Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Pentecost Block Party
Saturday, June 7 from 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
St. Luke's Episcopal Church 1222 N. Dorgenois St, New Orleans
A Day of Food, Music, Fun &
Celebrating the Diversity of God's People
Sponsored by the Diocese of Louisiana Racial Reconciliation Commission
Music Schedule
2:00 Dr Jazz & the New Orleans Sounds
2:30 St. Luke's Choir & Guests *
3:00 Charmaine Neville & Friends
4:30 Jorge Riveres
5:15 Abundant Praise
6:00 St. Luke's Choir
Complimentary Food and Drinks
Red beans & rice provided by All Souls Episcopal Church, New Orleans
Hot dogs provided by St. Luke's Episcopal Church, New Orleans
Hamburgers provided by Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans
Jambalaya provided by St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Metairie
Pasta salad provided by All Saints' Episcopal Church, River Ridge
Quinoa Dish provided by St. Philip's Episcopal Church, New Orleans
Chili provided by St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Metairie
Strawberry shortcake provided by All Saints Episcopal Church, Ponchatoula
Cookies provided by St. Paul's Episcopal Church, New Orleans
Brownies provided by Chapel of the Holy Spirit, New Orleans
Iced tea & lemonade provided by Church of the Annunciation, New Orleans
Soft drinks provided by St. Margaret's Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge and Church of the Nativity, Rosedale
*Want to sing with St. Luke's Choir?
We are inviting all who would like to join St. Luke's choir at the Pentecost Block Party to come at 1:00pm on Saturday, June 7 (an hour before the party begins) for a quick rehearsal/organizing. Please call the church office (504-821-0529), Father Ed Thompson (504-320-4857), or Father Jim Morrison (985-852-4307) with questions.

The Bishop's Annual Mission Appeal (BAMA), much to the delight of LSU fans, has been renamed the Community Mission Appeal. The change in name reflects a change in purpose for this annual appeal. This year we are embarking on a new trail of mission work. Our work will focus in our local communities where we will be engaged in the work most needed and where we can make a difference in the lives of our neighbors. This kind of missional work is hands on, neighbor meeting neighbor, lives being touched and the face of Christ shining in darkness.
All gifts will be returned to the parishes in the form of missional grants to be made usable in the year 2015. We will focus on those ministries where:
- The lives of the people in the community are directly affected.
- Parishioners are willing to do the hands on work.
- There is a personal connection to the poor, the broken, and the disadvantaged.
- The work is relieving suffering and rebuilding hope.
Will You Help Us?
A special collection will be taken up in each parish on Sunday, June 8. Please prayerfully consider making a financial contribution that will help us show the love of Christ to our neighbors, a love that sets us free from all that is hopeless and leads us to all that is good and holy.
More information or to donate online:
Change of Mailing Address for All Correspondence
Don't let your correspondence to us get lost in the mail. Send it to the address below. The Baton Rouge Post Office Box will soon be closed.
Diocese of Louisiana
1623 Seventh St
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: (504) 895-6634
Fax: (504) 895-6637
Happening #73 Team Applications Available
from Amelia Arthur, Youth & Young Adult Coordinator
Happening #73 will take place August 22-24, 2014 at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center. Applications are available for anyone, (youth or adult), who has attended a Happening in the past, to serve on "Team" for the event. Please fill out your application and email it to Amelia Arthur at by June 27th. For more information about Happening please email Amelia Arthur.
Download the Team Application
News From Around the Diocese
The Very Rev'd Susan Gaumer Retires from St. Andrew's
On June 1, the Very Rev'd Susan Gaumer retired from St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, New Orleans, where she has served as rector since 1999. Mother Gaumer has the distinction of being the first female rector in the Diocese of Louisiana. Before St. Andrew's, Mother Gaumer served as Curate at St. Augustine's in Metairie, as a Chaplain at St. Martin's Episcopal School, and as Coordinator of Christian Education in the Diocese of Louisiana. She has served as Dean of the Uptown Deanery as well as other leadership positions in the diocese including the Standing Committee, Executive Board, General Convention Deputy, and as the Ecumenical Officer. A celebration of her ministry was held on June 1 at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, New Orleans. Bishop Morris Thompson, Jr. celebrated and Bishop James Brown preached. A reception was held in the Chalstrom Parish House after the service.
More pictures can be found here.
