Zinn Education Project | People's History of 2013 | By Katy Swalwell

This year has been full of examples of people making history. Although newspapers and textbooks often focus on political and military leaders, the real story was with "ordinary people" in the streets who challenged injustice and worked
for good.

At the Zinn Education Project, our goal is to help teachers introduce these stories from a people's perspective. Teaching outside of the textbook and the mainstream news helps students see the roles they can play in making the world a better place. 


Here are 12 milestone events from 2013 with examples of resources we use to think about and teach the people's history. Continue reading at GOOD magazine


To You from Howard Zinn's Daughter, Myla Kabat-Zinn
On This Fifth Anniversary 
Please join me in supporting the essential work the Zinn Education Project is doing to ensure that young people have a more complete view of the history of their country----learning from the voices and experiences of ordinary people engaged in struggles and movements that have contributed to creating positive change and furthering social justice. 
As my father said: "We don't have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world."
With all best wishes,


Myla Kabat-Zinn

Zinn Education Project
The goal of the Zinn Education Project is to introduce students to a more accurate, complex, and engaging understanding of United States history.
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