EDoLA News: a monthly e-newsletter of the Diocese of Louisiana | Volume 8, Issue 6 July 2014 | |
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Last day for Amelia Arthur as Youth and Young Adult Coordinator for the Diocese of Louisiana
June 30 was the last day for Amelia Arthur in her role as Youth and Young Adult Coordinator for the Diocese of Louisiana. She left her position to spend more time with her young children. In a letter to the clergy Amelia wrote, "The privilege of working for Bishop Thompson and serving the youth and young adults of this diocese will always be an important part of my formation and faith journey. I've learned an incredible amount while serving on the diocesan staff and I remain an avid supporter of youth and young adult ministries as well as the mission and ministry of the Diocese of Louisiana. I ask for your continued prayers for the youth and young adults in our diocese as well as for me and my family as I take this next step in discerning how God is calling me."
Thank you Amelia for your work and the love you showed to the youth and young adults of our diocese!
Lunch for Amelia (2nd from the top left) with the diocesan staff on June 11. | |
Ordination of Stephen Howard Crawford
By the Grace of God
the Right Rev'd Morris K. Thompson, Jr.
Bishop of Louisiana
will ordain
Stephen Howard Crawford
To the Sacred Order of Priests
In Christ's One Holy Catholic
and Apostolic Church
The Feast of St. Macrina
Saturday, the 19th of July, 2014
at eleven o'clock in the morning
Trinity Episcopal Church
3522 Morning Glory Avenue
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Your prayers and presence are requested
Reception immediately following in the Common Room
Clergy: Red Stoles
Preparing for General Convention in 2015: Province IV Synod Report
By The Rev'd Sharon A. Alexander
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
Deputy to General Convention 2015
Bishop Thompson and I attended Province IV's Synod at Kanuga Conference Center in early June. Representatives from all 20 Province IV dioceses attended, including a full deputation from the congregations from South Carolina who are remaining in the Episcopal Church after a division in the Diocese of South Carolina a few years ago. This deputation was warmly welcomed. I will have a full report of the Province IV Synod in the upcoming Churchwork. For now here are the highlights:
Task Force on Reimagining the Episcopal Church (TREC)
TREC is studying a potential restructure of the Episcopal Church. TREC has produced three Study Papers on the topics of (a) Vision and Identity, (b) Networks and (c) Governance and Administration. The primary concerns being studied are the large size of both General Convention and the organizational structure of the Episcopal Church, the large number of resolutions submitted to General Convention and lack of a mechanism for efficient dispatch, the size and function of the Executive Council, and how to determine which things are better done at the churchwide level and what is best done at the diocesan or parish level. TREC is also tasked with creating restructure resolutions to be presented at General Convention in 2015.
More information: http://reimaginetec.org/
Election of the Presiding Bishop
The Committee to Elect the Presiding Bishop presented a timeline for its work. One of the major events at General Convention will be the election of a Presiding Bishop. The Committee has been conducting interviews and collecting information from across the church to create a profile of attributes the next Presiding Bishop should have. The profile will be issued in August. From October 1-31 the Committee will receive names based on the criteria set forth in the profile. In May 2015 the Committee's nominees will be announced. The Bishops and Deputies will then have two weeks to indicate whether they intend to nominate others from the floor of Convention. The House of Bishops elects the Presiding Bishop at General Convention and then the House of Deputies must give its consent to the election.
The Task Force on the Study of Marriage
The Task Force on the Study of Marriage gave a brief presentation on its work and its plans to have a report ready for distribution in December. You can find out more about the Task Force on its Facebook page, which is A050taskforce.
The Clergy Deputies from the Diocese of Louisiana are The Rev'd A.J. Heine (St. Augustine's in Metairie), The Rev'd Fred Devall (St. Martin's in Metairie), The Rev'd Sharon Alexander (St. Michael's in Mandeville) and The Rev'd Anne Maxwell (Christ Church in Covington), with The Rev'd Roman Roldan (Grace in St. Francisville) as the first Alternate. The Lay Deputies are Ms. Ann Ball (All Saints in River Ridge), Mr. Edgar Cage (St. Michael's in Baton Rouge), Ms. Amelia Arthur (Trinity in New Orleans), and Mr. John Musser (Trinity in New Orleans), with Mr. Ed Starns (St. Luke's in Baton Rouge) as the first Alternate. Bishop Thompson, the Deputies and the first Alternates will travel to Salt Lake City for General Convention in June 2015. Also attending will be The Rev'd Canon Shannon Manning, Canon to the Ordinary.
