Presented by the Zinn Education Project A Collaboration between Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change
A People's History of Muslims in the United States
What school textbooks and the media miss
By Alison Kysia, Zinn Education Project Program Associate
| Muslims in people's history include: Muhammed Ali b. Said, Nagi Daifallah, and Linda Sarsour. |
When I teach history related to Islam or Muslims in the United States, I begin by asking students what names they associate with these terms. The list is consistent year after year: Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, and Muhammad Ali.
All of these individuals have affected U.S. history in significant ways. If we take a step back and look at the messages these figures communicate about Muslims in U.S. history, we see a story dominated by men and by the Nation of Islam. Although important, focusing solely on these stories leaves us with a skewed view of Muslims in U.S. history. Even these examples are a stretch. Most of my students reference 9/11 as the first time they heard of Muslims. Continue reading.
"A People's History of Muslims in the United States" is the newest article in the
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---- Colleen McCormack-Maitland, public defender