If We Knew Our History - Zinn Education Project Monthly Column
Presented by the Zinn Education Project
A Collaboration between Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change

Bill Fletcher Claiming and Teaching the 1963 March on Washington 
By Bill Fletcher Jr.
Author of 'They're Bankrupting Us!' And 20 Other Myths about Unions

March on Washington marchers On this 50th anniversary of the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, it is barely remembered that the March on Washington was for freedom and jobs.
In fact, The Americans, a high school history text by publishing giant Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, tells students that the march was called simply "to persuade Congress to pass the [1963 civil rights] bill." In reality, the demand for jobs was not a throwaway line designed to get trade union support. Instead it reflected the growing economic crisis affecting black workers.

We can all do justice to this anniversary by asking the right questions and providing the actual historical context in which the 1963 March unfolded. More so, we can also offer, as Rustin asked the marchers in 1963, our "personal commitment to the struggle for jobs and freedom for Americans. . .and the achievement of social peace through social justice. How do you pledge?"
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"Claiming and Teaching the 1963 March on Washington" is the newest article in the  
Zinn Education Project's column called If We Knew Our History, posted on  
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Related resources at the Zinn Education Project website 

Teaching Activity. Text of speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the Vietnam War, followed by three teaching ideas.

Putting the Movement Back Into Civil Rights Teaching
Teaching Guide. Edited by Deborah Menkart, Alana D. Murray, and Jenice L. View. Lessons and articles that go beyond a heroes approach to the Civil Rights Movement.
Birthday Tribute to Howard Zinn,
Our Favorite Teacher
In celebration of what would have been Howard Zinn's 91st birthday this Saturday, August 24, we are thrilled to share this collection of personal remembrances from Zinn's students at Spelman College in Atlanta and Boston University.

Our Favorite Teacher -- Submit your story
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©  2013 The Zinn Education Project, a collaboration of Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change.  
Zinn Education Project
The goal of the Zinn Education Project is to introduce students to a more accurate, complex, and engaging understanding of United States history.
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