ATTACK, MMA Fitness DVD Workouts Featuring SMWW Instructor, Scott McKendry
![]( | Scott McKendry | MMA Management instructor, Scott McKendry is an expert on more than just the business side of MMA. He's also a professional MMA trainer and now you can access his training expertise through his new MMA fitness program, ATTACK.
ATTACK your fitness like a champion while learning real Mixed Martial Arts fighting skills. Master the Striking Number System with the 10-Day Jumpstart workouts as you sweat through Total Body Attack, Powerhouse Punches, Strike Circuit, and Killer 100s.
Brought to you by WeiderŪ, ATTACK features world-class MMA trainer Scott McKendry, who puts some of the best MMA fighters in the world through the same workouts you will experience in the ATTACK DVD workouts. ATTACK these high intensity resistance workouts and train like a professional MMA fighter. Visit to order your WeiderŪ ATTACK system today. ![]( If you are interested in a career in MMA Management, SMWW & Scott McKendry can help. Register for the MMA Management Course today! |
MMA Management Course
Learn from the experts!
![New SMWW Globe Logo]( The Mixed Martial Arts Management Course is an 8 week online course that offers cutting edge theories on how to develop a career in one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Taught by MMA industry leader Matt Lindland and Team Quest, The Mixed Martial Arts Course will give you the insight and knowledge needed to further your business career in MMA Management.
Watch and Learn about the MMA Management Course: YouTube: MMA Management Course Overview
Don't wait to get your dream career started! The next MMA Course begins November 4th.