bishop golf tournament. It is my hope to build relationships while we support ministries around the diocese. I promise you will have a good day. So, dust off the clubs and join me  October 13 to 'Tee It Up.'"


-Bishop Morris K. Thompson, Jr.


Date and location:

Monday, October 13th, 2014

Audubon Park Golf Course

6500 Magazine St., New Orleans


Schedule of events:

Breakfast & Registration begins: 7:30 AM

Shotgun Start: 8:30 AM

After Tournament: Catered Lunch & Awards


St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Day School, Baton Rouge

To register:

Question or more information:

Contact Deacon Mark Hudson
 or 225-270-4521

Sponsorship opportunities are still available:
Download the brochure to view sponsorship levels.
Press Releases From The Episcopal Church

Episcopal Relief & Development Celebrating 75 years of Healing a Hurting World


Since 1940 Episcopal Relief & Development has responded to the suffering in the world by empowering churches and local communities to fight poverty, hunger, and disease. We have seen their work first hand in our diocese after the hurricanes and other disasters over the past nine years through their US Disaster Program.  


Join the 75th Anniversary Celebration here to read 75 stories of lives being transformed, learn more about the history of Episcopal Relief and Development, and view the photo exhibition. 


Daily Prayer for All Seasons 

A new book of daily prayers developed by the Standing Commission of Liturgy and Music has been released. 


In an article written by ENS staff on August 26, "The books are divided by the liturgical year, and each of the services for each of the eight canonical hours of the day has a theme, including praise, discernment, wisdom, perseverance and renewal, love, forgiveness, trust and watch. A complete service covers one or two pages.


The prayer book presents a variety of images of God, uses inclusive and expansive language for and about God, and presents a rich variety of language, including poetry, meditation and prayers from the broader community of faith, according to a press release. Clergy, teachers and spiritual leaders across the Episcopal Church contributed to the work."


The book is published in various formats by Church Publishing, Inc.
Preparing for General Convention 2015
Joint Nominating Committee Issues Call for Discernment and Profile for the 27th Episcopal Presiding Bishop

Press Release

The Episcopal Church

Office of Public Affairs


[August 13, 2014] The Episcopal Church Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop (JNCPB) has issued the Call for Discernment and Profile for the election of the 27th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church.


The Call for Discernment and Profile is located here  and in Spanish here  and in French.


Between now and September 30, any member of The Episcopal Church may submit a name of a bishop to JNCPB whom they believe should be considered for nomination through the email listed in the Call for Discernment and Profile.  JNCPB will inform bishops whose names have been presented and advise them that if they wish to engage the discernment process, they must submit their materials, as specified in the Call for Discernment and Profile, between October 1 and October 31. The JNCPB will announce its nominees in early May 2015.


According to JNCPB, the Call for Discernment and Profile is intended to paint a picture of the skills, qualities and gifts the Church seeks in its next Presiding Bishop in light of what the Church may look like in the next decade, to assist bishops, deputies and prospective nominees in discerning which bishops may be called to the ministry of Presiding Bishop and to assist JNCPB in discerning potential nominees. To assist in that process, last year the JNCPB crafted and circulated a church-wide survey. The synthesis of the more than 5,200 responses helped develop the Profile.


The JNCPB is comprised of a lay member, a priest or deacon, and a bishop elected from each of the nine provinces of the Episcopal Church, plus two youth representatives, appointed by the President of the House of Deputies, the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings. The General Convention Deputies and bishops serve a three-year term to conclude at the close of General Convention 2015 in Salt Lake City. 


Committees, Commissions, Agencies, and Boards

Want to follow a particular committee through the General Convention? You can find information on all Committees, Commissions, Agencies, and Boards (CCABs) on the General Convention website here.

TREC Issues a Letter to The Episcopal Church


The Episcopal Church

Office of Public Affairs

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!"  The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with bandages, and his face wrapped with a cloth.

Jesus said to them, "Unbind him, and let him go."  (John 11:43-44)


As the Taskforce for Reimagining The Episcopal Church (TREC) has progressed in our work, we have come to see the raising and unbinding of Lazarus as a helpful way of understanding this moment in the life of The Episcopal Church. We believe Jesus is calling our church to new life and vitality, but the church is held back by its bindings-old ways of working that no longer serve us well.