The Rev'd Rob Courtney Called as Rector of St. Paul's
The Rev'd Rob Courtney has accepted the call to serve as rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, New Orleans. Fr. Rob has served as Priest-in-Charge for the past 18 months. In a letter to the congregation, Senior Warden Laura Aikers writes, "In those months we have seen a great deal of growth in our congregation, youth population, and ministry offerings and a strengthening of the relationship between our church and school. We are excited about the direction St. Paul's is headed and look forward to a bright future as Fr. Rob as our rector."
The Rev'd Terence "Terry" Johnston Called as Associate Rector of Grace Church
From left to right: Amy & Fr. Terry Johnston, the Rev. Roman Roldan. [Photo from Grace Church of West Feliciana Facebook Page]
On Sunday, June 1 the people of Grace Church of West Feliciana Parish, St. Francisville, welcomed their new Associate Rector and his wife, the Rev'd Terence and Amy Johnston. Fr. Terry was ordained in 2012 after attending the Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA. Read more about Fr. Terry in the May 2014 Newsletter of Grace Church.
More pictures of Fr. Terry's first Sunday at Grace Church can be found here.
Pilgrimage Group Leaves for Trip to the Holy Land
A group from the Diocese of Louisiana departed New Orleans on June 2 for a two week pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The second biannual EDOLA Holy Land Pilgrimage under the leadership of Dean David duPlantier and The Rev'd Rob Courtney can be followed digitally. Fr. Rob will be posting video, pictures and text at:
Videos from Day 1 and 2: Departure and Arrival
 | Day One: Departure (Link will take you to the St. Paul's YouTube Channel)
| Day Two: Arrival (Link will take you to the St. Paul's YouTube Channel) |
Students Heading to Tulane or Loyola?
by the Rev'd Minka Sprague, Chaplain to Tulane and Loyola
 We at The Chapel of the Holy Spirit would so love to contact and welcome incoming students to Tulane or Loyola this fall. Let me know names, email addresses, cell phone numbers and I will be in touch before we begin evening worship on Sunday, August 24 at 6 p.m. The Rev'd Minka Sprague
cell 504.255.6724
church 504.866.7438
St. Michael's Helping Homeless Families Get Back on Their Feet by Rev'd Sharon Alexander
St. Michael's in Mandeville recently became the fourth Northsore congregation to commit to being a Host Congregation for Family Promise of St. Tammany. Family Promise is a national nonprofit that works with churches to help homeless families get back into jobs and homes. Currently Family Promise has 182 Affiliates (such as the one in St. Tammany) across the nation. In 2013 it helped 12,178 persons, 7,060 of whom were children. Families typically go through training and assistance quickly, spending an average of between 60 and 70 days in the program.
Host Congregations agree to house the families in the program (no more than 14 individuals at a time) four weeks out of the year. The families arrive Sunday evening and each evening the Host Congregation provides food, fellowship and a place for the families to sleep. During the day the children attend school and the adults go to a Day Center to receive job training and counseling, assistance with finding jobs and other services designed to get them back on their feet and in affordable housing. After a week at one Host Congregation, the families move on to another Host Congregation. Before any families are housed there must be 13 Host Congregations so no Host has to house families more than four weeks per year. Congregations and other groups, such as the Kiwanis Club and Junior League, that do not provide a place for the families to stay may serve as support congregations and organizations, providing extra volunteers for smaller Host Congregations and for special events.
While many associate homelessness with larger urban areas, it exists in nearly every community, including the Northshore. As a Host Congregation St. Michael's looks forward to following Jesus' command to help ease suffering by helping local families get back on their feet quickly. Families staying at St. Michael's will receive not just a warm meal and place to sleep, but will also receive through the congregation Christ's love and the Holy Spirit's healing power. Like many of the other churches that serve as Host Congregations, St. Michael's is not large and it does not have a lot of resources, other than a solid group of members committed to doing the Lord's work.
More information about Family Promise is at Family Promise of St. Tammany has a Facebook page and the email address of the local affiliate is The Rev'd Sharon Alexander, Priest-in-Charge at St. Michael's, would be happy to answer any questions you may have about Family Promise or give you additional information (
Parish Administrator's Luncheon
Parish Administrators gathered on May 22 at Christ Church Cathedral for a luncheon themed "Tending the Garden; Tending the Soul." Administrators meet twice yearly to share stories of their work and ministry of the church. At this latest gathering, presentations were given by Amelia Arthur, Youth and Young Adult Coordinator, on updates to the Safeguarding Policies; by the staff of Jericho Road on their work in the Central City Neighborhood; and by the Rev'd Bridget Tierney, Director of Advent House, who spoke about spiritual direction and Advent House's role in the community.
