The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Newsletter
Newsletter No. 32. 2015        

August 10, 2015

New Articles
Is the Asia-Pacific Journal the most widely read journal in Asian Studies? Or only the most widely discussed?
We hope this is a product of the high quality of the work. But it's also important that we are able to maintain the journal free to all.
We ask your help to assure that we can continue to do so, but also to allow us to accomplish a major overhaul of the site and a handsome new web design.
To do this, we need the support of many sustainers. And though we'll not be turning to the Koch Brothers for support, it depends not only on the many $25 contributions, but also in part on people able to provide $100 to $1000 contributions. By Paypal or credit card at our home page under Subscribe.

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