The Rev. Mitchell Smith- Priest
July 3
The Rev. James Coleman- Deacon
July 5
The Rev. AJ Heine- Priest
The Rev. Dr. Jean McCurdy Meade- Deacon
July 11
Archdeacon Ormande Plater- Deacon
July 12
The Rev. Stephen Becker- Priest
July 13
The Rev. Stephen Craft- Deacon
July 15
The Rev. John Stone Jenkins- Deacon
The Rev. Doug Lasiter- Deacon
The Rev. David Lowry- Priest
July 17
The Rev. Peggy Scott- Priest
July 24
The Rev. DeeDee Estes- Deacon
July 25
The Rev. Donald Brown- Priest
July 27
The Rev. William Terry- Priest
2nd Annual
Tee It Up With the Bishop
Golf Tournament
Audubon Park Golf Course
New Orleans, LA
Registration will open soon so start
forming your team now.
Volunteers Needed:
Sponsorship Opportunities Available Now:
$1,500- Tee Gift Sponsor
* Logo on all tee gifts
* Four spots in tournament
* Website recognition
* Recognition on sponsorship board
* 2 hole signs
$1,500- Golf Cart Sponsor
(1 available)
* Sign / Logo on all golf carts
* Four spots in tournament
* Website recognition
* Recognition on sponsorship board
* 2 hole signs
$1,000- Breakfast Sponsor
(1 available)
* Sign / logo on breakfast table
* Four spots in tournament
* Website recognition
* Recognition on sponsorship board
* 2 hole signs
$1,000- Lunch Sponsor
(1 available)
* Sign / logo on lunch table
* Four spots in tournament
* Website recognition
* Recognition on sponsorship board
* 2 hole signs
$1,000- Award Sponsor
(1 available)
* Sign at award lunch
* Four spots in tournament
* Website recognition
* Recognition on sponsorship board
* 2 hole signs
$100- Hole Sign
* 1 hole signs
News From Around the Diocese
Pentecost Block Party on June 8 a Great Success!

by Lee Crean, Chairman Diocese of Louisiana Racial Reconciliation Commission
The Pentecost Block Party at St. Luke's in June was a great success. It is estimated that 200-300 people were there at one time or another, and it was a rich mix of persons of all colors. The food was outstanding, for which we owe a debt of gratitude to the many parishes that prepared and served an amazing variety of foods and sweets. I hesitate to list all of the generous parishes, because I know I will leave some out if I do. And the music....again a great mix of genres. The stirring St. Luke's choir, the iconic Charmaine Neville, the Latin melodies of Jorge Riveres, all kept the partiers swaying, dancing, or perhaps only tapping toes.
But, best of all was the warm, unforced fellowship which was the real goal of this event.
My large and very sincere thanks go out to Father Jim Morrison for originating the idea, and to Father Ed Thompson, who joined with Fr. Jim in creating the day and making it so special. Beyond making so many of the arrangements, they were able to marshal the help of many of their congregations. and they inspired many of our commission members and others to help in so many ways.
And a special vote of thanks to the people of St. Luke's. YOU'RE THE BEST!!
Photos from the Pentecost Block Party can be found here: Click Here
Videos from the Pentecost Block Party can be found here: Click Here
 Diocese of Louisiana Receives United Thank Offering Grant for St. Paul's Senior Center
We are pleased to announce that the Diocese of Louisiana was awarded a United Thank Offering (UTO) Grant in the amount of $37,800 for the St. Paul's Senior Center in New Orleans. The grant money will be used to expand the work of the Senior Community Center to serve the elderly population of the Gentilly neighborhood with a holistic approach that addresses all aspects of a senior's life. This will involve food distribution, computer classes, and daily prayer. Inclusion and support of the seniors will help them to feel less isolated and fearful. St. Paul's Homecoming Center has moved on from work with survivors of Hurricane Katrina and now includes a needed place and programs for the senior citizens of the Gentilly community.
For more information about:
The Rev'd Doug Lasiter Receives Warm Welcome as Rector of St. John's, Thibodaux
and Trinity, Morgan City
 The Rev. Doug Lasiter celebrated his first Sunday as rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Morgan City on June 15 and as rector of St. John's, Thibodaux on June 22.