We write this as we begin the final months of our work, to give you an update about our thinking and emerging recommendations for your prayerful consideration and feedback. We will publish our final report and specific legislative proposals in December 2014.


In the 18 months since we first met as a Task Force, we have been in conversation with many of you-in person and virtually-about your hopes, dreams, ideas, and concerns for the church and about our collective mission to serve Christ. We have appreciated your feedback, your encouragement, and your criticism of our work so far. We look to continue our dialogue with you in the months to come and encourage you to respond to this letter, to participate in our virtual town hall meeting that we will webcast from Washington National Cathedral on October 2, and to engage in dialogue with us as we join provincial meetings and other forums. We thank you for your input to date and for your prayers for our work together.



The Need for Change

The Episcopal Church's structures and governance processes reflect assumptions from previous eras that do not always fit with today's contexts. They have not adapted to the rapidly changing cultural, political, and social environments in which we live.  The churchwide structures and governance processes are too disconnected from local needs and too often play a "gating" or regulatory role to local innovation. They are often too slow and confusing to deal decisively with tough and urgent tradeoffs or to pursue bold directions that must be set at the churchwide level...


Continue reading the letter here 

Reminder: TREC Plans Churchwide Meeting on Thursday, October 2 at 6:30 PM


Read the Media Release from The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs



Where webcasts are being hosted in Diocese of Louisiana:


St. James Episcopal Church

205 N. 4th St, Baton Rouge


St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 

3412 Haring Rd, Metairie


For more information: The Rev'd Sharon Alexander,

News From Around the Diocese
H. Peter Kang Ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons

Dr. H. Peter Kang was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on Saturday, August 23 at Grace Church, St. Francisville. The Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson, Bishop of Louisiana, celebrated. The Rev. Roman Roldan of Grace Church preached. Peter will serve as the part-time administrator of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Innis, and also serve as a chaplain at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola. 

More pictures can be found on our Facebook Photo Album: Ordinations 2014
The Rev'd Rob Courtney Installed as Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church

On Sunday, August 17, the Rev'd Rob Courtney was installed as rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, New Orleans. The Rev'd Canon Shannon Manning officiated. The Very Rev'd David duPlantier, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, preached.  Fr. Rob has served as priest-in-charge of St. Paul's since December 2012. He was called as rector in May of 2014. 

The Rev'd Doug Lasiter Instituted as Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Morgan City, and St. John's Episcopal Church, Thibodaux
from the September Newsletter of St. John's Episcopal Church

On Wednesday, September 20, 2014, Trinity Church in Morgan City came together with St. John's to celebrate the installation of The Reverend Doug Lasiter as Rector for both parishes. The service was held here at St. John's, and was well-attended, with representatives from both congregations, and The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Jr., Bishop for the Diocese of Louisiana, presiding. Choirs from both churches sang together under the direction of LaDonna Alexander, organist for St. John's. The homily was given by The Reverend Everett C. Lees, a friend and mentor of Fr. Doug from seminary. Following the service there was a reception in Horgan Hall.

The Rev'd Ernie Saik Retires From Church of the Holy Spirit

After 35 years serving as a priest in the Episcopal Church, the Rev'd Ernie Saik retired from Church of the Holy Spirit, Baton Rouge. Fr. Ernie celebrated his last Eucharist as rector of the church on Sunday, August 31 surrounded by family and friends. 

More pictures from the service can be found on Facebook here.
The Rev'd Fred Devall's 10 Years of Shared Ministry With St. Martin's Church Metairie
by Terri Sarchione, St. Martin's Episcopal Church
We celebrated 10 years of shared ministry between our Rector, Fred, and the people of St. Martin's Church on Sunday, August 24. At the 10:00 a.m. service, Senior Warden, Holly McCollum, announced that the members of the parish have honored Fr. Fred with the gift of the two large credenzas in the narthex.  These lovely pieces of furniture will each bear a plaque signifying the parish's appreciation to Fr. Fred.  Holly also presented to Fr. Fred a painting by parishioner, Steve Brauner, commemorating his 10 years at St. Martin's. Following the 10:00 a.m. service, everyone enjoyed a festive reception in McKee Parish Hall.


