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Updates from the Zinn Education Project
Show Your Opposition to Censorship----Wear a Green Feather
Green Feather Movement Sticker
Taking a page from history, the Zinn Education Project is producing Green Feather Movement buttons and stickers to protest censorship like Indiana college students did in 1953. These buttons and stickers will be distributed at the upcoming Zinn Read-Ins and the National Council for the Social Studies conference.

To request your own union-made stickers and buttons, or to contribute to their production, click here.

Read more about the Green Feather Movement
Columbus Day Resources
Columbus Resources
It's Columbus Day...Time to Break the Silence
Article. By Bill Bigelow. 2012. If We Knew Our History Series.
The attack on Mexican American Studies and Rethinking Columbus shares a common root: the attempt to silence stories that unsettle today's unequal power arrangements. Read more.
Also see: The New (and Improved?) Textbook Columbus
Are textbooks more truthful about Columbus than they were
20 years ago?
Hurrican Dancers
Fiction - Middle/High School
Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491
Non-fiction - Elementary-High School
Upcoming Conferences
Twin Cities Social Justice Education Fair
Oct. 12 - San Francisco
Teachers for Social Justice - Bay Area

Oct. 18 - Minneapolis
National Association of Multicultural Education Conference
Oct. 19 - Seattle 
Northwest Teachers for Social Justice
Nov. 6-10 - Oakland, CA

National Council for the Social Studies Conference
 Creating Balance in an Unjust World Conference on Math Education and Social Justice
Nov. 22-24 - St. Louis, MO
Come meet us at Booth #521
Jan. 17-19, 2014 - Los Angeles

New at the Zinn Education Project Website
Rethinking Schools magaine - Fall 2013 issue
'Of Mice and Marginalization'
Fall 2013 issue of Rethinking Schools magazine 
Revolution; The Top Censored Stories and Media Analysis of 2012-13 Lawrence and the 1912 Bread and Roses Strike
Student Activity
Portrait of an Activist
Invite Your Students to Become Textbook Detectives
Ask them to send us what their history and/or science textbooks say (or don't say) about coal. We need examples from around the country. Read why and how you can help.

Judy Bonds, Environmental Activist
Americans Who Tell the Truth

"Three and one-half million pounds of explosives are being used every day to blow up the mountains. Blasting our communities, blasting our homes... I don't mind being poor. I mind being blasted and poisoned. There ARE no jobs on a dead planet." Read more.
Why I Support the Zinn Education Project
Donor David Colapinto
"Reading Howard Zinn's books and attending his lectures when I was in college greatly influenced and provided me with the perspective and understanding to pursue a career as an attorney representing whistleblowers.

"I hope that others who have been inspired by Howard Zinn will give what they can to this project so you are able to reach many, many more teachers and students in the coming year." ----David K. Colapinto, General counsel for the National Whistleblowers Center
©  2013 The Zinn Education Project, a collaboration of Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change.   

Zinn Education Project
The goal of the Zinn Education Project is to introduce students to a more accurate, complex, and engaging understanding of United States history.
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