On June 15 both congregation gathered at Trinity Church to welcome Fr. Doug, his wife Robi and two children. The congregations of Trinity and St. John posed outside the church for a photograph after the service. A festive reception followed.
There will be a Celebration of New Ministry on Wednesday, August 20 at 6:00 PM to install Fr. Doug Lasiter as rector of Trinity and St. John's. Service to be held at St. John's Episcopal Church, 718 Jackson St, Thibodaux.
 The Very Rev'd Henry Hudson Appointed Dean of the Uptown Deanery
The Rt. Rev'd Morris K. Thompson, Jr. has appointed the Very Rev'd. Henry Hudson as Dean of the Uptown Deanery. He is filling the vacancy left open upon the retirement of the Very Rev'd Susan Gaumer. Fr. Henry is the rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in New Orleans.

The Rev'd Dr. Michael Kuhn Resigns from Trinity Episcopal School
The Rev'd Dr. Michael Kuhn resigned as Headmaster of Trinity Episcopal School in New Orleans. Fr. Michael has been a part of the school since 1994, first as chaplain and then as headmaster in 2001.
In June of 2013 he made the intentions known to the Board of Trustees and school community that his resignation would be effective June 30, 2014, after serving the 2013-2014 school year. In his resignation letter he wrote, "I have been privileged to spend almost two decades with this wonderful community. From the first day I arrived at Trinity as the School Chaplain, I was taken by the loving atmosphere, the high academic standards to which all teachers and students are committed, the joy demonstrated by students each day as they arrive at the school they love, and the tremendous role that traditions play in helping shape healthy, whole lives for our students and staff.... Thank you all again for many years of joy and success; I will miss this place and its people. May we continue to believe in a gentle, generous, truthful, kind, and brave world for our children. And may we work to make it so."
Begins as Chaplain at St. Martin's Episcopal School, Metairie
Starting this upcoming school year, Fr. Michael will serve as a chaplain at St. Martin's Episcopal School in Metairie.

The Rev'd E. Gary Taylor Begins as Headmaster of Trinity Episcopal School
In November of 2013, it was announced that the The Rev'd E. Gary Taylor would be the new Headmaster of Trinity Episcopal School in New Orleans. In a letter to the Trinity Episcopal School community, Fritz Gomila, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, wrote, "I am pleased to announce the selection of The Reverend Edgar G. (Gary) Taylor as the next Head of Trinity Episcopal School. From the moment we met Gary, we recognized the energy with which he approaches life and children in particular. Gary's values and his philosophy on education are perfectly in line with ours at Trinity. He has spent his career dedicated to making a difference in children's lives first at an Episcopal summer camp and then at Wooster School in Connecticut. Gary's approach to this mission is defined by his willingness to work directly with children as a teacher and an ability to work as an administrator helping other professionals improve their impact on the lives of the children they teach. Not only does Gary have extensive experience as an educator and administrator, but he also brings a depth of understanding of the collaborative development and implementation of strategic planning. As Trinity moves ahead in its second 50 years, we all look forward to collaborating on a Strategic Plan for the next five to seven years."
Fr. Gary moved to Louisiana from the Diocese of Delaware where he was serving as chaplain at St. Anne's School in Middeltown. Fr. Gary began at Trinity Episcopal School on July 1. We welcome him and his wife Karen to the Diocese of Louisiana.
 Deacon Quin Bates now Serving at St. Andrew's, Bayou duLarge
Deacon Quin Bates has recently been assigned to serve at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Bayou duLarge. He will assist with worship services. Deacon Quin had served at St. Mark's in Harvey since his ordination in 2005.
 Deacon Maggie Dawson Retires from St. Martin's, Metairie
On Sunday, June 8 Deacon Maggie Dawson retired from her diaconal ministry at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Metairie. Deacon Maggie has faithfully served this diocese since her ordination to the diaconate in September 2003. She is taking some time with her husband, Mike, to determine God's next plan for them.
