"Manners are a sensitive awareness to the feelings of others.
If you have that awareness, it doesn't matter what fork you use."

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Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning have launched their new Awesome Etiquette podcast!

In their podcast, the two cover etiquette in their lives, delve into historical and traditional aspects of etiquette and salute individuals and organizations who are shining examples of good etiquette. Tune in to hear what they've got to say!


Q When you're dining out (or at a dinner party), there's a certain way to set your silverware when you're done eating. Can you guess which is correct?

A If you chose B, you're right. The 4:20 position (as on a clock) not only signals your server that you have finished your course, but also makes it easier for him to remove your plate and utensils. Option A is the universal "resting" position: Placing your knife and fork so their tips meet near the center to form an inverted "V" indicates "I'm still eating."


But here's one major dining-out don't: It's unsanitary to set used utensils on the table (plus, you risk staining table linens). If your server clears a course and asks you to hold on to your fork and knife, you can request fresh ones or rest used silverware on a butter plate or paper napkin.

GH new logo
Read more of Peggy's advice each month in Good Housekeeping.  


Read Peggy Post's thoughts on today's most nuanced wedding dilemmas in the archive of her New York Times column.


Lizzie Post and Daniel Post
Senning are monthly guests on
The Dinner Party Download
a weekly culture and arts shows hosted by Rico Gagliano and Brendan Newnam, and produced
You can listen to the whole
show, or scroll down to pick and choose segments.

To see previous episodes, check out The Dinner Party Download.

Read Peter Post's blog
Etiquette at Work.

Peter gives advice on ordering and  selecting wine at a business dinner.

Digital Manners no Dan head

Problem with a co-worker?

Spring is definitely in the air here in Vermont, and that means we are gearing up for our Train the Trainer programs at the end of April. Manuals are being printed and event arrangements are being made. We are getting excited to meet our new trainees!


Peter is preparing more Etiquette Bites, so please send us any ideas or topics you'd like to learn about. Lizzie just filmed season two of the web series Awkward Moments. We will keep you posted on when it's available to view. Anna continues to update our Wedding Etiquette for Professionals program, which we are so pleased to be offering again. Dan was fortunate enough to get to record in studio in Los Angeles with Rico Gagliano of the Dinner Party Download for their next episode. And Peggy is looking forward to another book signing next week! 


We hope you've been well since our last newsletter and remember: We want to hear from you! What are your thoughts? Are there articles you've really enjoyed or topics you'd like us to cover? Let us know at newsletter@emilypost.com.  

ANNOUNCEMENT: We are hiring!

We are hiring a part-time Director of Finance in our Burlington, Vermont, office. Learn more, including how to apply, at our LinkedIn job posting.

Emily Post's Wedding Etiquette
for Professionals!

This one-day intensive program will take place on Saturday, May 2, 2015, following the week of Business and Children's Etiquette Train the Trainer courses in Burlington, Vermont. Peggy Post and Anna Post will guide you through the core points of wedding etiquette, as well as discuss how and when to help couples depart from tradition in a meaningful way.

Topics will include engagements and initial planning; tricky family situations; budgets, hosting responsibilities, and guest lists; family and wedding party roles; planning timelines; invitations and pre-wedding parties; gifts and thank-yous; day-of planning and considerations; and working with vendors. Breakfast and lunch are included.

Participants will leave with a PowerPoint presentation to give their own wedding talks, a complete set of Emily Post wedding books, and a certificate of completion (a digital seal is also included).

Cost: $1,000

To register or for more information, please contact Steven Puettner at 802-860-1814 or steven@emilypost.com. We hope you will join us!


Between all of our Facebook posts, tweets, and Instagrams, we sometimes forget that our actions and interactions online reflect on us. Once something is posted, it is out there for the world to see, not just a few close friends. Focus on building a positive image of yourself with everyone who looks at you online.


Privacy, Please

One of the things we most often forget is that very few things are actually private online. Once something is posted, it is very hard to retract. While privacy settings can help, they cannot always protect us from editing and deleting. Posts in the online world are both public and usually permanent, so be cautious of what is being put out there about you for everyone to see.


Criticize Wisely

Think twice and consider the individual's feelings before offering criticism online. Criticism is best given and received in private, something the online world doesn't provide. Likewise, when facial expressions or tone of voice are taken away, criticism delivered in writing can be quickly misinterpreted.


