If We Knew Our History - Zinn Education Project Monthly Column
Presented by the Zinn Education Project
A Collaboration between Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change

Author: William Loren KatzThe Forgotten Fight Against Fascism    
By William Loren Katz, author of The Lincoln Brigade: A Picture History and other 40 books

In 1935, coalitions formed the Popular Front to oppose the spread of fascism. Stills from the film The Good Fight.
In late 1944 as a high school senior I rushed off to a U.S. Navy recruiting station ready to take on world fascism. Cooler heads insisted I wait until my graduation in June. After boot camp I served in "The Pacific Theater"----Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Hawaii, Saipan, Japan, and the China Sea.

Anyone who has gone through school in the United States knows that history textbooks devote a lot of attention to the so-called "Good War": World War II.

But the texts either ignore or gloss over the fact that for almost a decade, during the earliest fascist invasions of Asia, Africa, and Europe, the Western democracies encouraged rather than fought Hitler and Mussolini, and sometimes gave them material aid. Continue reading
"The Forgotten Fight Against Fascism" is the newest article in the  
Zinn Education Project's column, If We Knew Our History,
posted on
Common Dreams and Huffington Post
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