In the June St. Martin's Newsletter, Deacon Maggie wrote, " I retire with enormous gratitude and a heart filled with many blessings and wonderful memories. These last 11 years as a deacon have been some of the best years of my life. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve with this supportive and generous congregation, the great staff and our talented rector. St. Martin's is blessed with an abundance of faithful, hard-working, loving and gifted people. The Spirit is alive and well in this place. In this graced environment I found myself ministering in ways that astounded and humbled me and felt my gifts and talents bloomed, particularly in pastoral care, mentoring and facilitating spiritual formation. This happened through leading Stephen Ministry, providing spiritual direction and pastoral care, teaching, facilitating small groups, writing articles, and serving at the altar. I have had the joy of watching many of you step courageously out of your comfort zones into new ministry areas and I sense that we have grown together and been enriched as people and ministers. I have learned so much from all of you."
(Picture above: St. Martin's had a reception in Deacon Maggie's honor after the 10:00 service on June 8. Deacon Maggie, middle, with the Rev'd Fred Devall, left, and Mike Dawson, right.)
Laurie Bailey Appointed EfM Coordinator for the Diocese
Bishop Thompson has appointed Laurie Bailey as the Education for Ministry (EfM) Coordinator for the Diocese of Louisiana. The EfM Coordinator is responsible for promotion and publicity; selection, preparation, and support of EfM Mentors; support and communications.
What is EfM?
Every baptized person is called to ministry. Education for Ministry provides us with education and confidence to carry out that ministry. It is a three year program that digs deeper into the Christian faith studying the Bible, Church history, and theological ideas and reflect on connecting faith with life experiences. Learn more: http://www.edola.org/ministries/efm or contact Laurie Bailey (laurierbailey@yahoo.com) .
 St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Bayou duLarge Celebrating 100th Anniversary
St. Andrew's is celebrating a century of worship and mission on the bayou on Sunday, July 27. Holy Eucharist is at 10:30 AM followed by a reception with jambalaya and more to feast on. All are invited. Come learn about the work God has been doing at St. Andrew's over the past 100 years!
College Chaplains Are There to Care for College Students
Each year hundreds of students from our diocese leave their home parish to attend universities across the region. Needless to say it is a time of frightening yet exciting transition. Our college chaplains are there to care for the spiritual life of and provide pastoral care to these young adults when they are away from home. The chapels are staffed with interns who are there to help guide incoming students through the transition process.
Our chaplains, listed below, request the names, email addresses, phone numbers of incoming students. It is this time of year when they make first contact. First and early contacts can make the difference between students giving a college chapel a try or not.
Students Going to LSU?
The Rev. Drew Rollins
St. Alban's Chapel
Phone: (225) 343-2070
Email: lsuchaplain@stalban.org
Students Going to Tulane or Loyola?
The Rev. Minka Sprague
Chapel of the Holy Spirit
Cell: (504) 255-6724
Church phone: (504) 866-7438
Email: msprague@tulane.edu
Students Going to UNO or SUNO?
The Rev. John Craft
Chapel of the Holy Comforter
Email: jcraft9586@aol.com
A University Out of State?
The following is a link to a list of Campus & Young Adult Ministries across the Episcopal Church:
 Walk with the Pilgrims in the Holy Land
The pilgrims who visited the Holy Land earlier this summer arrived home on June 15 with many stories to share of their 14 day experience. Fr. Rob Courtney did a fantastic job in documenting the journey. One reader of the Holy Land Pilgrimage blog commented while reading the entries, "I felt like I was there with them." Take some time to journey to Jerusalem with our pilgrims and read Fr. Rob's blog. Learn about the birth place of Jesus. Experience a baptism in the Jordan River. Walk the Via Dolorosa. Pray for peace in the Holy Land. Go to: http://www.stpaulsnola.org/virtual-holy-land-pilgrimage/
 Something to Teach and Something to Learn
St. Augustine's Mission Trip to Tela, Honduras
by The Rev'd AJ Heine, St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Metairie
A group of seven people from St. Augustine's, Metairie, recently traveled to Tela, Honduras to minister with Holy Spirit Episcopal Church and Bilingual School. St. Augustine's and Iglesia de Espiritu Santo, Tela have been partnered in prayer and mission since 2009 when Wilmuth Allen, a parishioner of St. Augustine's who grew up at Church of the Holy Spirit, Tela, initiated the relationship. What began as a prayer partnership has grown to include resources to assist the local congregation's efforts to minister to their community and generate self-sufficiency and sustainability. For example, collecting and shipping clothing provided inventory for the church's thrift store. The clothing from the children of St. Augustine's Pre-School are particularly helpful to the children of Tela. A small investment to train local parishioners on how to construct environmentally-friendly stoves initiated a ministry to the rural areas where Church of the Holy Spirit had planted a local church. Financial donations have also been used to purchase rice and beans so that the local feeding ministry can expand their offerings. A scholarship for a local parishioner has enabled a child to continue her education. But there's more!