"I'm Judging You"

Whenever something is published online, those who receive the message will see the post and form opinions. It is the nature of this type of communication. But what is more important is taking control of what these judgments are and trying to shape your message or image appropriately. Their opinion of your opinion might be very different than your opinion of your opinion.


Your Online Image

Your individual comments and posts are your responsibility, as well as the comments which include you and images other people share of you. Regularly monitor posts and comments you are mentioned or tagged in. If you are tagged in something that you object to, either untag it yourself or contact the user who posted it and ask that it be removed or deleted.


Make it a goal to strive to create an online image that is a positive representation of you as a person and that you would be proud for others to see.


For more information on social networking, check out Emily Post's The Etiquette Advantage in Business, 3rd Edition or visit www.emilypost.com.

Before sending your invitation proofs to be printed, review the following and avoid any possible mistakes.


Check, double check, and have someone else look over the wording on the invitation. This includes assuring that spelling of names and reception and ceremony locations are correct, as well as the date and time.  


Forget the gifts. Avoid including any information regarding gift registries, or even the suggestion of a "No gifts, please." The purpose of the invitation is to focus on inviting the individual, not implying that a gift is necessary. To spread information about registries, include the information on your wedding website or ask family members to spread the word.


Instead of writing "Adults Only," or "No Children," only write the names of the parents on the outer and inner envelope (if you are using one).


Information about attire is never added to the invitation to the ceremony unless the ceremony and reception invitations are combined. If the reception is more formal, say black tie, include that on the bottom right corner of the reception invitation.


Menu choices, such as chicken or vegetarian, may be listed on the reply card, but don't reference alcohol services.


Plan ahead to hand-write or hire a calligrapher to address your invitations. Avoid stick-on labels, as they are far too impersonal for such an important and special event.


Before mailing, take your entire invitation package to the post office and have it weighed and the postage calculated. You can also order the stamps you like if your post office doesn't have them in stock.


Finally, once everything is reviewed, pop your invitations in the mailbox and let the rest of the planning continue! 


In many parts of the country we are still experiencing cold days, meaning less time exercising outdoors and more time spent at the gym. When working out in close quarters with others, following some fitness center etiquette guidelines can make your routine more pleasant.


-When you're finished using a machine or equipment, use a towel or disinfectant spray to wipe it down.  


-When all of the treadmills or cardio machines are taken, limit your time so others are able to use the machine. If your gym has time limits, honor them.


-Treat personal training sessions and group classes as meetings for yourself and arrive on time.

-Be odor aware: Arrive clean, apply deodorant and skip the perfume or cologne. Sweat will magnify the aroma at even the lightest of scents.  


-Keep talking and flirting to a minimum. A quick "hello" is okay, but if a fellow gym-goer isn't into having a conversation, remember that you are disrupting their routine.


 -If someone wants to use the same weight machine as you, offer to rotate sets so you both can continue your workout.


-Store your belongings in a locker or on a coat rack or in a cubby. Do your part to clean up after yourself in the locker rooms, and dispose of any used towels in the receptacles provided.


For more information on fitness center etiquette, check out Emily Post's Etiquette 18th Edition or visit www.emilypost.com. 
ETIQUETTE BITES |Business Dining Conversation  
Peter Post talks about the most important thing to do at a business dinner.

The Awesome Etiquette podcast, hosted by Dan and Lizzie is looking to hear from you! So don't be shy. Send in your etiquette questions, awesome etiquette salutes, etiquette confessions, or any suggested topics you'd like to hear about on the podcast to awesomeetiquette@emilypost.com. You can also post questions to our Facebook or Twitter page using #AwesomeEtiquette so we know you want your question answered on the show!

And don't forget to subscribe via iTunes - IT'S FREE!

Awesome Etiquette is a part of The Infinite Guest Network from American Public Media.


IDEAS ON PINTEREST | Visit our boards. Get inspired.

 Searching for some quick ways to update the look around your house this spring? Check out our Pinterest boards to get inspired! 


To see more news stories with Post advice, visit our newsroom.

Please visit our contact page to reach us, or you can find us on Facebook and Twitter. We love hearing from you, so please feel free to post to our social media and join in the conversation. We may not always be able to respond, but we read every question and comment. From our family to yours we hope you have a wonderful March! As always, thank you for your continued interest in etiquette and The Emily Post Institute.      


The Posts