EDoLA News: a monthly e-newsletter of the Diocese of Louisiana | Volume 8, Issue 7 August 2014 | |
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Introducing the Rev'd Canon John Kellogg, Canon Missioner and
Priest-in-Charge, St. Mark's, Harvey
We are pleased to welcome the Rev'd John Kellogg as Canon Missioner to the Diocese of Louisiana. In this role he will oversee congregational development, young adult ministries and will also serve as part time priest-in-charge at St. Mark's, Harvey.
A native of Shreveport, LA, John graduated from Millsaps College with a degree in psychology. After working for Habitat for Humanity in Jackson, MS, John attended The General Theological Seminary before serving for two years as Rector of The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation in West Point, MS. We welcome John and his wife, Brittany Tait Kellogg (goes by "Tait"), to the Diocese of Louisiana.
We will give you more information about his role as Canon Missioner in the Diocese of Louisiana in the next EDoLA News.
 | The Rev'd Canon John Kellogg greats St. Mark's parishioners after the service on August 10. |
A reception was held at St. Mark's on August 9 so parishioners could welcome their new Priest-in-Charge,The Rev'd Canon John Kellogg, and his wife, Tait. St. Mark's has been without a rector for several years. (Photo by Donna Hurley, St. Mark's, Senior Warden).
Living With Purpose Program to Take a Hiatus
By the Rev'd Duane Nettles
For the coming year, the program will take a hiatus to redesign it. The needs of our communities are still as great as ever and direct service fellowships are in high demand, in particular as AmeriCorps moves more funding away from direct service positions towards capacity building positions. At the same time, skilled young adults are finding an ever-improving economy and more employment opportunities. The great challenge to young adults is crushing student debt. While it can be deferred for one year, it looms over their financial future and pressures them to take full employment when available over a year of service. This is difficult to hear because young adults, more than ever, want to serve their communities and give back. The challenge then for the Church is to embrace our diaconal side and answer the question: How do we translate that desire of service into a reality for our communities?
The Rev'd Duane Nettles Departs Diocesan Staff as Living With Purpose Director
Duane with the Living With Purpose Fellows on the evening of his ordination as a transitional deacon.
With the Living With Purpose Program going on a hiatus, the Rev'd Duane Nettles, who has served as its part-time program director since last October, has left the diocesan staff. Duane will now work full time at Church of the Annunciation, serving as the administrator. Upon his ordination to the priesthood this fall, he will serve as priest-in-charge.
Thank you, Duane, for your service to the Living With Purpose Program for this past year.
Press Releases From The Episcopal Church
Presiding Bishop Addresses Crisis of
Unaccompanied Children at U.S. Border
[July 10] Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori issued a statement on the crisis of unaccompanied children and families at the U.S. border. She asked for prayers but also gave a call to action. She encouraged us to contact our legislators, and ask them to support an appropriate humanitarian response to this crisis.
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Calls for Prayer for Iraq on August 17
[August 12] Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has urged Episcopalians to observe Sunday, August 17, as a day of prayer for those in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East living in fear of their lives, livelihoods, and ways of living and believing.
Responding to the Ebola Crisis in Sierra Leone and Liberia
There are two ways to help with relief work for the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.
Episcopal Relief and Development
Episcopal Relief and Development issued a press release on August 6 describing the spread of the Ebola virus and the work Episcopal Relief and Development is doing to help contain the virus. They are working closely with the Episcopal Church of Liberia and the Anglican Diocese of Bo in Sierra Leone. You can read the press release here. It includes information on making a financial donation to enable them to do this work.
Liberian Episcopal Community United States of America
Fr. Ed Thompson, All Souls Episcopal Church and St. Luke's Episcopal Church and a native of Liberia, works closely with the Liberian Episcopal Community United States of America (LECUSA). LECUSA is collecting donation for the purchase of medical supplies and other necessary items to ship to the Episcopal Church of Liberia. You can read the appeal letter here or visit the website here. For more information you can also contact Fr. Ed at priest@allsoulsnola.org.