Through the years of prayer and partnership, relationships have formed and deepened. In addition to St. Augustine's going to Tela, The Rev. Olga Barrera, Rector and Head of the school, traveled to Louisiana to be with us in 2012. During this summer's trip, in addition to ministering with their congregation to meet the needs of the local community, we continued to deepen the bonds of friendship that tie us together. We traveled by bus with them to celebrate Trinity Sunday with the Episcopal Church in La Ceiba, including a surprise visit by their Bishop Lloyd Allen. We shared meals and enjoyed the Honduran culture--including a parade! They fed us pupusas and we introduced them to jambalaya and banana pudding. We lived and prayed and worked together, and by doing so we discovered the joy of being united in mission. These trips remind us that we all have something to teach and something to learn. We all have something to give and something we need to receive. They equip us to do ministry with others, both in Honduras and in our own backyards, by stretching our comfort zones, challenging our assumptions, and opening us to the abundance of God's grace. God willing, we will go back next summer. All are welcome to join us. It is an especially meaningful experience to share with your children and grandchildren!
(Picture Top: St. Augustine group leaving for Honduras. Bottom: Mother Olga leading the children of San Martin in song)
 Integrity New Orleans Participates in Pride Week Parade
from the Integrity New Orleans Facebook Page
Integrity New Orleans, a chapter of Integrity USA, participated in the New Orleans Pride Parade on June 21. Several clergy and parishioners from New Orleans area churches as well as Bishop Morris Thompson marched along in the parade, many for the first time. On the Integrity New Orleans Facebook Page, Max Niedzwiecki wrote of Bishop's Thompson presence that day, "By being there, he made it clear that "The Episcopal Church Welcomes You" is not just a slogan, it's the truth."
Integrity USA's mission is to inspire and equip the Episcopal Church, its dioceses, congregations, and members to proclaim and embody God's all-inclusive love for LGBTQ persons and those who love them.
More photos of the parade can be found on the Integrity New Orleans Facebook Page: Click Here
 Grace Memorial Installs Little Free Library
from the Grace Memorial Facebook page
Grace Memorial is encouraging literacy in Hammond. Check out their new Little Free Library!
What is a Little Free Library?
It's a "take a book, return a book" gathering place where neighbors share their favorite literature and stories. In its most basic form, a Little Free Library is a box full of books where anyone may stop by and pick up a book (or two) and bring back another book to share.
 Grace Church Donates Walk-in Freezer to the
West Feliciana Food Bank
From Grace Episcopal Church of West Feliciana Parish June 22 & 29 Newsletter
Habemus Frigidarium! It has taken almost a year of School Board meetings, permits, construction, assembly and installation but we finally have a walk-in freezer/cooler at our Local West Feliciana Food Bank. The unit, which Grace Church parishioners lovingly funded, with some assistance from Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church, was blessed in a ribbon cutting ceremony on June 19th. Come to the Food Bank and request a tour. They will gladly show you the unit and the shed we built to house it
Spotlight on Parishioners: Three People Honored at St. Luke's
St. Luke's in New Orleans recognizes three parishioners for their many years of outstanding service.
Larry Bishop
In recognition of Larrie Bishop for Outstanding Service to St. Luke's Episcopal Church as Project Manager of the Loaves and Fishes. Larrie served as Project Manager for this Community Outreach program during the 1990s and through the 2000s. Post hurricane Katrina, he continued to serve as chief cook in the church's kitchen. His long-term commitment to high quality food preparation at St. Luke's is unsurpassed. We are pleased to recognize Mr. Larrie Bishop for his service to St. Luke's in this capacity.
 Delphine Butler
In recognition of Delphine Butler for Outstanding Service to St. Luke's Episcopal Church as Superintendent of Sunday School. Mrs. Delphine Butler has served as superintendent of St. Luke's Sunday school since the late 1980s. She has demonstrated an unstinting commitment to the children and youth of St. Luke's. It is because of her tenacity that our Sunday-School program has continued to be in existence and to thrive especially in the wake of hurricane Katrina. We congratulate her on her outstanding achievement and thank her for her mentorship of new Sunday-School teachers.
