Volume 8, Issue 2
April 11, 2014
A monthly update on the news from around the Diocese of Louisiana.
News From the Bishop's Office
Diocesan Office in Baton Rouge to Close; Changes ahead for the New Orleans Office
At the Diocesan Convention in March, Bishop Thompson announced that the Diocesan Office in Baton Rouge will close in April. He went on to say that plans are underway to relocate the New Orleans office to the property on Canal St, formerly Grace Episcopal Church. This transition will take a year or more to complete as we undertake renovations to make it serviceable as an office building and multi-use space for the churches and community. We will maintain a conference room in Baton Rouge to allow the flexibility of videoconferencing for meetings.
Please note the change in mailing address for all correspondence: Diocese of Louisiana 1623 Seventh St New Orleans, LA 70115 (504) 895-6634 |
Diocesan Staff Transitions
Jennifer HurstiusAt the beginning of March, Jennifer Hurstius began her new position as Executive Assistant to the Senior Vice President & CFO, Thom Melancon, at St. James Place in Baton Rouge. She is, however, continuing to serve as a consultant to the Diocese on all issues regarding insurance. Jennifer worked for seven years for the Diocese of Louisiana as Executive Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary. Her other duties included conducting background checks; managing health insurance for clergy and lay employees; property and casual insurance; Episcopal Community Services grants; Frances Gaudet scholarships; and the annual diocesan convention journal.
Liz ShortessAt the beginning of April, Liz Shortess began her new position as Executive Assistant to Nickie Prejean, VP of Health Services, at Spiritas in Baton Rouge. Liz worked for seven years for the Diocese as Administrative Assistant which included receptionist and clerical duties as well as handling all clergy and lay licensing and organizing the annual reports.
Thank you Jennifer and Liz for your faithful service to the Diocese of Louisiana! Best of luck in your new positions.
Recovery Ministry Eastertide Service
A Recovery Sunday is an opportunity to provide information about an illness that affects men and women of all ages, and all racial, ethnic, religious, socio-economic, and educational backgrounds. Almost 10% of people in the US struggle with addictions and most of us have a family member or friend who has been affected. If you are interested in scheduling a Recovery Sunday, feel free to use the contact information below to reach members of the ARM Commission. As you make plans for the coming Easter season, please be aware that members of the Diocesan Addictions Recovery Ministry (ARM) are available to help with planning, preparation, or speakers and to answer questions regarding a Recovery Sunday program. If you take advantage of ARM support, there do not need to be any additional demands on clergy.
The 2011 Diocesan Convention passed Resolution R-2 (see below) promoting awareness of addiction and recovery issues in the Diocese of Louisiana. The resolution suggests scheduling a Recovery during Eastertide, although any is acceptable. As you make plans for the coming Easter season, please be aware that members of the Diocesan Addictions Recovery Ministry (ARM) are available to help with planning, preparation, or speakers and to answer questions regarding a Recovery program. If you take advantage of ARM support, there do not need to be any additional demands on clergy.
If you wish, someone from your parish or from the ARM Commission can provide a personal testimony during Sunday School, or in conjunction with your sermon or announcements. Additional Recovery Sunday resources are available from the national Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church:
Resolved, that the 174th Convention of the Diocese of Louisiana instructs the clergy in charge of each congregation to designate a Sunday in Eastertide as "Recovery Sunday" in this and in each ensuing liturgical year until terminated by like resolution of this Convention; and that at every service held that day in the several parishes, missions, preaching stations and faith communities within The Diocese of the Episcopal Church of Louisiana there be an educational program addressing addiction and recovery through special presentations, personal testimonies, Sunday school classes, services based on the 12 Steps of Recovery, or other appropriate Recovery Sunday activities.
Duane Nettles to be Ordained a Transitional Deacon
By the Grace of God
The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Jr.
The Eleventh Bishop
of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
will ordain
Duane Joseph Nettles
To the Sacred Order of Deacons
in Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
Wednesday, the thirtieth of April
two thousand and fourteen
at six o'clock in the evening
Church of the Annunciation
4505 South Claiborne Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana
Your presence and prayers are requested.
Clergy: Red Stoles
Reception following
Rev. Harry Jenkins Installed as Rector of Christ Episcopal Church, Slidell On March 30, we celebrated with the people of Christ Episcopal Church, Slidell upon the installation of the Rev'd Harry Jenkins as Rector.
The Rev'd Harry & Gina Jenkins, and
Bishop Morris K. Thompson, Jr
More photos can be found here.
Rev. Kevin Kelly Fr. R. Kevin Kelly was called to St. Michael & All Angels Church, Savannah, GA. He took up the new cure at the end of March.
Ordination Anniversaries April 2014
April 1
The Rev. John Miller- Priest
April 4
The Rev. Stephen Becker - Priest
April 9
The Rt. Rev. Charles Jenkins- Priest
April 17
The Rev. Richard Banks - Deacon
April 24
The Rt. Rev. James Brown - Bishop
April 26
The Rev. David Tilley- Priest
April 29
The Rev. Spencer Lindsay- Priest
Bishop's Visitation Schedule
The Bishop's Visitation schedule is available online. Click here to view the schedule.
News From the Episcopal Church
 Presiding Bishop's Easter Message 2014
The tomb is empty, and nobody knows where the body is. Mary Magdalene tells the others about the mysterious disappearance, but they give up and go home. Mary stays behind, weeping, and then fails to recognize the risen one before her. As the days pass, each resurrected encounter begins in surprise or anonymity - the disciples fishing all night without catching, Jesus cooking breakfast on the beach, the two on their way to Emmaus. Nobody recognizes him at first sight.