August 5
The Rev. Canon E. Mark Stevenson- Priest
August 6
The Rev. Jesse Adams- Priest
The Rev. Sharon Alexander- Priest
The Rev. Howard Bushey- Priest
August 7
The Rev. Roy Mellish- Deacon
August 8
The Rev. Karen Gay- Priest
The Rev. Canon David Seger- Deacon
August 15
The Rev. Susan Davidson- Deacon
August 20
The Rev. Canon Chad Jones- Priest
The Rev. Prospero Mesa- Priest
August 27
The Rev. John Craft- Priest
Registration Now Open for Tee It Up With the Bishop- October 13
"I'm excited about the Tee It Up With the Bishop golf tournament. It is my hope to build relationships while we support ministries around the diocese. I promise you will have a good day. So, dust off the clubs and join me October 13 to 'Tee It Up.'"
-Bishop Morris K. Thompson, Jr.
Date and location:
Monday, October 13th, 2014
Audubon Park Golf Course
6500 Magazine St., New Orleans
Schedule of events:
Breakfast & Registration begins: 7:30 AM
Shotgun Start: 8:30 AM
After Tournament: Catered Lunch & Awards
St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Day School, Baton Rouge
To register:
Question or more information:
Contact Deacon Mark Hudson
Sponsorship opportunities are still available:
Renewal of Ministry Invitation
The Rev. Rob Courtney to be Instituted Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, New Orleans
The Wardens, Vestry, and Congregation
of St. Paul's Episcopal Church cordially invite you to attend
The Renewal of Ministry with the Welcoming of a New Rector at which
The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Jr. Bishop of Louisiana
will institute
The Reverend Robert W. Courtney II
as the Twenty-Second Rector of
St. Paul's Episcopal Church and School in New Orleans
Sunday, the seventeenth day of August, two thousand and fourteen
At five o'clock in the evening
St. Paul's Episcopal Church 1649 Canal Boulevard New Orleans, LA 70124
(504) 488-3749
Your prayers and presence are requested.
Clergy: Red stoles
Celebration of New Ministry Invitation The Rev. Doug Lasiter to be Instituted Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, Thibodaux, & Trinity Episcopal Church, Morgan City
The Wardens, Vestries, and Congregations
of St. John's Episcopal Church & Trinity Episcopal Church cordially invite you to attend
The Celebration of New Ministry with the Welcoming of a New Rector at which
The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Jr. Bishop of Louisiana
will institute
The Reverend Doug Lasiter
as Rector of
Trinity Episcopal Church, Morgan City
St. John's Episcopal Church, Thibodaux
Sunday, the twentieth day of August, two thousand and fourteen
At six o'clock in the evening
St. John's Episcopal Church 718 Jackson St Thibodaux, LA 70301
(985) 447-2910
Your prayers and presence are requested.
Clergy: Red stoles
Invitation to an Ordination
H. Peter Kang to be Ordained a Transitional Deacon
God willing The Rt. Rev'd Morris K. Thompson, Jr. Bishop of Louisiana will ordain H. Peter Kang to the Sacred Order of Deacons in Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church on Saturday, the twenty-third day of August in the year of our Lord two thousand and fourteen at Eleven o'clock in the morning Grace Episcopal Church 11621 Ferdinand Street Saint Francisville, Louisiana
Your prayers and presence are requested Reception following: Jackson Hall of Grace Episcopal Church
Clergy: Red Stoles
Preparing for General Convention 2015
Essays on the Election of the 27th Presiding Bishop
The Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the 27th Presiding Bishop has released three essays about the nomination and election process and about the work and the office of the Presiding Bishop.
Essay #1 was released July 2. It describes the basic timeline and steps for the nominating and election process. You can read it here.
Essay #2 was released July 16. It outlines the current roles, functions, and responsibilities of the Presiding Bishop. You can read it here.
Essay #3 was released July 29. It discusses how the office of Presiding Bishop has changed and evolved from being the senior bishop by consecration who presides over meetings of the House of Bishops to the complex multifaceted position it is today. You can read it here.
More information on the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop can be found on the General Convention website here or on Facebook here.
 Task Force to Reimagine the Episcopal Church Plans Churchwide Meeting
on October 2- Live webcast to be made available
The Episcopal Church
Office of Public Affairs
As directed in its enabling resolution C095 approved by the 77th General Convention in 2012, the Task Force to Reimagine the Episcopal Church (TREC) will convene a churchwide meeting on October 2 at 7:30 pm Eastern time (6:30 pm Central/5:30 pm Mountain/4:30 pm Pacific/3:30 pm Alaska/1:30 pm Hawaii).
