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Zinn Education Project News
Celebrating Howard Zinn's Birthday, August 24
Zinn with Fannie Lou Hamer, Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party vice-chair, in Boston, 1965.
Dear Zinn Education Project friends,
In celebration of what would have been Howard Zinn's 92nd birthday this Sunday, August 24, we revisit stories of Zinn's influence as a scholar, writer, teacher, and activist.

As educators and activists, our small acts of teaching outside the textbook, to unearth hidden histories, connect us to Howard Zinn's legacy. Zinn reminded us that,

"to live in defiance of all that is bad around us,  
is itself a marvelous victory."

Lauren Cooper
Coordinator, Zinn Education Project

Photos of Howard Zinn in this email are from the Southern voting rights struggle in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party at Atlantic City.
"As I listened to him I no longer saw myself as just a tiny part of an isolated struggle to end discrimination in Albany, Georgia."
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"He was very nonsectarian and felt small differences shouldn't keep groups from working together."
Read more.
Howard Zinn and James Baldwin at Freedom Day in Selma, Ala., Oct. 7, 1963.
Howard Zinn at 90----Lessons from the
People's Historian  
Zinn urged educators to teach a people's history: "We've never had our injustices rectified from the top, from the president or Congress, or the Supreme Court, no matter what we learned in junior high school about how we have three branches of government, and we have checks and balances, and what a lovely system. No. The changes, important changes that we've had in history, have not come from those three branches of government. They have reacted to social movements." Continue reading.
New HowardZinn.org Website

In August 2014, a new version of HowardZinn.org launched to provide greater online access to articles, interviews, and other works by and about Howard Zinn. Read more and explore.

Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Events
NCSS in Boston 
The Zinn Education Project will return to the National Council for the Social Studies in Boston from Nov. 21-23, 2014. Each year at NCSS our booth becomes a virtual coffee house for teachers to share people's history ideas, challenges, and experiences.

Please let us know if you plan to be there. If so, are you presenting? Other ideas about how to spread people's history throughout the conference in Boston?

Apply Now!
We are partnering with an exciting project, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, to offer a K-12 curriculum writing retreat.

The team behind This Changes Everything understands the central role that education will play in enlisting students in the work of exploring the roots of the climate crisis, considering possible solutions, and coming to see themselves as climate justice activists. That's where our This Changes Everything Writing Retreat comes in. Read more.
Howard Zinn Bookfair 
Saturday, Nov. 15 
The first-ever Howard Zinn Bookfair will be held on November 15th, 2014 at the Mission High School in San Francisco. Professor Robin D.G. Kelley is one of the featured speakers. Lifetime Achievement Awards will be presented to Marcus Bookstore, the nation's oldest black-owned bookstore, and Elizabeth "Betita" Mart�nez, Chicana feminist, community organizer and author. Read more at www.howardzinnbookfair.com.
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Zinn Education Project
The goal of the Zinn Education Project is to introduce students to a more accurate, complex, and engaging understanding of United States history.
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