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2013 Highlights

Turning the Tables on Parent Engagement

 Teaching for Change supported the participation of parents, teachers, and students at the immigrant rights
rally at the Capitol in April.


Opening Doors to Local Activist History
 We were honored to work with students in McComb, Mississippi who produced a film on the voting rights struggle in their town for a national audience.


Putting the Movement Back Into
Civil Rights Teaching
 In 2013, we highlighted 50th anniversary Civil Rights Movement stories such as Clyde Kennard's life and legacy and the hidden history of the March on Washington.


Hosting Author Events for the 
Community and Educators in D.C.
    We scheduled and hosted vital conversations in D.C. with authors such as Barbara Ransby, Dave Zirin, Jody Williams, Bob Moses, Bill Fletcher Jr., Barbara Miner, and many more.


Bringing People's History to the Classroom
    Together with Rethinking Schools, we coordinated the Zinn Education Project, bringing people's history resources
to millions of students. 


And Much More
We provided the only online collection of lessons and books for the classroom on Central America; teaching resources about Roberto Clemente; the best selection of social justice books; a Teach the Beat seminar and website on go-go; and more.


You can bring social justice to the classroom in 2014. Donate Now.