 Ellarose Gray
In recognition of Ellarose Gray for Outstanding Service to St. Luke's Episcopal Church as President of the Altar Guild. Mrs. Ellarose McLaughlin Gray has served on the Altar Guild since the church was located on General Taylor Street. She learned under the tutelage of Mrs. Thompson during the 1970s and 1980s and assumed leadership of the guild upon Mrs. Thompson's passing. Mrs. Ellarose Gray has been president of the Altar Guild since the 1990s. We salute her on her achievement as president and congratulate her on her many years of outstanding service in this capacity.
Is there someone at your church you would like to recognize in the monthly EDOLA News? Send us a picture and a small paragraph on their outstanding achievement to news@edola.org.
 Youth Week at Kanuga
It looks like the Louisiana group had a great time at Kanuga's Youth Week, June 15-20.
One of Kanuga's oldest traditions, Youth Week brings together youth and adults from around the country for a week of fun, friendship and prayer. Through small group discussions, full conference gatherings, music, prayer and play, youth are encouraged to explore their thoughts and beliefs in a welcoming Christian community.
This premier national gathering brings together young Christians from many states and dioceses to share their faith, explore the big questions of life, make lifelong friendships and HAVE FUN in a safe, welcoming community amid the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.
The conference was co-coordinated by Ashley Eastham who in our diocese serves as the Executive Assistant to the Rector at Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans and Program Director for Young Adult and Young Families Ministries at Trinity.

Equestrian Angel Visits St. Michael's, Mandeville
by the Rev'd Sharon A. Alexander, St. Michael's, Mandeville
Ken Roché of Equestrian Angel Therapeutic Outreach Program spoke to St. Michael's in Mandeville about incorporating "therapy horses" into St. Michael's Pet Ministry. Therapy horses are similar to therapy dogs and can help with any number of medical and psychological conditions, including PTSD and depression. Equestrian Angel has 8 miniature horses on the Northshore. Featured in the photo is Blue, who quickly charmed the folks at St. Michael's. You can learn more about Equestrian Angel Therapeutic Outreach Program on its Facebook page.
 Jericho Road Receives Grant from Jamba Juice to Educate Kids about Healthy Eating
from the Jericho Road Facebook Page
Jericho Road has generously been awarded a grant from Jamba Juice! The Spring 2014 Jamba Juice "It's About the Fruit and Veggies" Garden Grant provides youth garden programs with gardening supplies, curriculum, and funding for soil amendments and plants to help create engaging nutrition and gardening experiences. We are one of only 20 organizations to have been awarded this grant - and we are very excited! We can't wait to use these funds to better educate kids in our neighborhood about healthy eating. Thanks, Jamba Juice!

Walk in the Footsteps of St. Patrick- September 29 - October 10, 2014
from Marsha Wade, St. James Episcopal Church
There are still spots available and still time for you to join our group of pilgrims!
* Visit ancient Neolithic Passage Tombs at Newgrange that pre-date Stonehenge and the Pyramids.
* Tour early Christian monastic cities and holy sites.
* See the famous Celtic High crosses that are the pattern for many Celtic crosses found in Episcopal churches
* Follow the trail of St. Patrick as he spread Christianity across Ireland.
* Explore the new Titanic Exhibition in Belfast.
* Enjoy traditional Irish music in a local pub.
* View the Book of Kells housed at Trinity College Dublin.
* Experience the good food and warm hospitality of the Irish!
Correction to an article published in the June 2014 EDoLA News:
The Very Rev. Susan Gaumer Retires from St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
The Rev'd Susan Davidson was the first female rector in the Diocese of Louisiana, installed at All Saints Episcopal Church, River Ridge on January 20, 1999, not the Very Rev'd Susan Gaumer who was installed at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, New Orleans on May 26, 1999. The Very Rev'd Susan Gaumer was, however, the first female clergy deputy at General Convention from the Diocese of Louisiana.
EDOLA News is published electronically monthly by the Diocese of Louisiana. For more information contact Karen Mackey at 504-895-6634 or kmackey@edola.org
To submit news or events for the EDOLA: news@edola.org. Submissions for the monthly EDOLA News due by the 25th of each month. Submissions for the weekly EDOLA Events due by Thursday morning of each week.