Celebrating Pentecost with the Brothers of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist
"And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other languages, as the Spirit gave them utterance."
Starting June 8th, the Brothers of the Society of St. John the Evangelist through their regular series, Brother, Give Us A Word, will "speak with other languages" for one month. They are offering Brother, Give Us a Word in multiple languages in recognition that God's spirit poured out at Pentecost breaks down every barrier that divides us. The daily devotional will be written in English, Spanish, French, Italian, American Sign Language (through video), Oji-Cree, and Portugese.
Brother, Give Us A Word is a short daily devotional text sent by email each morning. Sign up at
See a Sample: Brother, Give Us A Word offering in Pentecost
The Rev. Tucker Dawson- Priest
The Rev. Terrell Griffis- Deacon
Deacon Suzie Johnston- Deacon
The Rev. Hill Riddle- Deacon
The Rev. Donald Campbell- Priest
The Rev. William Ziegenfuss- Deacon
June 2
The Rev. Blount Grant- Priest
The Rev. Terrence Johnston- Deacon
The Rev. Rodney Roehner- Deacon
The Rev. Roman Roldan- Deacon
The Rev. Charles Wood- Priest
June 3
The Very Rev. Ron Clingenpeel- Deacon The Rev. Drew Rollins- Deacon The Rev. LeBaron Taylor- Deacon
June 4
The Rev. Patrick Edwards- Deacon The Rev. Watson Lamb- Deacon
June 5
The Rev. Skully Knight- Deacon The Rev. John Miller- Deacon
June 6
The Rev. Prentiss Dunn- Deacon
The Rev. Richard Easterling- Priest
The Rev. Blount Grant- Deacon
The Rev. Ted Petterson- Deacon
June 7
The Rev. Anne Maxwell- Deacon
June 8
The Rev. Stephen Roberts- Deacon
The Rev. Donald White- Deacon
June 9
The Rev. Carl Cannon- Deacon
The Rev. Ralph Howe- Deacon
The Rt. Rev. Morris Thompson- Priest
June 10
Deacon Charles deGravelles- Deacon
June 11
The Rev. Margaret Austin- Deacon The Rev. Francis Daunt- Deacon The Rev. Rudolph Klass- Deacon
The Rev. Travers Koerner- Deacon The Rev. Ed Robertson- Deacon The Rev. Calvin Lane- Deacon The Rev. Donald Owens-Deacon The Rt. Rev. Robert Witcher- Priest
June 12
The Rev. Richard Moore- Deacon
The Rev. Dennis Ryan- Deacon
The Rev. Bridget Tierney- Priest
June 13
The Rev. Mary Hardy- Deacon
The Very Rev. Paul Bailey- Deacon
The Rev. Mary Ann Heine- Deacon
June 15
The Rev. Fred Devall- Deacon
June 16
Canon Shannon Manning- Deacon
The Rev. Richard Rowland- Deacon
June 17
The Rev. David Deakle- Deacon The Rt. Rev. Charles Jenkins- Deacon The Rev. Edward Thompson- Priest
The Rev. William Barnwell- Priest
The Very Rev. Mark Holland - Deacon
The Rev. Mark Gasquet- Priest
The Rev. Dan Krutz- Deacon
The Rev. Donald Muthe- Deacon
June 20
The Rev. Gedge Gayle- Deacon
June 21
The Rt. Rev. Joe Doss- Deacon
The Rev. Gene Haddock- Deacon
June 22
The Rt. Rev. James Brown- Deacon
June 23
The Rev. James Douglass- Deacon
The Rev. Howard L'Enfant- Deacon
June 24
The Rev. William Barnwell- Deacon
The Rev. David Fargo- Deacon
The Rev. Daniel Hannah- Deacon
The Rev. Rob Courtney- Priest
The Rev. Floyd Knox- Priest
The Rev. Spencer Lindsay- Deacon
The Rev. Ronald Whitmer- Deacon
June 25 The Rev. David Tilley- Deacon June 28
The Rev. Richard Hicks- Deacon The Rev. Will Hood- Deacon The Rev. Charles Wood- Deacon
June 29
The Rev. Tucker Dawson- Deacon
The Rev. Michael Kuhn- Deacon
June 30
The Rev. NelsonTennison- Priest
The Rev. Alina Williams- Priest
The Rev. William Ziegenfuss- Priest