The purpose of the meeting is "to receive responses to the proposed recommendations to be brought forward to the 78th General Convention."
The meeting will be webcast live from Washington National Cathedral. Although the meeting will be open to the entire church, TREC encourages attendance from each diocese: a bishop, a lay deputy, a clerical deputy, and one person under the age of 35.
There is no fee to attend in person or to watch the live webcast. However, registration for in-person attendance is requested; register here. Registration is not required but is encouraged for viewing the webcast.
The planned format will be short concise presentations followed by substantive question and comment periods. Questions, concerns and comments will be taken from the live audience in addition to email and twitter. Questions can be emailed here reimaginetec@gmail.com or on Twitter here @ReimagineTEC.
Read the press release in its entirety here
Where the TREC webcast on October 2 will be shown in Diocese of Louisiana:
- St. James, Baton Rouge will host the TREC webcast for all who would like to attend (not just deputies/alternates).
- Other sites throughout the diocese are being secured. Look for more information on Facebook or upcoming newsletters.

Task Force on Marriage Releases Study Guide and Resources for Conversation
In a press release dated Wednesday, June 25, 2014, from the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs, The Episcopal Church Task Force on the Study of Marriage announced the release of Dearly Beloved, a resource for study and discussion about marriage. The resource may be used in a variety of settings, and it consists of three different formats, which may be used independently of each other: a 90-minute event (which can be divided into three 35-minute sessions); a variety of 45-minute forums; and a lengthy article for a study group. All three formats cover theology, history, scripture, current trends, and more, with guidelines for presentation and questions for group discussion.
The Tool-Kit "Dearly Beloved" can be found here
The PowerPoint for the "Carry-On Conversations" resource here
Access the complete public website for General Convention's A050 Task Force on Marriage here.
Task Force Facebook page here.
The Episcopal Church's Task Force on the Study of Marriage is enabled by Resolution A050 at the 2012 General Convention.
Resolution A050 is available in full here.

Survey Seeks Input on Inclusion of People With Development Disability
The Episcopal Church
Office of Public Affairs
The sub-committee on Full Inclusion of People with Developmental Disability of The Episcopal Church Standing Commission on Health is seeking input through a survey available here.
"As chair of the Standing Commission on Health, I commend to you this important survey on Full Inclusion for those with Developmental Disability," noted Bishop Marc Andrus of the Diocese of California.
"The Rev. Stannard Baker and Ms. Mimi Grant, co-chairs of our sub-committee on Full Inclusion, developed it. Please fill it out as soon as possible to do your part in bringing full inclusion in the liturgy and formation programs of The Episcopal Church for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability and Attention Deficit Disorder."
Deadline for the survey is August 17.
News From Around the Diocese
Ordination of the Rev. Stephen Howard Crawford
The Rev. Stephen Howard Crawford was ordained a priest in Christ's holy catholic Church on Saturday, July 19 at Trinity Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge. The Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson, Bishop of Louisiana, celebrated. The Very Rev. Timothy Kimbrough of Christ Church Cathedral, Nashville, preached. Fr. Stephen is serving as associate priest at Trinity Episcopal Church.
EDOLA- Migration Google Group Formed
There is a Google Group for those in the Diocese of Louisiana who are interested in learning more and to communicate matters related to immigrant migration in our region. Contact Max Niedzwiecki at
Deacon Jay Albert Appointed to Represent the Diocese with the Province IV Network of AIDS Ministries of the Episcopal Church
Bishop Morris K. Thompson, Jr. has appointed Deacon Jay Albert as the representative from the Diocese of Louisiana to serve with the Province IV Network of AIDS Ministries of the Episcopal Church.
The Province IV Network of AIDS Ministries of the Episcopal Church exists to work collaboratively among member diocese to build opportunities for people with HIV/AIDS, their families, friends, caregivers, and people involved in AIDS ministries to come together for spiritual and emotional renewal, expressed within the traditions of the Episcopal Church. This manifests itself through the annual HIV/AIDS Retreat, held at the Kanuga Conference Center annually since 1992. The Network also builds bridges so that people involved in AIDS ministries can share information and support across diocesan lines, foster dialogue and share information that impacts the Church on the issues of HIV/AIDS.
