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Zinn Education Project News
In recognition of May 1: International Workers' Day
Book: The Power In Our Hands
The Power In Our Hands Lessons Now Online

We are happy to feature 16 newly available labor lessons from the book The Power in Our Hands: Curriculum on the History of Work and Workers in the United States by Bill Bigelow and Norm Diamond.

These are role plays and writing activities that project high school students into real-life situations to explore the history and contemporary reality of employment (and unemployment) in the United States.

Lesson: The 1934 West Coast Longshore Strike
Students "become" several of the social groups who participated in the 1934 Longshore Workers Strike----some of whom had to answer the question "Which side are you on?"
Lesson: What Rights Do We Have?
This lesson teaches some of the nuts and bolts of labor unions and then moves beyond to ask students to consider what rights they have at work, and to recognize that "rights" depend in large part on what people have fought for and won.
Lesson: Modern Times
Modern Times
This lesson uses Charlie Chaplin's hilarious classic film, Modern Times, to help students think about the impact of "scientific management" on the workplace.
Lesson: Lawrence, 1912: The Singing Strike
Role play on the 1912 Bread and Roses strike in Lawrence, Mass.
Lesson: Union Maids
Activity for students to write from the point of view of one of the women featured in the film Union Maids.
View more lessons from
The Power in Our Hands

100th Anniversary of the Ludlow Massacre
April 20, 2014 marked the 100th anniversary of the Ludlow Massacre, described by Howard Zinn as "the culminating act of perhaps the most violent struggle between corporate power and laboring men in American history. This was the Colorado coal strike that began in September 1913 and culminated in the 'Ludlow Massacre' of April 1914." Here are resources to help teach about the Ludlow Massacre.
Donor Profile
Donor: Bill Fletcher Jr.
"I am donating in honor of my father, William G. Fletcher Sr., who taught me inspiring lessons about trade unionism and parenting."
---- Bill Fletcher Jr., labor, racial justice, and internationalist activist 
Zinn Education Project
The goal of the Zinn Education Project is to introduce students to a more accurate, complex, and engaging understanding of United States history.
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