Clearly the risen body is not identical to the Jesus who was crucified. People mistake him for a stranger. He enters locked rooms. He walks along the path to Emmaus for a long time without being recognized. Crucifixion, death, and resurrection result in a transformed body - with evident scars, but changed nonetheless. When he reminds others of God's banquet, meant for the whole world - when human beings are fed and watered, delivered from prison, gathered from exile across the earth, and healed and reconciled into a community of peace - his companions discover that he has once again been in their midst.
What does that resurrection reality mean for the Body of Christ of which we are part? How does the risen Body of Christ - what we often call the church - differ from the crucified one? That Body seems to be most lively when it lives closer to the reality of Good Friday and the Easter mystery. In the West, that Body has suffered a lot of dying in recent decades. It is diminished, some would say battered, increasingly punctured by apathy and taunted by cultured despisers. That body bears little resemblance to royal images of recent memory - though, like Jesus, it is being mocked. The body remembers and grieves, like the body of Israel crying in the desert, "why did you bring us out here to die?" or the crucified body who cries, "My God, why have you forsaken me," or "why have you abandoned us?" In other contexts the Body of Christ is quite literally dying and spilling its lifeblood - in Pakistan and Sudan, in Iraq and Egypt - and in those ancient words of Tertullian, the blood of martyrs is becoming the seed of the church.
The Body of Christ is rising today where it is growing less self-centered and inwardly focused, and living with its heart turned toward the cosmic and eternal, its attention focused intently on loving God and neighbor. This Body is rising to stand in solidarity with criminals sentenced to death, with widows and orphans, with the people of the land who slave over furrows and lettuce fields to feed the world. This Body can be found passing through walls and boundaries that have long been misused to keep the righteous "safe" and "pure." The Body is recognized when the hungry are fed - on the lakeshore with broiled fish, on the road to Emmaus, on street corners and city parks, in food pantries and open kitchens, in feeding neighbor nations and former enemies, and as the Body gathers once again to remember its identity and origin - Christ is risen for the sake of all creation.
Where and how will we look for the Body of Christ, risen and rising? Will we share the life of that body as an Easter people, transformed by resurrection and sent to transform the world in turn?
Christ is risen, Alleluia! Alleluia, Christ is risen indeed!
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church
News From Around the Diocese
Photos from the 177th Convention of the Diocese of Louisiana
 | Bishop Morris K. Thompson addressing the delegates of the 177th Convention of the Diocese of Louisiana. |
Follow this link to see more photos from the 177th Diocesan Convention held March 14-15 at Episcopal High, Baton Rouge:
Save the Date for the 178th Convention:
February 27-28, 2015
Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans
"Share the Vision- Shape the Mission"ECW Annual Gathering, May 2-3 at Grace Episcopal Church, Hammond
 The diocesan Episcopal Church Women are pleased to invite you to this year's Annual Gathering, which will be held at beautiful Grace Memorial Episcopal Church in Hammond, La., May 2-3, 2014. We will welcome the Rev'd Canon Missioner Mark Stevenson as our keynoter on Saturday morning and Lay Missioner Slater Armstrong on Friday evening. They will bring us informational and inspirational messages focusing on our theme, "Share the Vision - Shape the Mission," with emphasis on our Christian vision for mission both at home and abroad. We are blessed to have Bishop Morris Thompson and our new Canon to the Ordinary Shannon Manning in attendance. They will bring us news about our diocese and join us to celebrate the Festival Eucharist. Registration begins at 4 PM on Friday and the gathering will adjourn at 2:40 PM on Saturday. Click here for more information. View the schedule here.
Register today.
Cast Your Vote Today! Jericho Road Competes for a Seeds of Change Grant.
We're on a quest to grow a healthier community and need your support! Jericho Road's Faubourg Delassize Community Garden is competing to be the recipient of a $10,000 or $20,000 grant through Seeds of Change®. Community based gardening in Central City has and can continue to enhance the environmental, economic and social well-being of the community. To win we NEED YOUR VOTE!
You can vote once per day until April 21 by clicking here: www.seedsofchangegrant.com, enter our Zip Code (70115), select the Faubourg Delassize Community Garden and CAST YOUR VOTE!! Please also forward this on to your FaceBook friends as well as any other interested contacts
If you'd like a daily reminder to vote, please email info@jerichohousing.org with your request. THANK YOU for your support!!
St. Michael's Episcopal Education Center Raises Money for the SPCA The children at St. Michael's Episcopal Education Center in Mandeville saved their coins during Lent. They collected $555.63 and voted to give the money to the St. Tammany Humane Society because they want to help animals who do not have homes. The Rev. Sharon Alexander is shown presenting the donation to Dr. Lisa Johnston of the Humane Society.
Jr. and Sr. High Rally  Come Holy Spirit! Fruits of the Spirit was the theme for the recent Jr. and Sr. High Rally held March 21-23 at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center. Over 60 youth attended the weekend.
St. Matthew's Construction Update
Church steeple installed at the beginning of April.
St. Joseph Day Altar at Trinity Episcopal Church
 | Trinity Episcopal Church celebrated St. Joseph's Day in the traditional New Orleans style. |
EDOLA News is published electronically monthly by the Diocese of Louisiana. For more information contact Karen Mackey at 504-895-6634 or kmackey@edola.org
To submit news or events for the EDOLA: news@edola.org. Submissions for the monthly EDOLA News due by the 25th of each month. Submissions for the weekly EDOLA Events due by Thursday morning of each week.