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Zinn Education Project News
It's almost Constitution Day----a time when, too often, students are taught to worship rather than to think critically about this document. In his article, "It's Constitution Day! Time to Teach Obedience or History?" Zinn Education Project co-director Bill Bigelow urges teachers to consider issues of race, class, wealth, and power when we teach the Constitution.

By contrast, the Koch brothers-funded Bill of Rights Institute recently distributed materials to teachers throughout the country urging them to celebrate the Constitution as a document that proves that the founding of the United States is "truly exceptional in human history." This turns the Constitution into an icon of national chauvinism.

As Bigelow writes, "On this Constitution Day, let's encourage schools to teach outside the textbook as part of a broader curriculum of critical thinking." Continue reading.
Related Resources

Teaching Activity. By Bill Bigelow. A role play on the issues involved with the framing of the Constitution. Read more.

Rethinking the U.S. Constitutional Convention: A Role Play
Teaching Activity. By Bob Peterson. An elementary school adaptation of the Constitution Role Play. Read more.

See You at NCSS
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Teaching Outside the Textbook
in New Orleans
Visit the Zinn Education Project booth at the National Council for the Social Studies Conference in New Orleans, Nov. 13-14.
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Your CREDO Vote Raises $60K
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Zinn Education Project on the CREDO donation ballot in July. Your efforts resulted in a donation of $59,162. This funding will help us post more lessons, reach more classrooms, and convene teachers across the country.
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Fighting for Justice

Parents on Hunger Strike 
Parents are putting their lives on the line so that their community can have a quality open enrollment high school. Support the #FightforDyett by contacting your elected officials

Striking Seattle Teachers
In solidarity with the Seattle teachers strike (#SEAStrike), use these lessons and other resources to teach labor history. Watch news coverage on Democracy Now!
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