Welcome Church Family to eHomily!

eHomily  by Pastor Ron...

  Pastor Ron Harvey




Hey, I've got a couple of questions for you:


1) How important is your perspective in life? 

2) Do you think a person's outlook makes a difference in the outcome?


Personally, I think so.  I think it is hugely important.   


Many people go through life with low expectations and they are not disappointed! They are like Charlie Brown in the old Peanuts cartoon strip at the beginning of a baseball season.  He was approaching the new season with low expectations.  Linus said, "Remember, Charlie Brown, you win some and you lose some."  Charlie responded, "That would be nice."


If the truth be known, life is filled with wins and losses.  We all have our victories and defeats.  The key is to never lose hope in the One who is in charge and who determines your finish in life.  The Psalmist said, "Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and God" (Psalm 42:5).


Last Sunday, in Psalm 42, we looked at 3 reasons for hope for the Christian: 

  • God is with us

  • God is watching over us

  • God is working in us

If we remind ourselves of these truths in turbulent, dark days it will give us the light to navigate through the rough waters and onto the smooth seas.  All of this is necessary to allow us to put our hope in God.  This perspective of hope, in turn, will change the way we approach our world and live out our days.  Remember this: The way you view life makes all the difference in what you do in life. So view life with hope in God and with confident expectations of God. 



This Sunday I am going to teach from Psalm 43 on how to deal with hopeless feelings.  God's word gives us the answer and it is found in God's promises.  So I hope to see you there-


Have a Great Day,

Pastor Ron

Sundays at First Baptist Pompano 

 9:30 am 

Classic Worship Service


Infant Care & Preschool Sunday School (Opens at 9:15 am)


JumpStart Children's Sunday School

     (children can arrive as early as 9:00 am for supervised activities)


Middle & High School Breakfast & Bible Study





11:00 am

Contemporary Worship Service


K.I.D.Z Church (Children can arrive at 10:45 am for snack time)


A variety of Adult Bible Study Groups meet at 9:30 & 11:00 am, 
stop by the Welcome Desk to find a group that is just right for you.