Over 1.1 million people are living with HIV in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control, Baton Rouge ranks second and New Orleans ranks third in the metropolitan areas in U.S. in the rate of new HIV diagnosis.
More information on the ministry can be found here: http://www.provinceiv.org/Content/HIV_AID_Ministries.asp or contact Deacon Jay Albert at albertjay3@gmail.com.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Bayou Dularge, Celebrates 100 Years
On Sunday, July 27, the people of St. Andrew's, Bayou Dularge, celebrated their 100th year of ministry and mission. It was standing room only in the church for Holy Eucharist as parishioners, neighbors, friends, and descendants of the founders of St. Andrew's were in attendance. Bishop Thompson preached and celebrated. After the service there was a grand feast of fish, beans, jambalaya, and kettle popcorn.
Over 100 years ago the rector of St. Matthew's in Houma, the Rev. Gardiner L. Tucker, D.D., began traveling to minister to the people and families living at the lower end of Bayou Dularge, one of the most inaccessible areas of Terrebonne Parish at that time. In 1914, Dr. Gardiner began holding regular services. Since that time a church building was built (destroyed by Hurricane Hilda and rebuilt), roads were constructed and the people of Bayou Dularge steadfastly continued to do God's work and show His love in their community.
More pictures from the centennial celebration can be found on Facebook here.
Farewell to the Living With Purpose Fellows (Year '13-'14)
On July 9, the current Living With Purpose Program year came to a close. The closing ceremony was held at Church of the Annunciation, New Orleans, where we were able to say goodbye to these beautiful young adults and give thanks for their service in the community. We offered this prayer:
Almighty God, we thank you for raising up among us faithful servants. We thank you especially for the work of the fellows among us. Grant that both they and we may serve you in the days ahead, and always rejoice in your glory, and come at length into your heavenly kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
What are the fellows doing next?
Pictured from second from the left to far-right above:
- Helen Lindau will spend another year as Volunteer Coordinator for Eden House in New Orleans. Helen is excited to continue to her work with the women of Eden House who seek a new life.
- Lindsey Lewis will become the first executive director for Greater New Orleans Housing Alliance. Building on her work as their first staff member, she will expand their programs and advocacy for more affordable housing in New Orleans.
- Melissa Kleppinger will return to Seattle to work for Microsoft.
- Brandon Foster will return to Loyola University (New Orleans) to complete his last year of studies.
- Erin Hurley will return to Atlanta to seek full time employment.
- Marvin McLennon has been asked to stay on at St. James Episcopal Church working with Fr. Mark Holland in a part-time capacity. Marvin will also work part-time with Kids Orchestra assisting with social media and marketing.
- Sarah Hyndman will stay on at Kids Orchestra in Baton Rouge as Program Coordinator. As Kids Orchestra continues their expansion, Sarah will provide much needed operations support.
- Jacob Gehl will return to Chicago to seek full time employment.
Thank you, farewell, and God's peace be with you!
Cooking Matters with Jericho Road
by Holly Heine, Jericho Road Episcopal Housing Initiative
Second Harvest Food Bank Cooking Matters Program awarded Jericho Road an in-kind grant valued at $5,000 in order to share practical nutrition information, hands-on food preparation, and food budgeting and shopping knowledge with Central City residents. Participants receive recipes and educational materials from the lessons, and they get to take home a bag of groceries to practice what they've learned in class at home.
Cooking Matters provides at risk families the skills, knowledge and confidence to make healthy and affordable meals through a hands-on six week series of classes. The classes are taught by volunteer culinary and nutrition experts that teach participants how to select and prepare nutritious low-cost ingredients.
Jericho Road is thrilled to have just finished our second in the six classes last weekend. Classes are held in the very efficient kitchen at Christ Church Cathedral. We've seen a great turn-out and it's exciting to bring the use of such resources to our neighbors!!
A Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians has Formed in the Diocese of Louisiana
A chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) has formed in the Diocese of Louisiana. The UBE is a national organization that encourages black Episcopalians to participate fully in the mission and governance of the Episcopal Church. The UBE is a confederation of more than 55 chapters and interest groups throughout the continental United States and the Caribbean. The Union also has members in Canada, Africa and Latin America.