More pictures can be found on the church's Facebook page here.


The Rev'd Michael Kuhn Joins Staff at St Augustine's, Metairie
From the St. Augustine Episcopal Church August 25 e-newsletter

We are thrilled to announce that The Rev. Michael Kuhn will be joining the St. Augustine's staff beginning Sunday, September 14th.  Fr. Michael will be with us on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.  This will also allow us to extend the "Come as You Are" Eucharist to two Sundays per month.  (Think of it as the "Sunday Even" be held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month!)  Fr. Michael has served as Headmaster of Trinity Day School, and is beginning as Chaplain for the Middle and Lower School of St. Martin's.  He is a wise counselor, dynamic preacher, faithful priest, and a good friend.  We are excited about his ministry among us, and grateful for the Vestry's willingness to step out in faith in this way.

The Rev'd Dan Krutz to Retire From Active Parish Ministry on October 5
by the Rev'd Dan Krutz


On Sunday, October 5, 2014 the people of St. Francis Church in Denham Springs will join together for a Celebration of Ministry and the retirement of the Rev. Dan Krutz.  Fr. Krutz began in his ministry in the diocese in  Amite in April of 1974 in a cluster charge as Vicar of Church of the Incarnation; All Saints, Ponchatoula; and Episcopal Chaplain to Southeastern Louisiana University.  He then served as Curate to the Rev. Ralph Kimball at St. Andrew's, New Orleans from 1976-1981.  In September of 1981 he became rector of St. James, Shreveport.   During his time there the congregation raised money for the building of a new Church.  Fr. Krutz left St. James in early 1992 to become Executive Director of the Louisiana Interchurch Conference.  His position at the LIC allowed him, on weekends, to supply, assist in diocesan parishes and later serve in different capacities at a number of congregations including Trinity, Baton Rouge, St. Mary's, Morganza, the former St. Gregory's, Gonzales; St. Matthew's, Houma; Christ Church, Slidell; St. George's, New Orleans; and finally as Priest in Charge at St. Francis, Denham Springs from September 2007 until the present.


Many summers Fr. Krutz served as dean or on staff at Camp Hardtner and also served Chair of the Summer Camping Committee.  He has also been active in Cursillo and in the Happening movement for youth.  Fr. Krutz served as a Deputy or Alternate at a number of General Conventions for both dioceses in Louisiana.


Fr. Krutz and his wife Julie have two adult sons, Eric and Morgan.  After his retirement from active parish ministry, Fr. Krutz will continue his ministry with the LIC.

The Rev'd John Miller Called to St. Francis, Denham Springs

by Robert Bishop, Senior Warden, St. Francis Episcopal Church, Denham Springs


On behalf of the congregation of St. Francis Episcopal Church, Denham Springs, the Vestry is proud to announce that they have called the Rev. John Sloan Miller of Baton Rouge to be the next Priest-in-Charge beginning October 12th. Rev. Miller comes to us from St. James Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge, where he has served as Associate Rector for the last 8 years. Rev Miller attended The University of the South (Sewanee), graduating in 2004 with a Master of Divinity degree. He was ordained to the priesthood on April 2, 2005 in the Diocese of Western Louisiana and then spent the next year at St. James Episcopal Church Alexandria, LA as curate.


The Vestry and congregation St. Francis welcomes the Rev. Miller, his wife Celene Milburn Miller and their three children Cameron, McKenzie and Isabella to St. Francis!

All Souls Holds Mass on the Lot

Mass on the lot All Souls

All Souls Episcopal Church & Community Center in the Lower Ninth Ward neighborhood of New Orleans recently held a series of worship services in the parking lot of the church in order to enhance their visibility and provide outreach to the community. Parishioners and neighbors celebrated Holy Eucharist together underneath a tent. After the service those in need were able to receive clothing, toiletries, and food from the All Souls Food Pantry. Mass on the Lot was held July 24 and August 27. The next one is to be held on September 28. All are invited to attend. 


St. Luke's, New Orleans, Holds Hurricane Katrina Memorial Service With A Mass on the Lot

Parishioners of St Luke's Episcopal Church, New Orleans, gather outside the church for Holy Eucharist on Sunday, August 31 for a Hurricane Katrina Memorial Service and to welcome their neighbors to hear the choir and other things enjoyed by all when people gather weekly inside the building. The parishioners distributed toiletries and bath products to those in need. 