The UBE chapter in the Diocese of Louisiana has been named in memory of the Rev. Curtis W. Sisco, rector of St. Luke's, New Orleans, from 1987 - 1992 and the liturgical editor of Lift Every Voice and Sing II. Fortunada Jefferson, a parishioner at St. George's Episcopal Church, New Orleans, has been elected the first chapter president.
An inaugural Eucharist has been scheduled at St. Luke's, New Orleans, on October 19.
More information about UBE: http://www.ube.org/. To join the Rev. Curtis W. Sisco Memorial Chapter of the UBE, contact Fortunada Jefferson at (504) 432-8891.
Education for Ministry (EfM) Mentor Training
by Laurie Bailey, EfM Coordinator for the Diocese of Louisiana
Interested in becoming an Education for Ministry mentor? Or need to renew your EfM mentor training? If there is sufficient interest, plans can be made to host a mentor training event in our diocese. EfM mentor training involves 18 contact hours and you are required to attend the entire event.
Please contact EfM Coordinator Laurie Bailey at laurierbailey@yahoo.com should you be interested in EfM mentor training.
Spotlight: Parishioners and Clergy in the Diocese of Louisiana Take Mission Trips This Summer
Caroline Carson, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, New Orleans, traveled to India for three weeks volunteering at the Christian Hospital Mungeli in various capacities and teaching at the Rambo Memorial School. You can read more about her trip on the St. Paul's Facebook page.
St. Matthew's Episcopal Youth Group, Houma, traveled to Tahlequah, OK, volunteering at various sites throughout the city.
St. James Episcopal Youth Group, Baton Rouge, traveled to Austin, TX, where they served at a food pantry and homeless shelter and helped to clean and restore a neighborhood.
The Rev'd Sharon Alexander, St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Mandeville, traveled to La Villa Amistad, a village for abandoned and abused children, in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The Rev'd Sharon Alexander serves on the Board of Directors. This was her 16th trip. You can more about her trip on the St. Michael's Facebook page.
Nicholas, son of the Rev'd Canon Shannon Manning, traveled to Rosebud, SD, with the youth group of St. James' Episcopal Church, Jackson, MS, to do volunteer work on the Lakota Indian Reservation.
Youth delegates and chaperons from the Diocese of Louisiana traveled to Philadelphia, PN, for the Episcopal Youth Event 14. They stayed afterwards for three days of urban mission volunteering at various sites around the city. Read more about EYE14 on Episcopal New Service here.
The Christ Episcopal Church Youth Group, Covington, traveled to New Orleans volunteering at a VBS program and serving food at a homeless shelter and to Valdosta, GA, volunteering doing home repair. Click here to read more about the mission trip.
Parishioners from St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Metairie, and the Rev'd AJ Heine traveled to Tela, Honduras, volunteering at the Holy Spirit Episcopal Church and Bilingual School.
From the St. Augustine's, Metairie, Facebook Page 
July 21- Many head off to Camp Hardtner each summer for a week of fun and fellowship. On Sunday, Father AJ blessed the bus, the driver, and all the passengers before they left Metairie to head to Baton Rouge, to Lafayette, and then to the camp in Pollock.
Kairos Returns to Angola Penitentiary the 58th Time This November

from Richard Saxer, Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans
Kairos is an international ministry serving people in prison and their families. We are now building the team of about 45 free men who will visit Camp D at Angola November 13 - 16 to share their experience of God's love through Jesus Christ. Based on the Cursillo format, we will form small group "families", each with 6 prison residents and 3 free men, to talk about God's love for us. From Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon we will share lunch and dinner, prayer, discussion, laughter, tears and cookies. While only men will interact directly with the prison residents, women are invited to join the team to help cook and provide logistical support. The Kairos 58 team will be specially prepared for the ministry during 5 team formation meetings.
Please pray for the ministry. You can sign up for specific prayer times during the weekend at http://www.3dayol.org/Vigil/GetVigil.phtml?pvid=9504&commid=1462.
Cookies! Cookies are always available during Kairos. Will you make some for us?
Money! One weekend costs about $15,000. $150 will sponsor one man. Can you help?
Kairos also provides ministry to women in prison, family members of those in prison, and youth who are incarcerated.