More pictures from the services can be found on the St. Luke's Facebook page.
Trinity Business Connections- A New Program Offered by Trinity Counseling and Training Center 

by John Shalett, Trinity Counseling and Training Center


Did you know that Trinity Counseling and Training Center (TCTC) can provide your business with a number of valuable services?  And, even better, our services are Business Friendly and cost-effective. TCTC provides Tripe A Services-Affordable, Accessible and Available. We invite you to either call or drop by for a cup of coffee and learn more about TCTC and our services. We have a number of dynamic and leading edge services that can support your business and its most valuable product-your employees.  For more information, call John Shalett, Executive Director at (504) 522-7573.


TCTC is a ministry of Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans. More information about TCTC can be found on their website here.


Interfaith Pilgrimage to Morocco

by the Rev'd Dr. Walter Baer, Ecumenical and Interreligious Officer, Diocese of Louisiana


Top: Fr. Baer with Imam Mohamad Bashar Arafat and Kimberly King at the American Embassy in Rabat


Bottom: Group of Islamic scholars and students meeting with our group.

In July, I was privileged to participate with a dozen Episcopal and Roman Catholic clergy and an American Imam in an Interfaith Pilgrimage to Morocco. It took place during the month of Ramadan and the theme was "Spirituality and Giving in Ramadan." It was sponsored by the "Civilizations Exchange & Cooperation Foundation" of Baltimore MD, in partnership with "Roots & Branches for Spiritual Growth" from the Episcopal Diocese of New York.


The purpose to the pilgrimage was to expose Christian clergy to Islam and to develop an understanding of Islamic spirituality particularly in connection with fasting and giving during Ramadan. Another purpose of the trip was to expose Islamic scholars and officials to Christian clergy and to discuss with them issues of interreligious relationships, commonalities and differences. The United States Ambassador invited us with top Moroccan Islamic scholars and officials from the Office of Islamic Affairs to his residence for an Iftar (breaking of the fast) and discussion. The ambassador and various U.S. embassy officials are very interested in Interfaith matters and relating to Islamic leaders who do not subscribe to the agenda of the extremists and Islamists.


A key learning for me was that Moroccan and North African Islam is and has been much more open to other "religions of the book," namely Judaism and Christianity and follows the Moorish tradition of Islam which stretches back over 1200 years. It is also highly influence by the Sufi tradition, and is a much more ancient form of Islam than is currently practiced in Arabia. There is great theological as well as political resistance in Morocco both to Iranian Shia extremism and Wahhabi (the influential Saudi Sunni sect which has produced the Islamists) influence.


I am happy to give an in-depth presentation in parishes or schools in the diocese about my experiences with Islam and my time in Morocco. I can be contacted by email:


St. James Congregation Health & Wellness Ministry- What's It All About?
by Jo Craddock, Director of Communications, St. James Episcopal Church

St. James has just launched a Congregational Health & Wellness Ministry and many wonder "What's it all about?" The National Episcopal Health Ministries has a vision that every Episcopal congregation become a vibrant, caring place for health and wholeness. It is their mission to promote health ministry in our churches assisting its members to reclaim the Gospel imperative of health and wholeness.

Health problems exist among our membership. We can experience better health after those risks have been identified and addressed. The first step in determining what type of educational offerings, health fairs, etc., can be of value to our members, and the Baton Rouge Deanery as whole, is to survey the membership of St. James and the surrounding Episcopal churches. 

Launched in the August 15 issue of the eMessenger, you can visit and participate in the online health questionnaire that will be an integral part of establishing a congregational wellness ministry. 

This survey is 100% anonymous. The survey does not ask for your name nor is your email going to be revealed as a tie to a particular survey that is received. Please be completely honest about your health concerns and the issues that relate to your health. This information will be the key to how the ministry can create the best programs possible to help our parish and area Episcopalians.

Nationwide, Episcopal parishes, with a median age of 57, experience the reality of health issues and care giving that often accompany the aging process and impact both individuals and their younger family members.