Interested in serving on the team, helping out or learning more? Contact team leader Richard Saxer of Trinity Church New Orleans at saxerarend1@bellsouth.net or 504-865-1619.
Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus 10-Day Biblical Tour of Israel
Hosted by:
Fr. Ernie & Brenda Saik
Travel Dates:
February 16-25, 2015
$3813.00 from Baton Rouge, LA (Price includes: $707 US & Intl. departure taxes/fuel & gratuities of $150)
For further information:
Fr. Ernie Saik
12350 Buckingham Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70815
Phone: 225-273-4546
Email: esaik79@yahoo.com
Registration deadline:
October 15, 2014
The Roots of Anglicanism: An Exploration of our Anglican History, Heritage and Historic sites in England With Bishop Morris K. Thompson, Jr. & Deacon Mark Hudson
Upon arrival in England, we will begin an historic 10-day/9 night journey to the significant sites of Anglicanism, and the roots of our own Episcopal Church, in England- London, Winchester, Canterbury, Cambridge, Durham, and York, as well as to other historical sites along the way. We will enjoy many private tours of great cathedrals, churches and sites, experiencing different forms of worship (from Evensong, to the Eucharist, to prayer services) in these amazing places, often with special seating. We will hear some of the great choirs of England and hear some of the grandest organs of the world played by the musicians who know them best. Guides and guest speakers, with particular expertise in the places we visit and in church history, will guide us through this extraordinary experience. You are invited to join us for this unique opportunity to explore our common Anglican heritage!
Travel Dates:
April 10 - 20, 2015
$6250 per person, double occupancy.
Single Supplement (subject to availability): $800
For further information:
Deacon Mark Hudson
Email Daniel.mark.hudson@ms.com or dmhudson@cox.net
Cell 225-270-4521 please leave name and short message indicating the call is concerning the trip.
Office phone 225-237-3114
Registration & deposit deadline:
October 15, 2014
Download brochure
Download registration
Save the Date for Soul-A-Bration
from All Souls Episcopal Church & Community Center, New Orleans
On Saturday, November 8, 2014, All Souls Community Center will host its second fundraising event, SOUL-A-BRATION II! from 6:00-9:00 pm at our facility at 5500 St. Claude Avenue. The evening will feature live music, food and drinks from some of New Orleans' outstanding restaurants, and a silent auction. Suggested donation for individual admission is $25.00.
All Souls Community Center is a non-profit agency and our non-profit information will be provided to you with a receipt for your donation. For more information please call 504-218-8995.
Free parking & Security will be provided.
"You can expect a great time with some of our homegrown live music"
Another Little Free Library Opens in the Diocese of Louisiana
from the St. Martin's Episcopal Church Facebook Page
St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Metairie, opened a Little Free Library this past month. If you are in the area go by and check it out.
Three New Orleans Churches Provided Educational Opportunities for Children This Summer
All Souls Camp SOAR
Photographs contributed by Happy Johnson, All Souls Episcopal Church & Community Center
All Souls CAMP SOAR (Summer of Opportunity and Academics) completed its six-week summer camp for over 50 children from the New Orleans Lower Ninth Ward. The activities of Camp SOAR: enrichment in math, reading, ELA, sports, swimming, music and field trips around New Orleans. Camp SOAR is a ministry of All Souls Episcopal Church & Community Center, New Orleans.
Anna's Arts for Kids Artscape 2014: Drew's Crew Summer Camp
from the Anna's Arts for Kids Facebook Page
Anna's Arts for Kids is a ministry of St. Anna's Episcopal Church and each summer they hold a four-week camp for children teaching art and music. The camp has been held at Christ Church Cathedral over the past few years.
Trinity Education Enrichment Program (TEEP)
from the Trinity Episcopal Church July Newsletter, The Tidings
Each six weeks each summer for the past 47 years, Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans, has held a program for 5th and 6th graders from the Irish Channel neighborhood of New Orleans. The camp focuses on the arts, language arts, math, music, and field trips.
EDOLA News is published electronically monthly by the Diocese of Louisiana. For more information contact Karen Mackey at 504-895-6634 or kmackey@edola.org
To submit news or events for the EDOLA: news@edola.org. Submissions for the monthly EDOLA News due by the 25th of each month. Submissions for the weekly EDOLA Events due by Thursday morning of each week.