We now have a great opportunity before us! As a community of faith, we can make a difference in the health and wellness of our congregation. It all starts with this survey. Please help us create the best program possible by completing the survey as soon as possible. Take the survey here:


Explore Our Anglican Roots With Bishop Morris Thompson

The Roots of Anglicanism: An Exploration of our Anglican History, Heritage and Historic sites in England 


Upon arrival in England, we will begin an historic 10-day/9 night journey to the significant sites of Anglicanism, and the roots of our own Episcopal Church, in England- London, Winchester, Canterbury, Cambridge, Durham, and York, as well as to other historical sites along the way.  We will enjoy many private tours of great cathedrals, churches and sites, experiencing different forms of worship (from Evensong, to the Eucharist, to prayer services) in these amazing places, often with special seating.  We will hear some of the great choirs of England and hear some of the grandest organs of the world played by the musicians who know them best.  Guides and guest speakers, with particular expertise in the places we visit and in church history, will guide us through this extraordinary experience.  You are invited to join us for this unique opportunity to explore our common Anglican heritage!



Travel Dates: 

April 10 - 20, 2015



$6250 per person, double occupancy.

Single Supplement (subject to availability): $800 


For further information:


Deacon Mark Hudson

Email or

Cell 225-270-4521 please leave name and short message indicating the call is concerning the trip.

Office phone 225-237-3114


Registration & deposit deadline: 

October 15, 2014


Download brochure

Download registration
St. Anna's Community Health Fair

by Diana Meyers, Community Wellness Director, St. Anna's  Episcopal Church


On Saturday August 23, 2014 St. Anna's Church held a Community Health Fair at their location in the Trem�/7th Ward neighborhood of New Orleans.  Brave souls ventured out in the 95+ degree heat to partake of the free services available.  St. Anna's Medical Mission offered blood pressure and diabetes screenings and education as well as HIV testing with the help of Tulane University medical students.  The New Orleans Uptown Lions Club offered vision screenings and Delgado University Department of Respiratory Therapy offered lung screenings.  Also available was information from The Brinton Family Health and Healing Center, The Nurse Family Partnership, LSU Interim Hospital's SAFE Program, People's Health Insurance, Metropolitan Human Services District, Tulane University's GRADE diabetic research study, and St. Anna's "Anna's Arts for Kids" tutoring and arts program.


Lead Safe Louisiana handed out information and will conduct lead testing for children on September 27th here at St. Anna's from 11am until noon (a parent must accompany children). For more info email


A big hit was Helping Hands Acupuncture's ear acupuncture for a detoxifying effect that can help people suffering from insomnia, fear or anxiety (also offered every Wednesday and Thursday evening at St. Anna's). 


One participant remarked, "Thank you so much.  This was great!"  We were able to touch the lives of those who participated and, thankfully, no one melted in the heat!


Drew's Tunes

by Diana Meyers, Community Wellness Director, St. Anna's  Episcopal Church


Drew's Tunes is a relatively new ministry of St. Anna's Church. It is born out of the very tragic and unexplained passing of 15-month old Drew Boswell, son of parishioners Devron and Georgia Boswell. The goal of this new organization is to bring awareness to sudden and unexplained deaths in toddlers and to provide musical instruments and introduction to music to young children. Drew's legacy was already felt at St. Anna's in providing foundational support for the Anna's Arts for Kids summer program where children learned to sing and to play instruments that otherwise may not have had such a great opportunity. 


On Sunday August 24th Drew's Tunes held its first ever public fund raiser and what a day it was! The Bowl-a-thon was held at Fulton Alley and over 400 people attended. There was food, drinks, music, a silent auction and Drew's Tunes items for sale.  Was it a success? Few have met that type of goal for a new launch. What a tribute to Georgia and Devron, to Drew, and to the many friends and extended family that they enjoy. It was a great day for the Kingdom of God.  


For more information about Drew's Tunes go to





Happening #73 held August 22-24

EDOLA News is published electronically monthly by the Diocese of Louisiana. For more information contact Karen Mackey at 504-895-6634 or 

To submit news or events for the EDOLA:  
Submissions for the monthly EDOLA News due by the 25th of each month.
Submissions for the weekly EDOLA Events due by Thursday morning of each week.